Very first post need some input


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Nov 28, 2005
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Detector(s) used
Ace 250
My husband is getting me a metal detector for Christmas. I have been wanting to metal detect our yard for a while now. We live in a house that was built in 1847 and started out as a schoolhouse. What do we need to look for in a metal detector? My husband wasn't wanting to spend a whole lot of money as our finances are on the tight side. Thank you for any help you can give. (Wasn't sure where to post this so if I am wrong direct me to the correct spot.)


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Cheryl said:
What do you all think? Here's one on Ebay.

Hi !

The one on e-Bay is a detector for rich people. Simply because after a short time of using it, you'll find out that you need another one to find anything.
Even writing on a coil says that, you can wear earphones and listen to the music during MDing. You won't find anything, anyway. ;D ;D ;D

Get yourelf Ace 250, that's the only choice.
I have Prizm V, my wife's got Ace 250.
To tel you the truth, there are no big differences in "effects" between us.

Ace is quiet easy to use, you'll learn it quick.

Pozdrawiam Matejko

The good thing is you can take it to the local parks, fairgrounds/carnival sites and the ballfields near the bleachers and concession stands and find enough clad to pay for it in a few months.
Correct me if I'm wrong 'old-timers' (I don't have a Garrett), but if you are in a hurry to make money and just want to 'coin-shoot', find the discrimination setting that ignores nickels and pull tabs and you'll only be digging clad, silver, aluminum (mostly 'canslaw', unfortunately) and the occasional junk jewelry piece or odd hunk of copper, brass, etc.... The clad adds up quick, and it's a lot easier to part with than the silver coins or jewelry ;D
The nickel and pull tab discrimination setting will also allow you to find gold jewelry/'s a pain in the butt to have to dig everything to find some gold!!! You can always go back and try a lower discrimination setting and dig the stuff you by-passed the first time. Kind of makes a good THing place "last longer" that way, as long as you don't have a bunch of competition.

You all are great!! And a wealth of information! Thanks for all the help. I will see if I can open a Christmas present early. :)

Take care, everybody.



You aren't supposed to know what you're getting for Christmas. It's supposed to be a surprise.LOL
I'm sure that what ever you get you will have fun with it. You can always upgrade later too.
Hope it's warm enough outside so that you can use it right away.
Good luck.

It's been unseasonably warm here so maybe I can do a little bit if it doesn't turn to seasonably before I finally get my detector. Actually, I think I am dreaming when it comes to opening anything before December 25th. Oh well I have something to look forward to.


Cheryl, I'm a new Ace 250 user....all of about 1 month now. All I can say about it is.... ;D

I got the Ace 250 Plus (or is it Pro??) from Aardvark off of ebay......$269 delivered, included the big coil which I LOVE and several magazines, brochures, email info stuff, carrying case, rain cover, etc. Definitely THE way to go, IMHO.

Now, if'n you've really been a good girl this year (or especially naughty!! :o ) then maybe Santa will bring you a TinyTec Deluxe pinpointer. It retails for $43, delivered, and for me has made the difference between 8" craters and 3" cup-size holes. It's a great addition and it sure makes digging a bunch easier, especially on stuff less than 3" down.

Merry Christmas and HH, ya'll!

Thanks TXKajun.

I saw a couple old Whites (I think they were old anyway) on Ebay that went for less than $50.00 and was wondering if that brand is more difficult to learn. One was a Coinmaster 5000/D series 2 the other was a Coinmaster 2900/D Trooper. Is a new Garrett Ace 250 better than an old Whites? I know my husband hasn't bought one yet so I thought I would see what you all think.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.


Altho For their Time They were Good Detectors, There Have been MANY advances In Weight, & Quality.

In My opinion stick with the 250, So you don't Wish you Had .

There is Also the Possability, BUYING OTHER PEOPLES USED, That you may end up with Something Not Working Correctly.

Thank you, Jeff.


jeffs advice sounds about right to me,you cant go wrong with an ace 250!

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