Warning to members advertising other Detecting Sites Here

Yea like Jeff said, I use Google Chrome only because explorer itself is slow. I really love the format here at Tnet, the pic sizes on the page is ausom & the like button is the greatest invention since tp. This is the best Treasure & prospecting site forum as far as format and quality by far. So stay away from explorer and go with firefox, chrome, zilla or whatever keeps you happy.

I'm using Firefox on a MAC. This site loads much slower than the other related forums and much slower than ebay for some reason.

may be the Mac, your the second one who uses a Mac who's complained

:icon_scratch: I get this notice when I log on, but I have no speed problem.

We notice that you are using an older IE browser.. You may experience a slow loading site, and problems logging in and staying logged in with this browser. We recommend getting either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or at the very least upgrading to IE9 for the best TreasureNet.com experience.

MAC? Is that like MacDonalds? Looks like we need a happy meal :laughing7:

:icon_scratch: I get this notice when I log on, but I have no speed problem.

We notice that you are using an older IE browser.. You may experience a slow loading site, and problems logging in and staying logged in with this browser. We recommend getting either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or at the very least upgrading to IE9 for the best TreasureNet.com experience.

SS last person who reported this, I checked with Admin & got this response

The tool that shows this message is specifically looking for a header tag that identifies InternetExplorer browsers.. There are many plugins (addons) for browsers some of which can change the browser's identifying header (UserAgent). I wonder if this user is running a plugin that is misrepresenting their browser's UserAgent. That would trigger the message they're seeing.

Since I am Not up on Computer tec I can't suggest a fix

I get same message, I ignore IG and have no problems I am still using explorer 7, i dont care about the message, I just ignore it. Kinda like when wife tells you she wants the garage cleaned out....

I get same message, I ignore IG and have no problems I am still using explorer 7, i dont care about the message, I just ignore it. Kinda like when wife tells you she wants the garage cleaned out....
Selective hearing it's called TH :laughing7: I have it to, on both counts..:laughing7:


SS last person who reported this, I checked with Admin & got this response

Since I am Not up on Computer tec I can't suggest a fix
Same hear Jeff, you lost me after header tag :laughing7:


I'm using Firefox on a MAC. This site loads much slower than the other related forums and much slower than ebay for some reason.

I use a Mac its not the Mac but have high speed internet. I load with Safari. Very fast. Might try that? Sometimes late at night they do maintenance as all sites do and that will slow it down.

I have high speed internet through my local major cable company. This is the slowest site for some reason. Like I said ebay loads way faster and on a slow computer and service it is slow due to all the info on an ebay page. I just can't figure why TN is so slow. I mean the other MD forums are real fast, why they are faster than here is a mystery to me. I can't imagine it is because I'm on a MAC, they are usually faster than a PC. I still come here, it just takes me twice as long as other forums to look around.

Well Ill continue to check in on here but ...there will be no more PM's from me on here ....sorry guys im a little unsure now!

Jeff: I agree with seeker41. Let the hobby grow! TNet is not the only candy store in town

Hobby can grow, but if a member reports someone sending them unsolicited PMs to go to another forum it will be handled like any other spammer members complain about...

I don't think it is the site itself that is slow, I have no issues navigating the site...

I have high speed internet through my local major cable company. This is the slowest site for some reason. Like I said ebay loads way faster and on a slow computer and service it is slow due to all the info on an ebay page. I just can't figure why TN is so slow. I mean the other MD forums are real fast, why they are faster than here is a mystery to me. I can't imagine it is because I'm on a MAC, they are usually faster than a PC. I still come here, it just takes me twice as long as other forums to look around.

Well if it works for one it should work for another. I get on here the same as everyone else. I am sure you keep your history clear and all that stuff and Macs processing speeds are usually faster than windows. Try another one of your browsers. I can have as many as 10 pages all running at the same time on Safari.

As far as other metal detecting web sites some people just do not like to be spammed in their mail boxes on here at t-net. That is what t-net stops that and free advertisers when you have supporting sponsors. You get a lot of bang for the buck here and more if you become a member.

We have to remember that, at the end of the day, T-net is a business. Like all businesses it needs to protect it's market share and revenue. While I'm sure the owners here have invested heavily in software to prevent spambots, nailing down individual flag wavers is a litte more difficult. Though you have to admire the ingenuity.

I use Chrome and have to agree the site is one of the slowest loaders that I visit. There seems to be a lot of baggage on this site that takes time to load.

I too like the like button. Like FB it allows you to communicate a positive response without have to post a thumbs up.

The things I don't like about T-Net are the strict no negative feedback vendor policy and the allowance of using avatars to send messages, political or otherwise.

I understand the business reason for the vendor policy, i just don't agree with it. One of the values of an activity specific forum is to be able to find out what vendors can be trusted. And, what issues, if any, there have been. Whether intended or not, a vendor's presence on a site can be seen as an endorsement. Yet, few vendors on forums are vetted beyond their ability to pay. This can be misleading to inexperienced members.

As for the avatar issue - I Metal Detect to get away from the stresses of the world. I am zoned in and the world is zoned out when I'm detecting. I spend most of my time working a high stress job. I come here to relax, read stories and help out where i can with advice. Personally, I don't care what your political, or religious beliefs are and I don't want to be confronted with them when I sign on. While most avatars are harmless, any that evoke an emotional response, or are connected to a hot button issue should not be allowed.

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Very simple solution!!!! With all the
money you have made from stocks and bonds
start your own metal detecting forum.
Problem solved!!!!

Think about it!

I welcome community of searchers and the people carried away by metalsearch!
I entered yesterday, I hope for interesting communication.
My hobby: - the early, Iron Age, final bronze and the Early average century.
Sincerely yours, Barkas.

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