✅ SOLVED Victorian Ladies Brooch??? - Sash Buckle!

JEB the Pirate

Jr. Member
May 29, 2017
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
My son just unearthed this in South Louisiana. It looks like it could be a ladies broach?

It has four holes in it that could have been for affixing some sort of gem stone or other adornment.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Broach 1.jpg
Broach 2.jpg
Broach 3.jpg
Broach 4.jpg

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Antique barrette? I'm noting the bar on the back that could have been clipped over a bunch of hair. Nice piece!

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Great ideas Almy and Deftone. We will definitely look into that further. Thank you!

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Good morning BuckleBoy and thanks very much for your insight! That makes perfect sense that this is only half of it. Any idea what period you think it is from?

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