Victorio Peak

Hi Capn Bill,
Heck don't go putting that much effort into it, just thought if you wanted to share the info I would sure be a ready "audience" ("readership"??? not sure what word works there) but I don't expect you to go spending a LOT of time just to enlighten me. Good luck and good hunting to you, hope you find the treasure that you seek!
Roy ~ Oroblanco

Fair enough!
1....There is another cavern room, inside the "Peak" ,found by Doc & His Partner. I doubt that the military found it!
2.... This "room" has an entrance, to the outside, also, part of the main complex, an underground crevice running, almost SSW, and is VERY! LONG, underground, surfacing, off of the "White Sands Property.
3.... Besides this entrance, their is another, but it is on the "east side" of the "Basin"!
On the W.S.R.! This one I don't know where the entrance is,
There are members of the present day Warm Spr. Apaches, who do know!
From time to time, Doc and his partner used to "west" entrance as a place to cache some bars, artifacts

Thanks Capn Bill! I figured you had some other information that our poor relative Uncle Samuel didn't manage to get hold of ALL of it, or you sure would not be bothered to just go look at an empty cave.

There is a similar legend here in Cochise county of secret Apache caves that run from the Dragoon mountains to the Chiricahuas, under the valley - but no treasure stored in them. Who knows? Caves are not unusual in volcanic mountains.

Good luck and good hunting, and of course be careful in those tunnels and caves. I hope you find the treasure that you seek.
Roy ~ Oroblanco

First off, Let me correct a common misconception!
The Cache in Victorio Peak is NOT IN A! CAVE! :o
The cache in the "Peak" consists of a series of rooms/small caverns, etc!
A single CAVERNous ROOM!
Several ROOMS!
You may remember that, "Doc" said ?
That, there were several skeletons CHAINED to the wall of one of the rooms? ???
That there chests and other artifacts in other rooms, and stacks of bars, in others !

SO! You had Legal Problems over an Estate ?
Guess what I have been doing, for the past 12 months, since my DAD, died last year ?
My relatives live in Guam!
As far as "loading up" Gold Bars in AZ. !
My, So. AZ. Cache is of a Spanish Mine (Jesuit's) Tunnel full of SILVER BARS!
I'd still welcome the HELP! ::)

So! When can you be ready? I, now! hope to be out some time after April '07!

Sorry, to hear about your "Shoulder"!
I, Hope that it'll heal up completely!
With, No! After, effects!
I have a few "Battle Wounds" that I drag around with, that have/never will heal completely.
Luckily, they are "liveable"!
The Judge himself, said to my attorney & self, that he was going to push for this matter to be resolved,
BETWEEN now and March!

No! definite Date!
Was mentioned!
Here I sit!
Once out in the field, I have no constrains on "my time"!
IE: "My time", I am considering, 10-12mos.!
Once I am out, I can stay as long or as short as I need be!
Go! When and Where!
My FIRST Stop(s) will be in New Mexico !
Where, I have "six"+ Sites !
These have all been "visited" before,
Now, I am going to get "Serious" about them!
I can't schedule a time!
I would hazard a guess, that I'll be there, in NM, until May/June, &/or beyond, EASY!
Would you like to set up a "Phone Conference" ?
Talk a "Person to person"*, meeting" over?

*in my case, it'll have to be a "Person(me) & Bugs to Person"
When we're out, he goes where I go and visa versa (sp?)!

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