The Beale Papers story are based on the "letters" that Thomas J Beale sent to Robert Morriss from St Louis.
"Stopping at Buford's, where we remained for a month...we soon selected a better place, and to this the treasure was safely transferred"-
From the Beale Papers/ Letter dated Jan 4, 1822.
The unknown author was told this story by Morriss during the 2nd year of the Confederate War, and it is alluded by this author he had access to the iron box, letters. and ciphers, and at this time Pascal Buford and his wife, Francis, were both alive and could have confirmed the stay of Beale and his party.
Instead of confirming this very basis of the Beale treasure story with those who could confirm or deny this stay at Buford's, this "unknown author" waited until both Buford and his wife had passed away to ask Ward to act as agent of copyright for his manuscript.
Pascal Buford died July 23, 1875, his wife , Francis, March 26, 1884.
*Note: It was after the death of Francis Buford that Ward sent his application for copyright on a borrowed letterhead.