Washing up at Camp

We remote camp at our claim for a week or more at a time, so a shower sometime during the week is a must for me. I bought a new bug spray tank and a kitchen sink sprayer, and now have a pressurized shower. I fill it half with hot water off the stove and half out of a water jug. Feels great.



joanne, wow great idea i like it. thanks

I didn't realize that the Forum had a camping section. This is way kewl!

I am ex military, 24 years, who did the military type of camping off and on for half that time. Showering was always a problem. Sometimes we would go a week without a way to get clean, except for filling our combat helmet shell with water and taking a sponge bath.

I am now gratefully retired, and trying to do more and more trips out to the gold mining site. The problem is that this is a desert placer, and you can get plenty dirty doing the activity. I am like the other ladies, needing a way to get clean. After some difficulties with a vendor, I finally found one that could ship me a shower tent, that also has a 5 gallon solar heated shower bag. The problem is just how do you manage such a weighty thing?

I like the metal can thing, but I never light wood fires. We have problems with the area being very dry, and believe it or not, just because it is the desert, that does not mean there isn't plant life there. It is a prime wildfire area, so the last suggestion, a bug sprayer with some kind of shower/sink sprayer seems to be a really good option. A suggestion for this would be to find one that is made of a darker plastic, either orange or if possible, black. That way you can leave it in the sun, and it should heat up the water inside. The only other thing you might need for your shower tent would be a plastic stool to sit on while you wash and spray yourself off. I am kind of tall, and the hose probably would not reach the top of me standing. Yes, I've been called a tree by some. Nothing like being taller than some men. :laughing7:

After all that, I definitely agree that a place and way to get clean is a must. The problem is toting all the water needed for a week of camping. You need water to clean up your pots and pans, etc, water to clean yourself, water to drink, and of course, water to do your panning. That equates to lots of water. Right now I have enough containers for 32 gallons. I usually take a gallon of store bought water for drinking, per day, per person. I am guessing that water is probably the bulkiest and weightiest item you tote along on a camping trip.

Thanks for the showering ideas. I definitely need to search for that bug sprayer setup. CaleyAnn

When camping in the mts. (adirondacks) first thing in the morning after coffee is a jump in the lake. Don't care how cold the water is (and sometimes it's dang cold!) just jump in and wash up. After a few minutes you get used to it and stop shaking. Also at night after a few cocktails sometimes jump in again. Nothing like floating around in the dark water listening to the coyotes and looking up at the stars. Also, where we camp swimsuits are optional..just watch out for the big northern pike.


Barracudas of New England.

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