VERY SAD, Foster Twp. Mansion


CoolFrayers said:
She's shaking her head; what does that mean?
Our son looked at your postings...the begging has begun

HaHaHa ! ;D

If your son's begging don't work

Tell her There are alot of Diamond rings Laying around out there :wink:


hollowpointred said:
talk about a town that doesnt get it. that building is beautiful, and it looks like it could be repaired without a whole lot of actually looks to be in pretty good shape. it looks a lot better than the McDonalds or the Burger King that will probably be erected in its place. ???

yep Those stone walls will Probably stand for 500 more years if
allowed to


jeff of pa said:
CoolFrayers said:
She's shaking her head; what does that mean?
Our son looked at your postings...the begging has begun

HaHaHa ! ;D

If your son's begging don't work

Tell her There are alot of Diamond rings Laying around out there :wink:
Nah, he isn't begging her to "allow" me to get one, he is begging to go along.
I am one of the lucky guys, if I wanted one bad enough, my wife would agree to it. After 15 years I still have her fooled >:D



That is one amazing and beautiful place!!! Thank you for sharing those photos. I can not see why it would be torn down...that is very, very sad. I wish him lots of luck and I hope those city townfolks get their heads out of their (deleted) and realize that magnicant amount of history that building offers! It's all about greed, power and money...sad! That is why I love Europe so much for all the history that still stands (i.e., Rome). We are such a young country, you would think they would want to keep as much as possible for the future generations to enjoy!

Again, Thank You for sharing.


Foster Twp. defends mansion demolition

BUCK RUN — The fate of the James B. Neale Mansion has not yet been decided by Schuylkill County Judge John E. Domalakes, borough solicitor Edward Brennan said at Foster Township’s meeting Wednesday night.

Foster Township wants the building, which Brennan said is a “dangerous and dilapidated structure” and “unfit for human habitation” at an Aug. 20 hearing, razed within 60 to 90 days.

At the meeting, Brennan responded to an article in The REPUBLICAN & Herald on Tuesday, which he said gave an “unfair” and “untrue” account of the situation.

Brennan, himself a member of the historical society, called the demolition a “cruel reality,” but said that Domalakes said at the Aug. 20 hearing the history does not play into the decision.

“From an evidence standpoint, all that matters is disrepair,” Brennan said.

The supervisors voted 3-0 on a motion to authorize Brennan to bid on the property in a tax sale at the end of the month.


township wants it......its probably a goner unless there is enough publicity and public outcry. :angry4:


I would think it's petition time...with a good background of history of the place and prospects of what it could do for the town.

If someone is fixing it up...does he plan to live in it? I can't say they still won't try to get him to move and tear it here in my city, they (the city) pushed an 80 yr old woman off her land and home that she was raised on and raised her own children to build an elementary school, which is built on alot of swamp land that has been filled in!!

I wonder how the mayor would feel if we wanted to tear her house down?

Sorry, reading things of this nature really tee me off!!!!!


That is a beautiful house with a lot of history. What about the state museum commission of the history and landmarks foundation, could they help???...I'm sure since it was a coal baron's house, there are some artifacts around.


My Friend lives in Branchdale near Buck Run. She had been to that Mansion in 2000. We parked the car and went down and there was a woman there who turned out to be a volunteer and she was weeding around the place. She said she volunteers 3 0r 4 hours a day. It just so happens that this Sunday is an open house from 2 to 4. Anyone is welcome. Just thought I would Let everyone know if you are intrested. I fell in love with that place as soon as I walked into the front yard.. So many stone pathways , water fountains(at one time) . My friend said that There use to be flowers everywhere before the old woman died that lived there. My hubby and I are gonna go on Sunday to show our support. :) 8)


CuDdLeS17981 said:
My Friend lives in Branchdale near Buck Run. She had been to that Mansion in 2000. We parked the car and went down and there was a woman there who turned out to be a volunteer and she was weeding around the place. She said she volunteers 3 0r 4 hours a day. It just so happens that this Sunday is an open house from 2 to 4. Anyone is welcome. Just thought I would Let everyone know if you are intrested. I fell in love with that place as soon as I walked into the front yard.. So many stone pathways , water fountains(at one time) . My friend said that There use to be flowers everywhere before the old woman died that lived there. My hubby and I are gonna go on Sunday to show our support. :) 8)

Thanks CuDdLeS I'll Have to make a note & Stop by if possable.


Did I miss the whole point to haveing to raze it down?

Why? ??? ???

Foster Twp. Mansion Back in the News

Foster Township seeks possession of mansion
by peter e. bortner (staff writer
Published: November 14, 2009

Foster Township is asking a Schuylkill County judge to allow it to take possession of a decrepit mansion once owned by a coal baron.

The former James B. Neale Mansion cannot continue in its present condition, officials told Judge John E. Domalakes on Monday in requesting that the township be made conservator for the property containing the mansion.

former owner of the mansion.

"I feel as though I'm being badgered, picked upon," Hewes said.

Hewes said he has sold the property; a deed recorded Nov. 6 at the county courthouse indicates that he sold it for $50,000 to Daryl Learned, Pottsville.

Re: VERY SAD, Foster Twp. Mansion.... in the news again

Foster asks judge to allow work on Neale mansion

Foster Township wants to save part of the old James B. Neale Mansion but raze other buildings on that Buck Run property, its engineer testified Thursday in Schuylkill County Court.

"It needs a substantial amount of work," township engineer Edward Bosack, Pottsville, said of the mansion, which belonged to a coal baron.

Township officials are asking Judge John E. Domalakes to allow them to demolish part of the main house, the tennis court, a cabin and the greenhouse; improve and widen Hill Road, which runs in front of the property; and seek a buyer for the property.


Judge: Appeal of Neale mansion decision should not be allowed

Foster Township should win its ongoing fight over the former James B. Neale Mansion in Buck Run, a Schuylkill County judge wrote Thursday.

In a nine-page opinion, Judge John E. Domalakes reaffirmed his approval of the township's plan for the mansion, and wrote that the former owner, Dennis Hewes, Cressona, has no right to try to block it.

Re Foster Twp. Mansion.

A three-judge Commonwealth Court panel has upheld Foster Township's taking possession of the old James Nagle Mansion in Buck Run.

Under the township's plan, it will demolish part of the main house, the tennis court, a cabin and the greenhouse; improve and widen Hill Road, which runs in front of the property; and seek a buyer for the property.

to widen Hill road they will
need to take the front yard.

Re:Foster Twp. Mansion / Buyer found

Joseph J. Roperto grew up in Buck Run, and he told a Schuylkill County judge on Tuesday that he wants to restore that Foster Township village's grandest house.

"I'm ready to go," Roperto, Gainesville, Va., testified about repairing, and then moving into, the James B. Neale Mansion.

Township officials asked Domalakes to allow them to sell the property to Roperto for $7,500, saying that is the first step in its renovation.

Keep us updated on progress Jeff. That's a beautiful old home - I hope Roperto is able to secure & rennovate the place.


Neale mansion officially sold Buck Run's grandest house officially has a new owner, as Foster Township has sold the James B. Neale mansion to a Virginia man who grew up in, and wants to return to, that village. Joseph J. Roperto, Gainesville, Va., has bought the mansion at 78 Hill Road for $7,500, according to the deed recorded Friday in Pottsville. The sale ends a 5 1/2-year controversy over the mansion, which Neale, a coal baron, built about the turn of the 20th century. Neale mansion officially sold - News - Republican Herald

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