So things are still going well here in Ecuador. A few friends and I are working out plans for a website. The website is going to contain dozens of longer videos of our exploration trips. The following will be the subject of our website:
1. Gold prospecting trips with actual sampling done. Location will be kept secret for obvious reason, mainly security. If we find an area where the gold is there, but too subpar for what we are looking for, then we will reveal the basic location after we are long gone from the area.
2. Searching for specific target as in ruins, or the site of a lost city. One of our goals is to search for a known, but lost emerald deposit. There are two known of, but the location has been lost since the Inca times. The general location is known, but obviously not the exact location. They are both known to be in very rugged and dangerous locations.
3. Rafting down some major rivers, and doing some gold sampling along the way. This trip will last about 6 days and involves camping along the way.
4. Climbing the major peaks including filming the almost constantly active volcano Sangay. It erupts every few hours. It can be climbed, but I don't see us doing that anytime soon. This is no joke...shields and hardhats are required. Talking about technical? This volcano also has numerous treasure legends.
5. Hacking our way through various jungle treks.
6. Exploring some of the awesome cave systems here in Ecuador, including the famous Tayos cave system. This specific cave system has numerous treasure legends, number one being the metallic library. We will be filming various parts of the spelunking trips.
7. Exploring the Llanganatis National Park. I have no intention of getting sucked into addiction of the actual Atuahalpas treasure legend, but I do want to witness the beauty of the area. The national park is one of the most dangerous and rugged areas in the world. The flora and fauna are amazing and showing off its beauty is what the trip is all about.
8. Eventually doing some metal detecting along specific beaches near some famous Spanish shipwreck sites. This is a bit low on my priority list though, and it wouldn't happen for awhile. More of a relaxing trip compared to most of the others.
We will also be touring the towns and showing you what Ecuador is all about. I am hoping to have the site up and running by the end of the summer, but I will keep you updated on the progress.
This website will be free to access and to view all of the videos. I am also a very experienced organic gardener and will most likely have a section involving that. Specifically all our projects here in Ecuador. I feel this will assist in bringing in more visitors and will make it easier to promote, and anything permaculture related is very important to me, especially considering the state of the world.