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I have studied this operation for weeks and I have not found any Dr. that used a scalpel during this common procedure. Not even the worst failure resulted in "CUTTING THE CAROTID ARTERY OR THROAT OF THE PATIENTS"

Ben Ficklin managed to maintain U.S. Mail contracts long after the Civil War. He was in Washington D.C. when he supposedly choked on a fish bone while dining in in a D.C. restaurant. (POISONED? ...THAT MAN IS CHOKING!) A FEW Days later the news was that he died because a surgeon had accidentally cut his throat while trying to remove a fish bone..:unhappysmiley:..Perhaps the Pinkertons or the Secret Service whacked him or maybe it was the O.A.K. that tied up a loose end???????:dontknow:


Lincoln's cabinet had more than one K.G.C. member in it. Considering they met in the white-house kitchen (because it was the warmest room in the house) the president was an arms reach form the Knights at all times. If he had an idea....the K.G.C. knew about it immediately. However, it would not help the South win the war.
Thanks for your input, L.C. Baker

Orville Hickman Browning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The irony is that the key to convicting Lincoln's assassins was tucked away in the Lincoln Library in Springfield all of this time.

This will be my last entry on this thread.....or maybe not LOL

L.C. Baker

orville browning 001.webp orville browning 002.webp

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P. 19; "and accomplices of BEALE, who was recently hung in New York"... BEALE CLUE! CSA, "in the second year of the CONFEDERATE WAR"...

P. 19; "and accomplices of BEALE, who was recently hung in New York"... BEALE CLUE! CSA, "in the second year of the CONFEDERATE WAR"...

Browning was his attorney who was approached by the friends of Beale to defend him just like the Lincoln conspirators that were hung. Browning had a knack for getting you off or making sure you couldn't talk. The point here is that he was the first to point the finger at those men for killing Lincoln. ..to cover up his own guilt. If you were to read on in this unpublished half of his diary you would see that he approached Thurlow Weed very soon after.


Browning was his attorney who was approached by the friends of Beale to defend him just like the Lincoln conspirators that were hung. Browning had a knack for getting you off or making sure you couldn't talk. The point here is that he was the first to point the finger at those men for killing Lincoln. ..to cover up his own guilt. If you were to read on in this unpublished half of his diary you would see that he approached Thurlow Weed very soon after.



Thurlow Weed was the biggest shaper of opinions at that time in New York City and the east coast for that matter. I would venture to say Browning wanted his assistance.


Thurlow Weed was the biggest shaper of opinions at that time in New York City and the east coast for that matter. I would venture to say Browning wanted his assistance.


OK... PROBABLY O.A.K.; dunno.

Thurlow Weed was also an adviser to William Seward unofficial envoy to France Arch Bishop Hughes, Bishop Mcllvaine, and General Winfield Scott. He was at his best when Beall was hung. President Lincoln's friend Orville H. Browning and other influential Northerners sought the commutation of the death sentence of Confederate Captain John Y Beall, a Confederate privateer who had wrecked havoc on the Great Lakes. Lincoln biographer Carl Sandburg wrote: "Over and again Lincoln and Major General John A. Dix, commanding the Department of the East, gave the same answers. Lincoln saying, General Dix may dispose of the case as he pleases — I will not interfere!' General Dix saying, 'All now rests with the President as far as my action rests there is not a gleam of hope." Beale was executed on February 24, 1865.

Lincoln an the U.S. Government feared the mighty press!

In May 1864 Dix was called upon to respond to the publication in the New York World and the New York Journal of Commerce of a phoney presidential proclamation designed to scare the gold markets and reap a quick profit for its authors. President Lincoln ordered General Dix:
Whereas, there has been wickedly and traitorously printed and published this morning, in the "New York World" and New York 'Journal of Commerce' newspapers printed and published in the city of New York,—a false and spurious proclamation, purporting to be signed by the President, and to be countersigned by the Secretary of State, which publication is of a treasonable nature, designed to give aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States, and to the rebels now at war against the Government, and their aiders and abettors: you are therefore hereby commanded forthwith to arrest and imprison in any fort or military prison in your command, the editors, proprietors and published of the aforesaid newspapers, and all such persons as, after public notice has been given of the falsehood of said publication, print and publish the same, with intent to give aid and comfort to the enemy;—and you will hold the persons so arrested, in close custody, until they can be brought to trial before a military commission, for their offense. You will also take possession by military force, of the printing establishments of the 'New York World' and 'Journal of Commerce,' and hold the same until further order, and prevent any further publication therefrom.


I think Booths flight shows he was a lone wolf and the fact he had to read the paper to get information shows all to well he was on his own or at least with a few friends that weren't to smart or connected . And if Lincoln had Booths "friend" put to death for being a spy dont you think it makes sense that he would have suspected Booth also? The fact no one did shows he was a great player in his own mind only. To think that 2 million dollars was used to fund a group in Canada is almost laughable, maybe 1500 dollars sounds right but that's about it. I believe this group also tried to burn down New York and failed. Another badly planned attack from a group of want to be importants. And maybe that note book contained things like appointment times and people Booth met with and they didn't want the public to know that Booth had met with lots of politicians before the assassination. That doesn't mean they planned anything. They just didnt want to be embarrassed and ridiculed for eating dinner with a killer. There were lots of rich people in the south and I'm sure they had businesses that went on for years but that doesn't mean the president of the company was working with a secret organization. My bet is that he was sympathetic to the south but that's it. That is a long way from secret societies and hiding cash and killing people. In all these years not one thread of evidence has been produced. Not one. I'm sorry but it just doesn't add up.

I keep seeing Booth being the leader of this motley group of drop outs and loosers that follow this want to be hero blindly not being smart enough to realize the true danger or worse yet not caring because they finally feel important . I think Booth was in charge of his little group and that's it.

I will keep this brief, and I want you to know I respect your opinion applecrack.

"I think Booths flight shows he was a lone wolf"

Booth was assisted with the assassination before he even entered the theater, the first time was when he was given the coast is clear by Lincoln's body guard that night Parker when he appeared with the coachman in the bar across the street where Booth was having a shot of liquid courage. From that point his horse was held for him at the ready by the back door by "peanut" he had the scenery to escape behind that was stored on the side wall and pulled out making a path for him to run behind it provided by Mr. Spangler. he had been allowed to enter earlier that day to make a hole in the wall to peek through...which also eludes to the fact that he knew at the time he was making the hole there was not going to be a guard outside to see him peeking through the hole. This was all just inside the theater, to imagine that Booth had no help along a pre-planned escape rout is ludicrous considering the city was on high alert that night and all bridges across the river had guards, But even the hard evidence is clouded with misinformation too so it is hard to see the truth. A letter written by Frank Ford (son of Harry Clay Ford, the theatre’s treasurer) denounced this idea. Frank stated that his father ordered the hole to be bored into the door so that the President’s guard, and others employed in their duties for the government or theatre, could look in on the President and his party instead of barging in straight away and disturbing them. Frank quotes his father as saying, “John Booth had too much to do that day other than to go around boring holes in theatre doors.” However, a period statement from Harry Ford has him saying, “Did not notice a hole in the door or in the wall. Did not take particular notice of the wall or door however.” So the mystery regarding the hole remains. I say there is no mystery, the hole was put there for a reason and it existed that night and to this day. The fact that this claim was made in the above letter by Ford sounds like some excuses made by the Fords to protect themselves from suspicion of being accomplices in the assassination of President Lincoln. After all there was already proof that Booth was at Ford's theater making preparations earlier in the day. Ford was the manager of this highly successful theater at the time of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. He was a good friend of Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth, a famous actor. Ford drew further suspicion upon himself by being in Richmond, Virginia, at the time of the assassination on 14 April 1865. Up until April 2, 1865, Richmond had been the capital of the just defeated Confederate States of America and a center of anti-Lincoln conspiracies. Frank Ford did say what you claim he said applecrack, but he said it in 1962. That is 97 years after the event took place and his father Henry was already dead so there was no collaboration. read about it here if you want to take the time.

https://books.google.com/books?id=k...age&q=Frank ford henry clay fords son&f=false


booth hole1.webp


Great stuff, Thanks for posting it, L.C.:thumbsup:

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I saw this quote today and wanted to post it on this page. It is one of my favorites.

Abraham Lincoln once asked General [Winfield] Scott the question: "Why is it that you were once able to take the City of Mexico in three months with five thousand men, and we have been unable to take Richmond with one hundred thousand men?”
"I will tell you," said General Scott. "The men who took us into the City of Mexico are the same men who are keeping us out of Richmond."
Confederate Veteran – September 1913, page 471

America needs to know the truth about the past before they will ever have a chance of understanding the present. History is hard to understand when it has been tampered with to protect those who may have had another side to them. The implications of the secret organization of the K.G.C.'s impact on the U.S.A. have been in the dark for a long long time. Once you begin to understand the depth of the organizations wealth and grasp on the U.S.A. during the reconstruction period (CIVIL WAR II), you will come to the conclusion that the war took place and the South won it without firing a single shot.


This thread is averaging about one vote per thousand views. Please take the time to vote at the pole on top of the thread and let me know what you think about Mr. Booth receiving money to kill President Abraham Lincoln. Thanks to everyone!

L.C. :thumbsup:

Shortly after 10:00 P.M. that evening, Powell and David Herold arrived at the Seward home, He carried an 1858 Whitney revolver which was a large, heavy, and popular gun during the Civil War. Additionally, he carried a huge silver-mounted bowie knife with an alligator motif and the engraving "The Hunter's Companion - Real Life Defender." After pistol-whipping Seward's son, Frederick, Powell attacked the secretary of state with his knife. He placed his left hand on Seward's chest and then struck down with his knife several times. One stab wound went entirely through the secretary's right cheek. Seward was seriously injured in the attack. In all, Powell injured five people during his wild rampage in the Seward home.
According to his account, Powell ran out of the house and hid for three days in a wooded lot about a mile from the Navy Yard Bridge. He took shelter in the branches of a tree. I say he went to the home of Orville Browning and was debriefed by Browning and possibly Benjamin Ficklin who was frequenting Browning's residence with Singleton. Together they had been trying to get Lincoln to sign a waver to allow them to sell the South's cotton to the North without taking the pledge of allegiance. Jefferson Davis had purchased a blockade runner for Ben Ficklin who had already delivered the first load of cotton that Spring and was awaiting the Union gold at the Kirkwood along with a host of companions who were on call so to speak.. Orville Browning was told by Lincoln on the 12th of April that he would rather puke than sign the waiver for the Singleton cotton sale, and on the 14th of April Abe blew them off completely refusing to see Browning to attend the theater. The K.G.C. were not a men to be trifled with, especially over a cotton monopoly with the South's cotton. For that reason Abe Lincoln was killed. Luis Powell misinformed Browning after the attack that he had killed Seward and his son, which is what Browning wrote in his diary after midnight when everyone already knew by 11 pm that the Sewards were not assassinated. The proof is in the pudding.



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