I use Chrome and have to agree the site is one of the slowest loaders that I visit. There seems to be a lot of baggage on this site that takes time to load.
I too like the like button. Like FB it allows you to communicate a positive response without have to post a thumbs up.
The things I don't like about T-Net are the strict no negative feedback vendor policy and the allowance of using avatars to send messages, political or otherwise.
I understand the business reason for the vendor policy, i just don't agree with it. One of the values of an activity specific forum is to be able to find out what vendors can be trusted. And, what issues, if any, there have been. Whether intended or not, a vendor's presence on a site can be seen as an endorsement. Yet, few vendors on forums are vetted beyond their ability to pay. This can be misleading to inexperienced members.
As for the avatar issue - I Metal Detect to get away from the stresses of the world. I am zoned in and the world is zoned out when I'm detecting. I spend most of my time working a high stress job. I come here to relax, read stories and help out where i can with advice. Personally, I don't care what your political, or religious beliefs are and I don't want to be confronted with them when I sign on. While most avatars are harmless, any that evoke an emotional response, or are connected to a hot button issue should not be allowed.