We are all connected somehow.


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Jan 21, 2005
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Golden Thread
After reading a post from free to detect.( Dreaming about detecting)
it hit me.
We the detecting community are all too much alike.
once you get the bitten by the bug It never stops itching.
I go to sleep and dream about detecting often even after 4 years.
I look at the forcast often to see when its good enough to go out.
While watching TV I see places I'd like to detect
and when I see a history program I daydream about detecting there.
I love history more in the last four years of detecting than I ever did before.
I feel a sense of loss when I find an old coin and imagine how that effected the person who lost it so many years ago.
I feel glad and sad at the same time.
the time I found my 50 cent 1909 coin it made me think about the person who lost a days wages.
So all my finds are spacial to me.
the passion that we all feel with this hobby is a strong bond shared by few,and I am privileged to be a part of such a group of people.
I have meet some people that don't know me from a hole in their wall Invite me to stay at their place to go and be part of them on their hunt for the lost treasure. Just amazes me. I open all my hunting spots to anyone willing to go on the adventure with me, and love seeing them discover relics from our past. I don't think Dam I wish I got it. I just think its great to see it come out of the ground to be preserved instead of rotting in the ground ( As the Archies Would perfer )
I know many of you feel the same way just by reading the forums and its great.


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Thanks onion for the complement

After reading free to detects post on Does anyone dream about detecting.
It Dawned on me (Wow I am not as Crazy about detecting as I thought)
I do dream about detecting so I felt a connection to the detecting Community.
I'm not totally obsessed by this hobby but feel a strong devotion to it.
My kids come fist and any spare time when im not with them I will go out detecting.
I have had many hobbies in the past But this one seems to never fade.
I have meet a great group of guys Who love this pastime and we hunt together often ( night hunts )
better for their wives and Kids. I will be Going to kingston Ont to hunt with a fella I met on the Canadian forum this spring.
and this comming weekend A hunting Buddy and I are going to Kentucky to do some detecting.
What an adventure.


I am from mississauga ontario (near toronto )

I think people are three types:
1: Those who look down or back.
2: Those who look inside, at now (the most rare of people)
3: Those who look up or ahead.

All of my hobbies and interests make me the first type of person, and I think most people into metal detecting are the same. History, gardening, metal detecting...everything I do has to do with down or back. Most of us either live in the past, or are looking ahead at what could be, but very few of us can exist in the NOW. I think those are the people who sit cross-legged a lot and say OHM over and over.

Don't think i could have said it better myself. You have a way with words. Bravo

Nothing beats the thrill of the hunt. I think your right were too much alike but don't tell anyone or they'll send the men with the butterfly nets again. ;)

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