Was Columbus the First Explorer to Visit the Americas? The Evidence Says NO!


  • .jpgEarly map of Antartisca showing sperical projection..jpg
    .jpgEarly map of Antartisca showing sperical projection..jpg
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    Spherifical world 2.jpg
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Quite interesting to put it mildly. Who made the maps? And if the ice was not there, who made the globe warm? Hmmm, those lousy earthlings must have had huge carbon footprints back then...shame on them. Guess Al Gore wasn't there to put a stop to the global warming of pre-16th Century earth. "There is nothing new under the sun." Amen

Accurate maps, Antarctica exposed - what else is not new? Maybe the Americas aren't the New World, afterall.

Thanks for the article, RT.

Re: Was Columbus the First Explorer to Visit the Americas? The Evidence Says NO

TreasureTales said:
Quite interesting to put it mildly. Who made the maps? And if the ice was not there, who made the globe warm? Hmmm, those lousy earthlings must have had huge carbon footprints back then...shame on them. Guess Al Gore wasn't there to put a stop to the global warming of pre-16th Century earth. "There is nothing new under the sun." Amen

Accurate maps, Antarctica exposed - what else is not new? Maybe the Americas aren't the New World, afterall.

Thanks for the article, RT.
Check out the Piri Reis Map.

fng68, thank you for posting that great link here as well. It's quite plausible, IMO, that mega fauna would be hunted by mega humans. And once again, some of the statements in the Bible would be supported if certain scientists didn't do their best to cover up the evidence.

hi all, Most of the sources and history used in this post was attained from 200 years of commited and honest working archaeologists,anthropologists and a whole lot of other science experts.
YOU ALL DON,T MIND USING THE HARD WORK TO JUSTIFY YOUR CLAIMS BUT YOU INSULT THEM WITH UNFAIR AND UNJUST STATEMENTS ABOUT THEIR HONEST AND THEIR INTENT.YES THEIR MAY BE A FEW THAT WERE DIHONEST BUT YOU LOT JUST GO TOO FAR.If all you can say is Coverup,CONSPIRACY and yes this was lost and other one-liners after your own huge mount of imformation to discredit all of these fine hard working people. You for get you would nothing at all to research Right. >:( >:( >:(.In my opinion you want to take a minute and reflect on what you saying about others for you own self-gain.All you got is Fiction, stories, very little evidence and a few nothing relics.Fancy showing one map of australia from a link with no real geographicial substance and sea- monsters LOL then a map from a book that shows advanced geographics of Anartica.Both maps made in the same era and both made by people from the point of origin.Well which is one right. ??? ??? ???.Throwing up the volume of imfo above is nothing to what the experts have got.

tinpan dream on ;D ;D ;D

Treasure hunters have enough trouble get enough places to search now and you lot want to stir up the experts more.Thanks your doing a great job. WELL DONE. >:( >:( >:(. So what the real intent sell book for some Cash or Fame.

=tinpan from a book that shows advanced geographics of Anartica.Both maps made in the same era and both made by people from the point of origin.Well which is one right. ??? ??? ???.Throwing up the volume of imfo above is nothing to what the experts have got.
tinpan dream on ;D ;D ;D

HI Tin my friend, the pictures of Antartica that I posted are from my group. The Explorers Club. Your Sir Hillary is an honorary pres. along with most outstanding scientists of today. We work hand in hand with the Smithsonian Institute and the National Geographic 'society One does not just publish an article unless it as been reviewed by peers.

Many times vested interest causes one to tend to stay status quo.


There is no question That many Authors have benefited by publishing controversial works, but the maps that have been posted in here are verified by past records as having existed in the suggested dates. I personally had a short talk with one of the leading authorities on the Piri map, he states flatly hat there is no argument that they are genuine and predate Columbus etc..

As for science verifying or even seriously looking at certain factors, I have to look no further than my own case.

I have seen the remains of the giants - the small ones of perhaps 1 meter - the extremely small viper called the Pichicuate, it is light brown with a perfect vipers head and is quite venomous, about 9 " long - the giant aquatic snake, or whatever, in the upper Rio fuerte which was estimated to be 70 80- ft long - and many other things in my explorations from the Gobi to the Pacific Basin, The jungles of Mexico / Guatemala. & Honduras, and now the still relatively unknown barrancas of northern Mexico.

For a while these were duly reported to various scientists and groups with the total result of no investigations of any type, in fact, in most cases, not even the courtesy of an answer. The established scientists are not interested in a change, only the new ones that yet to have established a name for themselves.

Don Jose de La Mancha Tropical Tamp

Hi R.T Thats real awsome that you have some-one as famous as Sir Edmund Hillary as member of you org.It seems you and your famous friends don,t even know what country Hillary is from. ??? ??? ???.I can asure that he is from New Zealand which has never been governed or apart of Australia since first settlement. Well what else can i say. ;D ;D

Sorry RT Just used the one of the most powerful tools of all .'FIRST LISTEN AND OBSERVE THEN REMARK.' ;)


What a totally AWESOME THREAD!!!!!!!!!

There is so much to read, I only got half-way through...will read the rest later.

I too, don't feel Columbus discovered America first...he may have been the first to claim it...but not the first to discover it.

I love watching the History Channel, Learning Channel, etc....and there was a show on some time back about Columbus and some other guy (name slips my mind at the moment). I felt it was this other guy who discovered America.

I have recently been interested in Native American roots, as my dau is of Miami, Quapaw and Ottawa descent.

From what I have gathered, Ottawa Indians started in Canada, moved into the NY region (Notre Dame area). The Miami's were part of the Ottawa at one time, settled in the Indiana region and still researching the Quapaw.

But from what I can gather, they all came from the same tribe, just some went in one direction and others the other way.

Pretty much like we do today. Our families don't stay put in the same location much anymore. I have siblings all over the place, cousins even other locations from siblings...I just think it's our nature to move around, finding a better quality of life, etc...

Some years back, I also watched a show about DNA testing. In Australia, they did a DNA test on many (can't remember the actual count) of Caucasions and found that a majority of them carried the DNA of Africian Americans....well, heck, I bet you would find some in my DNA too...

The oldest skull found to date, was found in Africia!

I find interesting the "story of the ICE MAN"!!!

I tell my kids too (as I read someone posted about someone trying to get school books changed to correct history)....that just because they teach it in school and it's in the school book, DOES NOT MAKE IT FACT!! They hide alot of things and only teach you what they want you to know...and when a teacher speaks out and tells the truth, they get slammed for it!!!!

Read where someone posted about the Smithonian dumping things in the ocean???? OMG!!! I hear also, from someone I know that use to work there many years ago, that they have storage place with boxes and boxes of stuff, yet to be displayed, inventoried...nothing is done with them. This is stuff from Estate where people donated items to the museum to things found in digs, etc....How I would love to get into that room!!!!!!!

That is why I so love the history of the digs done on my hubby's property, it pre-dates the LOST COLONY and shows that the English were in the Outer Banks long before the Lost Colony folks ever showed up!!!!!!

I so love reading about the little people and the giants, and about the cave findings. Keep posting...this is so interesting!!!!!!!!

Thanks Ron and Ann, so glad you are enjoying this post, I live just East of the Quapaw Indian region, (they were in Eastern Arkansas), I probably have some of their relics in my collection,
(see my 30 year collection), on my Indian Artifacts. I have Cherokee, & Choctaw blood.
It's sad that we can't have an intelligent discussion on this post, without someone wanting to belittle!! other people's research, I, for one, keep an open mind, & consider other people's viewpoints as well as the Professionals who are trained in this field.
I only asked the Question, Why were these Newspaper Articles printed? Why do we not hear of these reports any more?

Ron and Ann said:
What a totally AWESOME THREAD!!!!!!!!!

There is so much to read, I only got half-way through...will read the rest later.

I too, don't feel Columbus discovered America first...he may have been the first to claim it...but not the first to discover it.

I love watching the History Channel, Learning Channel, etc....and there was a show on some time back about Columbus and some other guy (name slips my mind at the moment). I felt it was this other guy who discovered America.

I have recently been interested in Native American roots, as my dau is of Miami, Quapaw and Ottawa descent.

From what I have gathered, Ottawa Indians started in Canada, moved into the NY region (Notre Dame area). The Miami's were part of the Ottawa at one time, settled in the Indiana region and still researching the Quapaw.

But from what I can gather, they all came from the same tribe, just some went in one direction and others the other way.

Pretty much like we do today. Our families don't stay put in the same location much anymore. I have siblings all over the place, cousins even other locations from siblings...I just think it's our nature to move around, finding a better quality of life, etc...

Some years back, I also watched a show about DNA testing. In Australia, they did a DNA test on many (can't remember the actual count) of Caucasions and found that a majority of them carried the DNA of Africian Americans....well, heck, I bet you would find some in my DNA too...

The oldest skull found to date, was found in Africia!

I find interesting the "story of the ICE MAN"!!!

I tell my kids too (as I read someone posted about someone trying to get school books changed to correct history)....that just because they teach it in school and it's in the school book, DOES NOT MAKE IT FACT!! They hide alot of things and only teach you what they want you to know...and when a teacher speaks out and tells the truth, they get slammed for it!!!!

Read where someone posted about the Smithonian dumping things in the ocean???? OMG!!! I hear also, from someone I know that use to work there many years ago, that they have storage place with boxes and boxes of stuff, yet to be displayed, inventoried...nothing is done with them. This is stuff from Estate where people donated items to the museum to things found in digs, etc....How I would love to get into that room!!!!!!!

That is why I so love the history of the digs done on my hubby's property, it pre-dates the LOST COLONY and shows that the English were in the Outer Banks long before the Lost Colony folks ever showed up!!!!!!

I so love reading about the little people and the giants, and about the cave findings. Keep posting...this is so interesting!!!!!!!!

The above statement inreguard to testing Caucasions in Australia for African- Americian D.N.A  Is interesting ??? ??? ???

Caucasions been people descended from europe that settle australia in 1788 and their desendents have D.N.A from African-Americans who are descends of the the Africa slaves.first Australia never had African slaves or slaves of any type.The Only African-Americans here came in 1850 during the gold rush and there was only a few.I must believe this statement was made in haste or there is some mis-information here.
This is no evidence at all to this one. I,M totally puzzled.


fossis said:
Thanks Ron and Ann, so glad you are enjoying this post, I live just East of the Quapaw Indian region, (they were in Eastern Arkansas), I probably have some of their relics in my collection,
(see my 30 year collection), on my Indian Artifacts. I have Cherokee, & Choctaw blood.
It's sad that we can't have an intelligent discussion on this post, without someone wanting to belittle!! other people's research, I, for one, keep an open mind, & consider other people's viewpoints as well as the Professionals who are trained in this field.
I only asked the Question, Why were these Newspaper Articles printed? Why do we not hear of these reports any more?

Gee i,m glad you got heeps of support for your opinions like the statements made by Ron and Ann.Really gives you the real evidence ??? ??? ??? tinpan

fossis said:
Thanks Ron and Ann, so glad you are enjoying this post, I live just East of the Quapaw Indian region, (they were in Eastern Arkansas), I probably have some of their relics in my collection,
(see my 30 year collection), on my Indian Artifacts. I have Cherokee, & Choctaw blood.
It's sad that we can't have an intelligent discussion on this post, without someone wanting to belittle!! other people's research, I, for one, keep an open mind, & consider other people's viewpoints as well as the Professionals who are trained in this field.
I only asked the Question, Why were these Newspaper Articles printed? Why do we not hear of these reports any more?

I guess I need to finish reading all the posts...I must have only read the "good parts" :)

As for others opinions and such....I listen, I voice and we all go away happy that we "agree to disagree"...

Everyone has a theory, idea, assumption of how something should have been, was, or could be...but unless all of us, living and breathing today, were there in that time frame, we will never know the real truth, we will never know the people, how they came to be here. We can only assume by the findings that we either locate or that have been located previous and try to come to some understanding or conclusion, if possible.

Instead of "chewing the fat" about the "TRUTH"...why not just work together, stop hiding things, stop being so secretive about our roots, our heritage, of the people we are descendant from. It is everyones history and everyone has a right to know, not just a select few.

I have had my run-ins with archealogist's...there are good ones and not so good ones. Some can be very greedy (with one we personally worked with on hubby's property) to others who are truly history minded in researching not for glory or fame, but because the love they have for the work they do and trying to preserve our history!

I am going to go research some old newspapers and see what I can find about caves, old dwellings, archealogical digs, etc....now my curosity is really UP!!!

Fossis....I find Native American history very exciting. And more so, that my own child (from her father's side) is of Native American roots. She is kin to the Richardville, LaFontain(e) and Pooler. I have some Indian names, but don't ask me to pronounce them LOL. They were the Chief's of the Miami Indians. I just don't know as of yet, her degree of Indian blood in the Quapaw and Ottawa, but she is more Miami. But that would make her Ottawa too...as from what I have researched (if I can believe what I read)...Miami are from the Ottawa Tribe. Story has it, she is to be of Cherokee heritage too, but have not found any truth to that as of yet.

What is interesting, someone posted about the Chief from California, the one with blue eyes. In the Outer Banks region of NC....story has it, that when they went to search for the LOST COLONISTS, they ran into a tribe of Indians with Blond Hair and Blue Eyes. Well, a couple years ago, hubby and I attended a Symposium (spelling?) about the Indians of the Outer Banks. We met, and I even took pics, of some of the Indians whose roots were in the Outer Banks. This tribe moved to upstate New York. Well, they found approx 50 or so miles west of the Outer Banks, a town and the cemetery with the grave of a Samuel Elk. Samuel was a Indian...Samuel Elk being his English name. The folks in this town are majority Blond Hair and Blue Eyes. They did some family history tracing and connected many to Samuel Elk. Could these Blond Hair, Blue Eye descendants be direct descandants of some the LOST COLONISTS? That research is continuing. They plan to do DNA testing as well.

No one knows what happened to Virginia Dare? Did she grow up with the Indians? Did she reach womanhood? Did she birth children? It could be quite possible that some of these Blond Hair, Blue Eyed folks from this town could be descendants of Virginia Dare...but that is why it's called research and you will have 'trial and error' along the way. Will we ever know the truth? Hmmmm...guess time will tell!!!

Fossis, I will have to check out your post....I am hoping at our upcoming hunt, I am able to find lots of Indian artifacts. Pipsico (pepsicumo...or something like that was his name) was name after the Indian Chief of the Quioughcohannocks (in 1607 near Claremont was the main village...assumed). He commanded this tribe when the English arrived in 1607. (William and Mary Quarterly Historical Magazine, April 1908)...

Take care all and Happy Hunting,

tinpan said:
Ron and Ann said:
Some years back, I also watched a show about DNA testing. In Australia, they did a DNA test on many (can't remember the actual count) of Caucasions and found that a majority of them carried the DNA of Africian Americans....well, heck, I bet you would find some in my DNA too...

The oldest skull found to date, was found in Africia!

The above statement inreguard to testing Caucasions in Australia for African- Americian D.N.A Is interesting ??? ??? ???

Caucasions been people descended from europe that settle australia in 1788 and their desendents have D.N.A from African-Americans who are descends of the the Africa slaves.first Australia never had African slaves or slaves of any type.The Only African-Americans here came in 1850 during the gold rush and there was only a few.I must believe this statement was made in haste or there is some mis-information here.
This is no evidence at all to this one. I,M totally puzzled.


Well, it was done some years back, I remember watching it on TV....They did DNA testing on so many Austrailians and the results were that many were of African-American heritage (well there DNA said they were). They even had some folks interviewed that had the test done. And they were all not surprised by the findings, a few were though. But I will see if I can research anything on the net about it....my oldest boy was born, so it was after 1994....My mother in law even said after she watched it how she would love to have DNA testing done!....believe what you will, I know what I saw :)


Ron and Ann said:
tinpan said:
Ron and Ann said:
Some years back, I also watched a show about DNA testing. In Australia, they did a DNA test on many (can't remember the actual count) of Caucasions and found that a majority of them carried the DNA of Africian Americans....well, heck, I bet you would find some in my DNA too...

The oldest skull found to date, was found in Africia!

The above statement inreguard to testing Caucasions in Australia for African- Americian D.N.A   Is interesting ??? ??? ???

Caucasions been people descended from europe that settle australia in 1788 and their desendents have D.N.A from African-Americans who are descends of the the Africa slaves.first Australia never had African slaves or slaves of any type.The Only African-Americans here came in 1850 during the gold rush and there was only a few.I must believe this statement was made in haste or there is some mis-information here.
This is no evidence at all to this one. I,M totally puzzled.


Well, it was done some years back, I remember watching it on TV....They did DNA testing on so many Austrailians and the results were that many were of African-American heritage (well there DNA said they were). They even had some folks interviewed that had the test done. And they were all not surprised by the findings, a few were though. But I will see if I can research anything on the net about it....my oldest boy was born, so it was after 1994....My mother in law even said after she watched it how she would love to have DNA testing done!....believe what you will, I know what I saw :)


Thank for your reply Annmarie the first colonists where convicts from the UK and most of them came 1788 and it was not untill 1820 free settlers came.My own family settled in in 1834 and they were from suffolk uk and the family tree is traced too 1649.But their is irish blood and even a small amount of Aboriginal blood.So ware does the africa-american factor come in .Sure like to see this tv show you saw.

                                          tinpan thanks for your mp too with more info

=Skrimpy and we should stop at almost nothing to save what little of the cultures are left.
Heck sk we aren't even saving our own in the name of political correctess sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

tinpan link=]
Hi R.T Thats real awsome that you have some-one as famous as Sir Edmund Hillary as member of you org.It seems you and your famous friends don,t even know what country Hillary is from. ??? ??? ???.I can asure that he is from New Zealand which has never been governed or apart of Australia since first settlement. Well what else can i say. ;D ;D
sigh tinker man, we yanks consider aussie land as a subsidiary of New Zealand. so I menotned him without specifying which part of NZ..

snicker hehhehe

Don Jose de La Mancha

tinpan link=
.But their is - irish blood - and even a small amount of Aboriginal blood.So ware does the africa-american factor come in .Sure like to see this tv show you saw.
Horrors tinker matilda, sniff, so you have tainted our lovely pure IRISH blood?

Don Jose De La mancha

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