View attachment 1140468This is a Masonic Vault......found in Smuggler's Notch by me this year, I have yet to let loose the door slab that is blocking the entrance to the vault inside the Keyhole shaped door, and waiting to make some noise this spring with a film crew and news there too. Will be a huge crash letting it slide out so we can go explore the trove there.
This BTW is the final resting place of the Henry IV trove set into the hills of the notch by Samuel Champlain himself on the "Special Mission for the King", that Nicolas Poussin, David Teniers, and Rosicrucians led by Bacon and King James set into motion to hide the relics from the old Temple in New France. There is a map sequence hidden in paintings, and a series of coded cyphers in the Works of Shakespeare to be riddled for find the Sublime Prince, to begin the Kingdom again under the guidance of Freemason's and not the Jesuits....these were set into Nova Scotia areas, and the final set into the Notch in Vermont
I am only telling you this because you seemed to be very in touch with the duck symbol....which isalso seen in this outline, and on Oak ISland's outline as not everyone thinks quack.....they jsut cant see your derived directions from the symbols that are obvious to me...
As is stands...the door is a good 20' tall and the unfinished pyramid can be seen there in the shape of the outline, with the compass and square surrounding it, roughly carved, you can see the mining tailings below the Keyhole Opening
I am hoping for a case of some of that good old Bootleg Whiskey,
but you know its going to be the Holy Grail........just my luck