diving doc said:
That's a very good thought. Why the offset?
Clamps below the hood to the radiator support and then comes out from under the hood where it meets the grill housing. Keeps things clean looking.
The bracket wouldn't protrude past the front of the car; keeps you from running into it. It mounts in line with the car, front to back, pointing toward the front. The widened area in the slot allows the ball to stick into the slot and then slide toward the back in the narrow portion. The felt keeps the bracket from digging into the metal and causing a rust hazard from vibration eating the paint off the car under the bracket.
At least that is how I visualize it. I could and probably am well off target here, but maybe it'll give someone an idea.
I realize that Annin is a flag maker, but I just don't see this bracket as being heavy enough to support a flag while driving. Also after really looking at it closely, what is to keep the flag from falling over in the bracket? If mounted on the front of the car, the bracket would bend under the wind stress produced by the flag. If mounted on the side, the flag would fold over sideways in the bracket.
That slot is widened for some reason. It anyone has looked at a MODERN throttle cable on a carb, you will understand what I mean about this slot. Something IS meant to clip into this slot.
A couple other observations:
The nut is meant to be semi-blind. Meaning that it is designed to be able to install with onlt a screwdriver without the need for a wrench on the nut.
The bracket is lined with felt to keep it from abrading the paint, chrome, or glass. (or whatever it mounts onto)
It appears to be made for light-duty use.
It would appear to have been used in a in-line fashion (pull or support length wise of the bracket)
The screw would have needed a hole in the surface to "clamp" the bracket, other wise it would just pinch and wouldn't have been very sturdy.
A hole would also mean this is a semi-permanent mount.