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Well actually, FC Hutter was MAJOR FC Hutter, CSA Paymaster; he signed the first check for Gen. Robert E. Lee. After the CONFEDERATE WAR, FC Hutter worked for the Internal Revenue Dept. for the City of Lynchburg, Va. under Capt. Henry Rives (CSA - Artillery - Amherst Co.)... he woulda known of any report of "sudden wealth" ("Beale Treasure", WESTERN Virginia portion of the CSA Treasury... Lynchburg, Va.; Lexington, Va.; VMI). Heh... Maj. FC Hutter died in 1885 of a heart attack.

James Beverly Ward applied for copyright as "agent" for the author of the Beale Papers on a borrowed ADAMS & PAYNES CO letterhead, further creating the illusion that he was only acting as "agent" for this unknown author.
Ward's son-in-law, William Johns married to Anne Morris Ward, was employed by that company and supplied that letterhead.
It needs to be mentioned that Ward applied for copyright with ONLY the title of the work, NOT the manuscript, which seems not to have completed at the time of copyright application.

When one studies the construction of the narrative text of the Beale Papers, one first notices that it changes from first to third person several times, and the syntax also varies.
This is evidence of different contributors to the creation of the Beale Papers story- from the introduction to the straight forward description of Morriss and then the "romanticized" of Beale, the thespian flair of the "letters", and on to the ciphers -all reveal a different hand in the construction.
It appears that Ward acted as agent for several "unknown authors" of the Beale Papers.

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The Beale Papers story are based on the "letters" that Thomas J Beale sent to Robert Morriss from St Louis.
"Stopping at Buford's, where we remained for a month...we soon selected a better place, and to this the treasure was safely transferred"-
From the Beale Papers/ Letter dated Jan 4, 1822.
The unknown author was told this story by Morriss during the 2nd year of the Confederate War, and it is alluded by this author he had access to the iron box, letters. and ciphers, and at this time Pascal Buford and his wife, Francis, were both alive and could have confirmed the stay of Beale and his party.
Instead of confirming this very basis of the Beale treasure story with those who could confirm or deny this stay at Buford's, this "unknown author" waited until both Buford and his wife had passed away to ask Ward to act as agent of copyright for his manuscript.
Pascal Buford died July 23, 1875, his wife , Francis, March 26, 1884.
*Note: It was after the death of Francis Buford that Ward sent his application for copyright on a borrowed letterhead.

The Beale Papers story are based on the "letters" that Thomas J Beale sent to Robert Morriss from St Louis.
"Stopping at Buford's, where we remained for a month...we soon selected a better place, and to this the treasure was safely transferred"-
From the Beale Papers/ Letter dated Jan 4, 1822.
The unknown author was told this story by Morriss during the 2nd year of the Confederate War, and it is alluded by this author he had access to the iron box, letters. and ciphers, and at this time Pascal Buford and his wife, Francis, were both alive and could have confirmed the stay of Beale and his party.
Instead of confirming this very basis of the Beale treasure story with those who could confirm or deny this stay at Buford's, this "unknown author" waited until both Buford and his wife had passed away to ask Ward to act as agent of copyright for his manuscript.
Pascal Buford died July 23, 1875, his wife , Francis, March 26, 1884.
*Note: It was after the death of Francis Buford that Ward sent his application for copyright on a borrowed letterhead.

That is so right ECS. The author knew about the letters and the story for 23 years before contacting James Beverly Ward. During those 23 years why did he not talk to some of the people that were in the letters of Thomas Beale. That is what makes the story nothing but PURE FICTION. A story wrote by a 14 year old boy to make copies at the Virginian Printing Press to make money. He needed an adult and JBW offered his services for a piece of the change or just to help the boy out.

A list of names was provided that had connections to and would be known to those in Lynchburg to give credibility to the Morriss portion of the story but connected to the Beale portion of the story.
All had passed away years before the 2nd year of the Confederate War and the 1885 publication date except for Max Guggenheimer.
Guggenheimer, a well known Lynchburg businessman, and Freemason member of the local lodge, fought for the Confederacy, was friend of the Hutters, Ward, and Sherman, and SOLD copies of the Beale Papers at his store.
While the descendants of Witcher, Clay, and Coles objected to the use of their forebears names used to provide credibility to the Beale treasure story dime novel, Guggenheimer, did not, and as mentioned, sold copies at his store.
Max Guggenheimer was a member of "a very limited circle-to the writer's immediate family, and to one old and valued friend".

"CSA" Max is buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery on 2nd Street in Lynchburg, Va. Near James Beverly Risque's "site", Maj. EF Hutter's "site"; NUMEROUS others in the "Pamphlet" story... INTERESTING Cemetery, like Old City Cemetery. WOW!

"a very limited circle-to the writer's immediate family"
Robert Morris was Ward's uncle by marriage, and his wife, Sarah died at Ward's house and Ward paid for the funeral.
Harriet Otey Ward knew Robert Morris since childhood.
The "unknown author" wants you to believe , that a stranger, gained the confidence of Morriss, and Morriss revealed this tale to him, not to Ward or Ward's wife who Morris had known for years.
Then, this "unknown author" goes on to say," The gentleman whom I have selected as my agent...WAS IGNORANT of this episode in Mr Morriss' career, until the manuscript was placed in his hands".
Remember, when Ward applied for the copyright, he only supplied the title to the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, not the manuscript which the "unknown author" made the point of stating was in Ward's possession.
This is another mention that separates Ward from being named the author, even though "knowledge of this affair was confined to a very limited circle-to the WRITER'S IMMEDIATE FAMILY".

If this story was known to the writer's immediate family and one valued friend, why did he need to contact Ward to act as agent to copyright and publish the Beale manuscript?
This statement is another ploy to distant Ward from the material in the Beale text in the event that someone did not "leave the matter be" and wasted time and money searching for a non-existent treasure of the dime novel and sought recourse.
So who was the writer and immediate family and valued friend?
Or should it be ask who were the writers?
James Beverly Ward
Harriet Otey Ward
John William Sherman
F C Hutter
Max Guggenheimer
All had a hand in the Beale Papers job pamphlet dime novel story.
Remember, Ward applied for copyright with only the works title, because a critical part of the manuscript was not completed- the DOI "solved" C2 cipher (note where the numbering sequenced changed) and the C1 & C3 cipher numbers.

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Well, I think "bits & "pieces" were taken from other writers as well... like EF Beale & OTHERS.

"Bits and pieces" were taken from many writers and sources.
The DOI "solved" C2 cipher was the work of one who was familiar with and experienced the art of number coding.
IT is very obvious when the original person coding the written message of C2 stopped, and another person, not familiar with the process , took over to finish the coding portion of the Beale Papers.
This same person then placed random numbers in C1 & C3 to create the illusion that these ciphers actually contained a real message similar in structure to that of the presented "solved" C2.
This accounts for all the "jumbled" sentences that occur from the various claims of solution of these remaining ciphers.
Keep in mind that Ward, according to the story narrative, was presented the finished manuscript, including copies of the ciphers, not the originals from the iron box.
If Ward was presented with a finished manuscript, why did he apply for copyright with only the title?
Also it is never mentioned if Ward ever saw an iron box, so all this has to be accepted as truthful by one of the very limited circle who had knowledge of this affair.
This statement, as well as the names listed, is a brilliant inducement to make the adventure/ treasure story believable to the reader and the very reason Ward made sure to distant himself from the "author".

Ward's daughter, Adeline Ward McVeigh claimed her father was the author of the Beale Papers, while Charles W Button, owner of the LYNCHBURG VIRGINIAN newspaper where John William Sherman was sub-editor and of the Virginia Print Shop where Sherman printed the job pamphlet, stated that Sherman was the author.
I believe both were correct in their statements, Ward writing the main body of the narrative text with Sherman acting as editor and adding the theatrical prose flourish, especially in the Beale "letters".
But also involved in the writing were Ward's wife Harriet(the description of Beale and Morriss is obvious from a feminine perspective), and the DOI "solved" cipher numbering was the work of F C Hutter, which he never finished and was hastily complete by either Ward or Sherman, as well as the randomly jumbled number coding of C1 & C3.

"FEMININE PERSPECTIVES"...? Came from Anne Royall, who visited Lynchburg, Va. in the "early days"; she wrote about the men, one with "MANLY BEAUTY"... she HATED the women. Part on Robert Morriss came from Mrs. Cabell, she MIS-SPELLED Ex-Mayor (1813) Robert MORRIS's name (MORRISS)... MORE later. I DO believe JB Ward could have provided info about being "out WEST", 'specially St. Loo, MO... he WAS THERE! Hutter MAY have provided the "numbering sequence" for the Beale Ciphers... MAINLY gibberish RUSES. BC # 2 use of the DOI was a REBEL "BROAD-SIDE" against KING ABE (Confederate War); read in THAT "light", you will understand. The info on the "deposits"...? A CODE! Heh...

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THIS is what I think happened... RM died in 1863; he told "the tale" to Maj. FC Hutter (former CSA PAYMASTER). The Inner Circle of family (Risque family "connected" (Hutter, Ward, etc.) & friend, Hazlewood); it was in the 2nd year of the Confederate War (1861-1865). From 1865 - @1884, various PAPERS were submitted & reviewed to include in the FINAL Beale PAPERS Pamphlet; MAIN committee met at the Arlington Hotel in 1882; REBEL Frank James was in the meeting & MANY wonderful TRUE/AUTHENTIC adventures were discussed. Another meeting was PROBABLY held in 1884 or so; with MORE REBELS like Gen. Jubal Early (CSA/KGC/Lawyer), Gen. TT Munford, "CSA" Max, & others, who lived in Lynchburg, Bedford County, Campbell County, etc; MOST were VMI Grads or "connected". THEN, John William Sherman interviewed Maj. Hutter (before Hutter died) & wrote the Beale PAPERS Pamphlet... as Charlie Button said. MHO, based on LOCAL R & I.

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Jubal Early was a distant cousin of that Risqué extended family bloodline which included Ward, Buford, Kennerly, Hancock, Otey, and Sherman.

Jubal Early was a distant cousin of that Risqué extended family bloodline which included Ward, Buford, Kennerly, Hancock, Otey, and Sherman.
That is CORRECT! HE had a PERSONAL, "vested interest" in this "cover story"; the 2nd part was MORE important than the 1st part...
Going further with "Ole Jube"... Lawyer in Lynchburg, Va. after the Confederate War, he NEVER surrendered. He was Initiated into 1st Degree KGC (Warriors/Fighters) by Maj. Gen. John A. Quitman (CSA) in PA or MD, can't remember which... read it somewhere. Quitman was a HERO of the Mexican War, being US ARMY, then. Bob Brewer wrote in his book, SHADOW OF THE SENTINEL, p. 48; "a high-ranking Scottish Rite Mason.... during the Mexican War.... reveals a telltale emblem: on the lower-left corner of his equestrian blanket can be seen a five-pointed star floating above a crescent moon - two of the KEY symbols of the KGC." The "pic" is on p. 9 (Pics Section). LOVE IT!

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"FEMININE PERSPECTIVES"...? Came from Anne Royall, who visited Lynchburg, Va. in the "early days"; she wrote about the men, one with "MANLY BEAUTY"... she HATED the women. Part on Robert Morriss came from Mrs. Cabell, she MIS-SPELLED Ex-Mayor (1813) Robert MORRIS's name (MORRISS)... MORE later. I DO believe JB Ward could have provided info about being "out WEST", 'specially St. Loo, MO... he WAS THERE! Hutter MAY have provided the "numbering sequence" for the Beale Ciphers... MAINLY gibberish RUSES. BC # 2 use of the DOI was a REBEL "BROAD-SIDE" against KING ABE (Confederate War); read in THAT "light", you will understand. The info on the "deposits"...? A CODE! Heh...
The "Broad-Side"/DOI "idea" PROBABLY came from the Pre-KGC days of the SRC (Southern Rights Clubs), using TJ's idea of RIGHTS. PROBABLY from Thomas Paine, too. THIS is BETTER R & I for the "Job Print" (MHO). RM alluded to a "SECRET"... Thomas Jefferson "starred" in the "Job Print"; he had THREE light-skin boys with Sally; 1/2 sister of his wife... and BEAUTIFUL! One of the boys died BEFORE the Confederate War; TWO of 'em fought for the Yanks in ALL WHITES Units! WOW! THAT is the "Family SECRET"! DANG!

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Still one needs to produce the reason why Ward would spend his money to publish the Beale Papers.
...or did Max Guggenheimer front the publishing costs?

... I DO believe JB Ward could have provided info about being "out WEST", 'specially St. Loo, MO... he WAS THERE! Hutter MAY have provided the "numbering sequence" for the Beale Ciphers... MAINLY gibberish RUSES...
I believe the "gibberish" numbering of C1 & C3 as well as the where the continuity of C2 was broken was completed by another hand, not that of F C Hutter who provided most of the numbering of a prewritten and provided C2.

Still one needs to produce the reason why Ward would spend his money to publish the Beale Papers.
...or did Max Guggenheimer front the publishing costs?
Nah... "fronted" by the Inner Committee with $$$$$$$$$$$ from "BT"/CSA TREASURY - WRV, lawyers like "Ole Jube", etc. & OTHERS with "vested interest"; PV's last book, a NOVEL (FACTION... Fiction with FACTS) was sorta like the ''Job Print"... tells the story; CONFEDERATE TREASURE COVERUP: Duty, Honor, & Deceit... MORE on that later.

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