Wal-mart surrenders...

Allow me to add my 2 cents, I'm gonna likely tick off a lot of people but nothing personal.

I coming at this from the perspective of someone who lived in the Northern Va area(Manassas) and saw a lot of development of civil war sites. I got involved in conservation of some of these sites and became active in fighting against Disney from developing a major theme park near Bull run battlefield. Well we run off disney and instead some developer built a few thousand town houses. Then the totally bulldozed Bristow station battlefield and built even more houses, strip malls and fast food joints.

I am a great beleiver in free enterprise, capitalism and I am not "anti corporation" and certainly not anti Wal mart but long story short I'm glad they were stopped.

I understand where the good people of Locust Grove are coming from and I applaud them in their victory...although I fear their victory is a hollow one, what is likely to happen is that while Wal mart will not build the land will likely get developed anyhow and someone will build five hundred houses or worse two thousand houses for low income families.

That is exactly what happened in manassas, low income apartment houses sit on the site of a civil war fort
and Gang signs from Ms 13 appear on the bowling alley built over a union camp site nearby. The former rail head that moved thousands of Union troops and supplies is home to low income housing and open air crack market.

Oh and we have our wal mart too, built a stones throw from Signal Hill which a very small portion of was saved as a small park, but you can still go to wal mart and buy cheap products from china and get served by a person who likely wasn't born in the USa and doesn't understand english very well and certainly doesn;t give a fig about civil war heritage when they are busy sending money back to mexico or guatemala to bring more of their relatives here illegally.

We pay the price for "progess" and progressives , we can do with less of each.

The Flood city kid

floodcitykid said:
Allow me to add my 2 cents, I'm gonna likely tick off a lot of people but nothing personal.

I coming at this from the perspective of someone who lived in the Northern Va area(Manassas) and saw a lot of development of civil war sites. I got involved in conservation of some of these sites and became active in fighting against Disney from developing a major theme park near Bull run battlefield. Well we run off disney and instead some developer built a few thousand town houses. Then the totally bulldozed Bristow station battlefield and built even more houses, strip malls and fast food joints.

I am a great beleiver in free enterprise, capitalism and I am not "anti corporation" and certainly not anti Wal mart but long story short I'm glad they were stopped.

I understand where the good people of Locust Grove are coming from and I applaud them in their victory...although I fear their victory is a hollow one, what is likely to happen is that while Wal mart will not build the land will likely get developed anyhow and someone will build five hundred houses or worse two thousand houses for low income families.

That is exactly what happened in manassas, low income apartment houses sit on the site of a civil war fort
and Gang signs from Ms 13 appear on the bowling alley built over a union camp site nearby. The former rail head that moved thousands of Union troops and supplies is home to low income housing and open air crack market.

Oh and we have our wal mart too, built a stones throw from Signal Hill which a very small portion of was saved as a small park, but you can still go to wal mart and buy cheap products from china and get served by a person who likely wasn't born in the USa and doesn't understand english very well and certainly doesn;t give a fig about civil war heritage when they are busy sending money back to mexico or guatemala to bring more of their relatives here illegally.

We pay the price for "progess" and progressives , we can do with less of each.

The Flood city kid
It didn't tick me off at all. I'm right there with you. I think it's a shame, what has and is happening to the Hallowed Ground that my anscestors fought and died on. I try to do as much as I can down here though I realize it isn't much. I am a member of the CWPT and donate regularly what I can. I believe that these sites should be saved as well.

I funny how people pick and choose. Nobody said anything when built a middle school about 1 mile from where Walmart was going to be built, right in the middle the battle field. it took more land then Walmart would have.

It really should be all or nothing. Just something to think about.

-=La Beep=-

Here is one way we are trying to save barrlefields in Tennessee......

Screw wal mart. :hello:

Great news!!!!!!!!! :icon_thumright:

Daedalus said:
Wal-Mart has destroyed more towns and there stores than any other company that has ever been .

couldn't have happened without people from those towns spending their money at Wal Mart.

They weren't planning on building on the battle field though I think it was mentioned that damn near everywhere in VA was once a battlefield. Walmart may take advantage of Chinese product pricing but thats only because we have a free market and it makes sense. It's a slippery slope when you start limiting what comes from where and even worse when you use historic battlefields in the area to justify it. I live in MN and though I'd love to see my fellow Minnesotans working I would never want to regulate orange juice and say that it can only be made in MN to help our economy. Would it put some Minnesotans to work, maybe, but more likely then not orange juice in MN would just be too expensive and nobody would drink it. Same theory goes for US made vs Chinese made. There are things that can make cheaper and being a smart nation we should figure out what we can provide the world that nobody else can... maybe McDonalds.

I should note I do buy American made over Chinese on a lot of things. From my experience the quality is better and worth the additional cost. That doesn't mean I will ever go against free trade and the values this country was built on.

just4plaay said:
They weren't planning on building on the battle field though I think it was mentioned that damn near everywhere in VA was once a battlefield. Walmart may take advantage of Chinese product pricing but thats only because we have a free market and it makes sense. It's a slippery slope when you start limiting what comes from where and even worse when you use historic battlefields in the area to justify it. I live in MN and though I'd love to see my fellow Minnesotans working I would never want to regulate orange juice and say that it can only be made in MN to help our economy. Would it put some Minnesotans to work, maybe, but more likely then not orange juice in MN would just be too expensive and nobody would drink it. Same theory goes for US made vs Chinese made. There are things that can make cheaper and being a smart nation we should figure out what we can provide the world that nobody else can... maybe McDonalds.

I should note I do buy American made over Chinese on a lot of things. From my experience the quality is better and worth the additional cost. That doesn't mean I will ever go against free trade and the values this country was built on.

Just remember that while you do not want to regulate where OJ or other products come from, you also do not want lobbyist bribing our Government officials to make law that entice or provide companies with incentive to make them somewhere else. One is the Government tampering with private business and the other is private companies manipulating Government. Both are bad.
Did you Know: Companies that used to manufacture in the US now produce in China and ship to Mexico where they pay nominal fees to import or just bribe Mexican officials. They are then shipped North into the United States with no tax's or duty's thus bypassing those the US would normally impose and now the goods come on Mexican trucks that come into the US without safety inspections. Can you say NAFTA?? Can you say Ross Perot was right as we do hear that giant sucking sound from the south?? Crony Capitalism at it's worst.

Bribing Congressmen is not "Free Trade" and should be a crime instead of labled "Soft Money".

wal mart just wanted to get the " civil war battlefeild tourist dollars" - that is currently the life blood of the town of locust grove's small bussiness's --once wal mart was set up and running --the local biz's would unable to compete with the wal mart "mega store" and would be forced under and the locals then would be forced to work for wal mart for a living at minimum wage or starve / go on govt hand outs -- happily the locals , were smart enough to see the writing on the wall and rejected the wal mart.

21stTNCav said:
Geez, why the venom against Wal Mart? I mean they did the right thing and stopped. I for one will continue to patronize Wally World. If they decide to try and build on a battlefield again I will boycott them then.
Well I live where the Wal Mart was being built. It was at the mouth of our subdivision, (get it..). Houses and lots of them are allready there. Two subdivisions. It not out in the woods somewhere. Last, Wall Mart may not get built there but you can bet you arse that houses well be. The land will not be preserved. And they don't need to get it rezoned to build them. So I too will be avoiding Wall Mart. They would have bought in much needed tax money.

Peace out
La Beep

Daedalus said:
Wal-Mart has destroyed more towns and there stores than any other company that has ever been .
i dought destroy towns maybe stores.i'm sure walmart has helped more people than the little mom and pop stores ever did.prices about half of what they charge.no more taking advantage of people on high prices.i dont work for walmart,lol.but who in there right mind would rather pay 10 dollars than 5?not many.

Here in Mexico tourists, who have access to Wal-mart back in the States, scream when they see a Wal-mart in a tourist place.

When you go to Wal-mart, you get stuff 20 or 30% cheaper than at the small stores, who also usually don't have anything you probably want. Wal-mart is in business in Mexico because they can supply good stuff much cheaper. If they did not, Wal-mart would not be one of the largest businesses in the world.

Also, they have a good return policy, which is unusual in Mexico.

Insults to the contrary, Wal-mart succeeds in the traditional American way. Provide what the market seeks, and you win.

There are other reasons our manufacturing work goes overseas. Every manufacturing business in the US is forced into major, liberal social experiments, which destroy profits, so the work goes overseas.

Many Toyota and Honda cars are build in the US, at good prices and at high quality. If it were not profitable to do so it would not be happening. The difference? Management!

At one time US management said the reason Japan made better cars was because they had better workers. Yet, Toyota and Honda came to the US, hired lazy, worthless US workers and made good cars at a profit. T and H management do not make hundreds of times more money than their workers do.

I was actually looking forward to combing the site when construction started. I found a few odds n ends years ago when they put the Sheetz in.

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