Now actual locations of places and names were used in the development of the Beale story as a literary device building up to the "letters" revealing the treasure story, but according to the story, this "unknown author" was the only person to see these letters and the iron box, as he presented Ward( not mentioned by name in the story, neither was Anzoletta Saunders) as his chosen "agent" a finished manuscript for publication.
Much of the storyline can be attributed to actual events of members of the Risqué/Ward extended family bloodline that were adapted to create the Beale storyline, but when one attempts to research this "Thomas J Beale" and the perilous adventure treasure story, the research is always the speculation supposition of could be, maybe derived from the events of others of that time period-never any direct definitive hard evidence than even in the slightest can confirm that the pamphlets "Thomas J Beale" character ever existed outside of the imagination of this alleged "unknown author".
While the names of actual persons were used in support the believability of the Beale character, researching their lives, where they lived, etc, does not prove the story true or "solve the mystery", but an futile exercise of wishfully hoping that the Beale tale is true and the fabulous treasure vault exists.
...But the TOTAL lack of even a minute piece of evidence or proof that can confirm anything contain in the action and events of the Beale story narrative outside of the 1885 job print pamphlet tacitly proves that there was really never a mystery to solve- THE BEALE PAPERS was a period dime novel adventure treasure story with play along ciphers included as a parlor entertainment.