Update on wait time

How long did it take to charge ?

as with all lipo chemical batteries the best way to store them for long pierods of time or to prolong their shelf life is to have them charged 1/2 way. the equinox was 1/2 charged when I got it.
I took about 2 hours on a 2 amp power bank...it was taking a charge around 1.7 amps earphones and the wireless earphone transmitter thingy were both 1/2 charged as well. so remember to fully charge then discharge to 50% before you store it away for the winter...or you will need to recharge every 3-4 months or so....it sucks to revisit a lipo that had not properly been stored only to find you need to replace it.....there is lots of lipo info on the net....much more than what is provided in the equinox manual.

oh by the way I can tell you that it charged for 2268mah....this would make it a 5000mah battery probably 3.7v I will look it up to see
if the battery voltage limiter is in the battery or on the motherboard....or both I think it is a single cell lipo. it might be in the battery and I say this because of all the hoop haa about what kind of charger to use....if they had the battery protection on the mother board(where it should be)it wouldn't mater what usb charger you used...it would rather work or it would not.....some times when engineers need to cut costs on consumer products they opt to use only the battery protection in the battery ...you see that in a lot of Chinese cloned products...but in todays world you never know till you open it up and see.....

regardless never charge a lipo of any kind un attended....just to be safe.

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How would this charger work ? Can you post a link to the charger you are using please .

It will work, but that is a 10000mah battery bank, not really a charger. It states up to 18w output, which is roughly 3.4A @ 5v.

You just need a USB wall charger that can sustain >=2.0A. All USB wall chargers will list their output. Be careful of USB wall chargers with multiple USB interfaces, as on some using both ports will drop the output to 1A.

Also of note, I don't believe you will damage your detector with a 1A charger. The charger will just likely go into shutdown/overheat/protection mode. Or melt if it is a cheapo from china :)

EDIT: Is it okay to link to external products? If so, here is what I ordered: https://www.ebay.com/itm/183065379318

1A to charge my earbuds, 2.4A to charge the NOX

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How would this charger work ? Can you post a link to the charger you are using please .

I would highly recommended any of the following venders.i've talked with them and understand their products....bit more pricy but
after years of use I get what I pay for....these products work well together with no tinkering....

I use this power bank...sometimes


I use this one the most...


I can use this solar panel to charge the power banks in the field... it all fits nicely in my pack great for hunting on sunny days...


It will work, but that is a 10000mah battery bank, not really a charger. It states up to 18w output, which is roughly 3.4A @ 5v.

You just need a USB wall charger that can sustain >=2.0A. All USB wall chargers will list their output. Be careful of USB wall chargers with multiple USB interfaces, as on some using both ports will drop the output to 1A.

Also of note, I don't believe you will damage your detector with a 1A charger. The charger will just likely go into shutdown/overheat/protection mode. Or melt if it is a cheapo from china :)

EDIT: Is it okay to link to external products? If so, here is what I ordered: https://www.ebay.com/itm/183065379318

1A to charge my earbuds, 2.4A to charge the NOX

I'd rather use a power bank....I do not need to take my detector, flashlight,cellphone,earphones,camera,go-pro,i pad or any usb product to a wall wart. I can charge it anywhere I like. but to each his own...what ever floats your boat.

regardless what you use....these are a must...
they come in all shapes and sizes this is the one I use.


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I'd rather use a power bank....I do not need to take my detector to a wall wart. I can charge it anywhere I like. but to each his own...what ever floats your boat.

I'm all about people living off the grid, but "most people" will charge their nox via a wall charger. Like 95% of people. It is just the world we live in, but my internal minimalist envies you!

I'm all about people living off the grid, but "most people" will charge their nox via a wall charger. Like 95% of people. It is just the world we live in, but my internal minimalist envies you!

greatest thing about charging from a bank is when you are hunting and see your detector go dead...just plug in and away you go.....I think more and more people
will turn away from the wallwart for their detectors once they see how easy and cheap it can be...and with the equinox it will become the norm....this is why they never put the charger in the box in the first place....most people who have a cell phone have these in there possession al ready....if it will charge a phone it will charge your nox. it does not even need to be big...even a 2000mah unit can get you through most hunts.

and the best thing is you can continue hunting...no more running Back to the car to recharge...its hard to hunt when your nox is wired to a car or house...:icon_thumleft::hello2::occasion14:

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Yes they ARE ripping off the military and vets. They do NOT get to reduce a manufacturer's offer to the Military on their own...at least not without consequences. As for their support of charities...it's a tax deduction for them. They just choose military charities to reduce their tax burden... the same could work for ANY charity they donate to.

View attachment 1571023

Click for full size and readable. No mention of "Participating Dealers". It is ALL their authorized dealers.

Manufacturer rebates and discounts, key word being manufacturer, are given by the manufacturer not retailer. So if Cabelas does not have the 15% discount most likely Minelab did not give this to them or it was not part of their deal selling these products. This is most likely a Minelab issue and probably was a business decision made by both parties. Also, charitable contributions don't work the way you think. You don't get a one for one deduction, and a lot of times it doesn't make pure economic sense to do this. So most companies do this because they want to support the people who support them and for many other reasons other than taxes.

So if Cabelas is not getting reimbursed from Minelab for their military discount then it is safe to assume their profits are being reduced by the military discount they are giving to the military on their own. Seems pretty honorable to me. The irony in what you wrote is when an "authorized" dealers get reimbursed the 15% discount from Minelab you think this is a noble act, and when Cabelas gives a discount out of their own pocket and reduces their own profits you claim they are ripping the military off. That just does not make any sense. It seems like you do not like Cabelas for some reason and no matter the facts you have your mind made up. I think your signature line quote sums up your opinion pretty well: "People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."

You have the right to your opinion which I am not trying to change. But it is hard to claim it is hard to claim a business is "ripping" off vets when the facts don't support this especially when they are spending their own money to give them a discount. I hope Vets support Cabelas and any business that supports the hobby. I am combat Vet, not a chair-borne ranger, and I don't think they are ripping me off. Most Vets I know really like Cabelas. I also think it is great both Minelab and Cabelas support the military with their discounts, and any business that supports the military or the hobby.

That is the problem I am having . Poor depth and TDI readings . I cant hit a penny deeper that six inches .

Interesting. I've noticed the same problem with the depth readings. The notches that represent 2" each seem to be really about 1" at least in the locations I have been going. (I was using Park 1 & 2 5 tone and 50 tone respectively with everything factory settings.) What VDI are you getting for copper penny's?

Modern copper, i.e. memorials not zinc, come up at 25 for me, Zincolns come up 19 or 20. And the one wheatie came up 20-30-18-23 bouncing signal and it was at 8" of depth. Not sure if that made a difference either.

Minelab has the discount for ALL authorized dealers. None excepted. Mute. (I checked)

Available for all dealers and mandatory to be a ML dealer are different things.
But it really doesn’t matter, this whole conversation spawned from a false statement that Cabelas “pockets the other 10%” and insinuating fraud of Veteran customers.
So again it really doesn’t matter, don’t like it, don’t shop there. End of story

Yeah I'm 100% certain that Cabelas isn't skimming retailer veteran discounts. They didn't get that big by being that dumb. I dislike Cabelas, because their average pricing is terrible (leverage volume sales and then sell at MSRP to customers), but they aren't that dumb. I would bet money that the 5% was a cabelas discount, and they paid the same unit price for that machine as all their others.

Minelab has the discount for ALL authorized dealers. None excepted. Mute. (I checked)


Finally found the email. Took out name and cell number. Can we please stop talking about it now haha there is no argument left to have.

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