Vacant lot next to us use to be a Tavern


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Nov 28, 2005
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I am not sure if any of you would remember me posting about my husband getting me a metal detector for Christmas (ordered it today!) and I came on here asking for advice on what to get, well he reminded me that there used to be a tavern on the empty lot next to us around 1900. All we know about it is the ladies of Laura tore it down with their bare hands because as you may remember our house started out a schoolhouse and they didn't like that a tavern was next to the school. So after I check out our yard I am going to see if the neighbours will give me permission to metal detect on their vacant lot. As you can imagine, I am very anxious for Spring to get here!!


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Sounds like an excellent site Cheryl. Any place where money exchanged hands is good, but when the hands belonged to drunk people is even better! ;D Lots more coins dropped! Your schoolhouse should be good too. Boy, two excellent spots right outside your door. The rest of us have to drive!

Good luck!


Thank you, Kent. Checked for an aerial view on the internet today and it is so cool that you can actually see where the tavern was. My husband said at times he can see where it was because the grass is a different color. So that helps some since the lot is 2 or 3 acres.


Rich, thanks for the info. Wish I knew someone from there. Strykerstalker is sending me what he could get (strykerstalker are you from there?). It will be great!

Appreciate the info. Have a Merry Christmas!!


Good Luck Cheryl on getting permission and finding some good stuff at the tavern site ! Looking forward to your posts.

Huntin' 59er

thanks rich diggins, mind if i borrow your freinds card ? ha.........don't know what has happened with lewis as his site seems to be down for good...............gldhntr

I wish I could be posting under Todays Finds but not. It was about 47 degrees out so I did go out in our yard today for a little bit but the ground was so cold I thought I was going to get frostbite! I had one hit that said foil on my ace 250 and one that said nickle and one that said dime and then one that went all the way up to the silver section at the 50 cent mark. All these were in about 1 foot by 1 foot section. I did try to dig 2 of them but gave up when my hands started hurting from the cold. Later on we went to Wal-Mart and bought a gardening set with a digging tool to start out with and then went to Lowes and found a pair of gloves that is suppose to be good down to 32 degrees. I hope to get back out there within the next few days.

Quick question: If my Ace 250 says something is at 8+ inches what would that mean? I think I read somewhere that they don't really have that depth.

My husband surprised me with a book called the History of Laura! The Tavern was named Charlies Saloon and it was tore down about 1882. A picture of our house is in there twice, both taken before 1900. It is a cool book!! Hope you all will see a post from me soon under Todays Finds.


I don't see why it wouldn't pickup a silver quarter or half at 8 in. If it was some big iron then it would read a depth of an 1in or 2. The depth bar is calibrated for coin size targets. Soooooo diggit it. Was my car in the aireal? Or how ever you spell that. I don't fly. Well, except the time I fell off of the ......uh....nevermind. HH

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