The full-page newspaper ad (sometimes in magazines) proclaims the limited availability of “sealed vault tubes” of Presidential coins being sold (hurry!) for $28. Photos abound of golden coins (and with the price of real gold skyrocketing, it’s no wonder) in stacked plastic tubes sealed with tape marked “never circulated.”
The difficulty here is the 12 coins in the tube, plus the one “free” coin you can handle and pass around, are worth — A-HA! — $13…or a buck apiece.
The peddler of the coins, with the catchy seemingly official name of “World Reserve Monetary Exchange,” is an Ohio outfit that uses an age-old advertising method designed to lend legitimacy to an ad: make it look like a newspaper story.
The full-page newspaper ad (sometimes in magazines) proclaims the limited availability of “sealed vault tubes” of Presidential coins being sold (hurry!) for $28. Photos abound of golden coins (and with the price of real gold skyrocketing, it’s no wonder) in stacked plastic tubes sealed with tape marked “never circulated.”
The difficulty here is the 12 coins in the tube, plus the one “free” coin you can handle and pass around, are worth — A-HA! — $13…or a buck apiece.
The peddler of the coins, with the catchy seemingly official name of “World Reserve Monetary Exchange,” is an Ohio outfit that uses an age-old advertising method designed to lend legitimacy to an ad: make it look like a newspaper story.