Gave it another try at the beach today, really not the machine for me would much rather use the 400.
Not only is the recovery speed a near turtles pace but doesn't seem to have "proportional audio", a quarter right on the surface sounds as faint as a quarter 6" down, I hope I am missing something in the settings or something but this is a deal breaker for me. I am starting to think that this multi freq eq comes with tradeoffs, don't know what else to think. Even tested it on a can I came across, audio response was the same whether I swung the coil 1" over it or 8" ,,, And the faintness of the signal is just something I am not used to and don't want to get used to. I use faint signals as clues for a possible deep coin, if even a quarter on the surface sounds faint, well there goes that !
On the + side it does find small objects fairly deep, I found a little earring stud about 7" down.
As it stands, I would certainly not recommend this detector for a beginner, would be an exercise in frustration and they will miss a ton of stuff. For an experienced detector, only one who is very meticulous, always swings slow and doesn't mind digging every peep every time.