Wagon Train

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kentucky Kache
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Yes but he did not take wagons on that trail until May of 1822. A lot of fur traders were there over fifty years using that trail before Becknell. History is all screwed up anyways. What they teach in schools these days is out right lies. But that is what our government wants you to believe so believe it.

Yes but he did not take wagons on that trail until May of 1822. A lot of fur traders were there over fifty years using that trail before Becknell. History is all screwed up anyways. What they teach in schools these days is out right lies. But that is what our government wants you to believe so believe it.

Like was not strong enough for me on that subject. The real beginning of WWII for us was when FDR cancelled the Steel agreement with Japan, knowing that what Japan couldn't get by trade, they would go to war for, and that would allow the US to really support Russia as the US was nuetral up till then (in the publics mind). The thing that saved us in the War of Japan was the delay of the notifying the US of War before Pearl Harbor. Because of that the second prong of the attack was called back. That was to attack the Panama Canal to stop us from bringing ships around from the East coast quickly. So much of the "Real History" has never seen the papers or history books.

Just like Vietnam caused over the US Navy shooting at flying fish. Same stupid actions will get us into WW3 with this "new man"

Just like Vietnam caused over the US Navy shooting at flying fish. Same stupid actions will get us into WW3 with this "new man"

Actually the sinking of the NV patrol boats was the excuse that LBJ needed to start a "War" to get the US out of a Recession. Almost all wars in history were more for profit than beliefs. But they had to have a "Reason" that would make the young men go and fight, other than politics or making jobs at home because the young men were in the Army, freeing up the jobs for the older people. IMO of course. But if you go look at true history, you will see that it has always been politics that start the wars. Read profit as politics if you want, power and money are always the reason.

BTW if you can find an old US hiway map before the Interstates replaced the old roads, you will see that almost all of the "old" trails were used as later hiway routes for travel. Easiest route of travel using the old wagon trails as the grades were better than other places. Same for river crossings. Look at the old roads and you will see that the easiest travel routes from before were used. All of the hard work was done, finding the easy way to travel. The changes came when the villages and towns grew up and the routes changed to go to them rather than bypass them. IMO

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