Elaborate on these issues that you have with landowners and government entities and why you have been unable to resolve them.

Your bigger problem is that ALL assets of the CSA became the property of the US Federal government as terms of the surrender.
Either these depositories have been recovered, or the Federal government does not believe in their existence.
Now, to the best of my knowledge, even with "the 2nd year of the Confederate War" mentioned in the Beale Papers, the alleged Beale treasure in the dime novel is NOT a CSA or KGC treasure.
That is a candle that should not meet a burning match. :wink:

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... I have much to add to the discussion of Beale...
Please let it be more than promoting "Legrand's" red knee tarantula that relates to Poe's GOLD BUG that leads to a mansion in Philadelphia forced fitted theory that has nothing whatsoever to do with James Beverly Ward, Virginia or the Beale narrative in the 1885 BEALE PAPERS that was only sold in Lynchburg ,Virginia.
Why would a veteran of the Confederate War spend his time and money to copyright and publish a dime novel pamphlet treasure story based in Virginia but hides a backwards cipher clue that the treasure is really in a Yankee Philadelphia mansion.
REALLY! :laughing7:

Now actual locations of places and names were used in the development of the Beale story as a literary device building up to the "letters" revealing the treasure story, but according to the story, this "unknown author" was the only person to see these letters and the iron box, as he presented Ward( not mentioned by name in the story, neither was Anzoletta Saunders) as his chosen "agent" a finished manuscript for publication.

Much of the storyline can be attributed to actual events of members of the Risqué/Ward extended family bloodline that were adapted to create the Beale storyline, but when one attempts to research this "Thomas J Beale" and the perilous adventure treasure story, the research is always the speculation supposition of could be, maybe derived from the events of others of that time period-never any direct definitive hard evidence than even in the slightest can confirm that the pamphlets "Thomas J Beale" character ever existed outside of the imagination of this alleged "unknown author".
While the names of actual persons were used in support the believability of the Beale character, researching their lives, where they lived, etc, does not prove the story true or "solve the mystery", but an futile exercise of wishfully hoping that the Beale tale is true and the fabulous treasure vault exists.

...But the TOTAL lack of even a minute piece of evidence or proof that can confirm anything contain in the action and events of the Beale story narrative outside of the 1885 job print pamphlet tacitly proves that there was really never a mystery to solve- THE BEALE PAPERS was a period dime novel adventure treasure story with play along ciphers included as a parlor entertainment.

It is this TOTAL LACK of any actual evidence outside of the Beale Papers dime novel that enables the creation of all these unrelated theories to the people involved, locations, or even the Beale narrative story like "Legrand's" promoted Philadelphia mansion red knee tarantula speculation by way of Poe faking his death so he could work with Jules Verne in France, while leaving behind an unfinished copy of "GRAND DIDDLE" with Rosalie and Muddy who in dire need of money sold it to Charles W Button, and so on.
This is not lore or legend respun by "Legrand", but pure fiction woven from an older cloth of fiction.

"Legrand's" promoted Philadelphia mansion red knee tarantula speculation by way of Poe faking his death so he could work with Jules Verne in France, while leaving behind an unfinished copy of "GRAND DIDDLE" with Rosalie and Muddy who in dire need of money sold it to Charles W Button, and so on."

It seems to me, from what you write above, that legrand has developed a truth investigated from hearty research (apparently); apparently he/she has made up the truth with this (your quote) microcosmic part of an apparent whole - or the macrocosm - a whole that perhaps will be displayed at some time yet to come? I don't know, it just seems this way. You do know that investigated cases are built from pieces stacked or connected together to form a whole - the truth that can be litigated and then proven? A negative nature is not what propels a good investigator. It will stop her/him precisely in their tracks.

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"Legrand's" promoted Philadelphia mansion red knee tarantula speculation by way of Poe faking his death so he could work with Jules Verne in France, while leaving behind an unfinished copy of "GRAND DIDDLE" with Rosalie and Muddy who in dire need of money sold it to Charles W Button, and so on."

It seems to me, from what you write above, that legrand has developed a truth investigated from hearty research (apparently); apparently he/she has made up the truth with this (your quote) microcosmic part of an apparent whole - or the macrocosm - a whole that perhaps will be displayed at some time yet to come? I don't know, it just seems this way. You do know that investigated cases are built from pieces stacked or connected together to form a whole - the truth that can be litigated and then proven? A negative nature is not what propels a good investigator. It will stop her/him precisely in their tracks.

Once again, I would pursue the same path that legrand has from the writings you've provided. The suggestion that Poe has influenced the Beale Papers seems apparent to me; that is, enough to pursue an investigative vector.

x2 :sign10:
As I have discussed many times over, Poe's GOLD BUG and his article on "secret writing" was used as an influence as well as a multitude of other sources and "Risqué family" events by the "unknown author" in creating the Beale perilous adventure treasure narrative story and ciphers in the dime novel pamphlet.
PS: If you read the BEALE PAPERS, you would be aware that it is about an iron box with ciphers left in the care of a hotelier in Lynchburg, Virginia about a "treasure" buried in a constructed "vault" in Bedford county, with no mention of red knee tarantulas or of mansions in Philadelphia or Pennsylvania. :thumbsup:

PSS: Why do you keep referring to "Legrand" as "he/she", especially after posting the video from Meltzer's program- so you clearly know who he is? :icon_scratch:

Trying to protect his own identity?

... A negative nature is not what propels a good investigator.
It will stop her/him precisely in their tracks.
Neither is promoting fantastic imaginative speculation as fact based on one's perceived personal belief expectations.

Once again, I would pursue the same path that legrand has ...
Considering that you and "Legrand" are the same person that is an easy walk for you. :laughing7:
Will you try asking for tax free "gift" investments for a 10% share of the recovered Beale treasure again?

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Considering that you and "Legrand" are the same person that is an easy walk for you. :laughing7:
Will you try asking for tax free "gift" investments for a 10% share of the recovered Beale treasure again?

... You do know that investigated cases are built from pieces stacked or connected together to form a whole - the truth that can be litigated and then proven? ...
It will stop her/him precisely in their tracks.
Yes, it will, and it did. :thumbsup:

Those who knew the worth of the candle:
James Beverly Ward, of course
Harriet Emmaline Otey Ward
John William Sherman
Max Guggenheimer
Charles W Button
Vincent A Witcher
Rowland D Buford
Margaret L Buford
Ann Buford Hall
...all were contemporaries of the 1885 BEALE PAPERS publishing and sale, some directly involved, others involved after it was placed on sale due to a family name mentioned to create plausibility of the presented narrative.

So no, how many pamphlets were sold? This number did appear about the time of 1900’s.

Why would the number of pamphlets sold, matter?
Who do you allege counted and posted this number?

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