By your statement that you have no qualms detecting on the land if the person died and has no heirs, so who owns it then? Is it city property, state owned and how did you arrive at that conclusion in that there is no heirs? If the said piece of land doesn't just float around in "no ownership space" its part of the tax base so somebody being private, City, or State is the payer of the tax and that is the ownership. Now I might be totally wrong here in this thinking but I'm pretty sure this is how the tax system works in the western world. If it's the public purse paying well its open season for detecting the place, if it's private money well it's a permission the way I see it.
It's an open discussion on the ethics of gaining permission and everyone has their right to write an opinion on the subject. So what's this "Jailtime" all about? No ulcer here I'm just stating the fact that if you detect on a piece of private land that you not gained permission then you have right there gone against what most do and stand up for and that is doing the this hobby ethically. I go on what is right and wrong-no grey- I dig with permission and will always do so. Go do what you feel right to do but like I said to the last guy digging huge plugs in a sports field throwing large pieces of iron by the fence line where the mower could hit them. "Just keep that attitude up and sooner or later it will come back to bite us all in the ass when they ban detecting here because your actions".
So you may have just entered this hobby a short time ago, and don't care if you skirt the ethics side of the hobby as you'll go on your way again picking up something else and discarding that as well, so be it. But when it comes to one crapping on my pleasure because of their unethical doings well I get defensive and will back the hobby to the letter. Been around this game too long to not too so you take a breather now and go read this over. It's quite simple really the third paragraph and then down on the first two lines of the ethics near the bottom. KISS method works here-
TreasureNet - Guide