ETRAC users have passed so much stuff up trusting that vdi ...OF course I am a relic hunter and dont chase deep silver in parks....learned a lot about messed up VDI s because I dig it all pretty much of good relics sites. I have Seen silver be junky signals quite a few times...from iron or other junk being close to it.
Is the Equinox gonna give you a advantage on deep silver over a Etrac in CLEAN ground...doubt it...
I have no need for a depth meter but I get it park hunters might....Let us know how it goes...
The Etrac is a tone machine....Vdi is secondary although necessary to put into the equation of knowing what your target may be.
If you relying on Vdi with an Etrac then you haven't learned the machine. Keep in mind though that I am a park and coin hunter but
there is not a whole lot that I pass up. We all pass things up though now matter what machine you use or how good you know it.
For deep silver in a park I dont think there is a better machine than an Etrac or a CTX...IMO