Aspen, I looked at your photos and the material you found is very similiar to what I've been finding in so cal.. I'm not an expert, but I think we're coming across quarry sites that were used for the production of stone tools. I've found over a dozen sites like you described and the best I've found have been incomplete tools,flakes, cores that sort of thing.While doing some internet research, I read an article, sorry I don't remember where, but it addressed tool productin sites,saying not to expect to find complete artifacts at the sites. It went on to say artifacts were most likely to be found where the tools were being used, campsites,kill sites,etc. Again I'm not an expect, but that seems to make sense. What I have been finding at the production sites have been rocks that have been crudely shaped like ovals, circles, and pears. The look like they were roughing out stones to be finished somewhere else. Any chance you found anything like that? Maybe some other members have an idea about the shaped stones might be. Oh and thanks, reading your post prompted me to become a member and submit some of my own finds.