Gidday Jim
I get scalped in my part of the world. Here is my local tip fees.
Waste(minimum charge up to 20kg)$398 per tonne(minimum charge $8)Garden Organics < 150mm (clean, separated lawn clippings & prunings)(minimum charge up to 20kg)$220 per tonne(minimum charge $4.40)Garden Organics > 150mm$398 per tonne FOGO(food waste, shredded paper, coffee grinds)$220 per tonne Veterinary Waste(minimum charge up to 10kg)$420 per tonne(minimum charge $4.20)Paper & Cardboard - Commercial(minimum charge up to 20kg)$220 per tonne(minimum charge $4.40)Clean & separated Polystyrene - Commercial(minimum charge up to 20kg)$398 per tonne(minimum charge $8)Concrete, brick or tile (excluding, floor & wall tiles)$398 per tonne Mattress and/or Mattress Base - cot to king single size- double to king size$25 each$36 each Tyre - Car Tyre - Truck$21 each$25 each Fridge, freezer, air conditioning unit$15 each Bulk clean earth (VENM) (suitable for Depot needs)Price on application Bulk clean earth (VENM) (not suitable for Depot needs)$398 per tonne Asbestos (by prior arrangement)$485 per tonne(minimum charge $160)Waste requiring special handling (by prior arrangement)$485 per tonne
The only things they will take for free is things they can make money off.
Metals (whitegoods, steel, aluminium, copper & brass)Free Paper & cardboard(domestic quantities only)Free Clean & separated polystrene(domestic quantities only)Free Comingled recycling (glass bottles & jars, steel & aluminium cans, plastic food containers)Free Household Problem Waste(CD/DVDs, mobile phones, ink cartridges, fluorescent tubes & globes, smoke alarms, x-rays, paints, e-waste, car batteries, gas bottles & fire extinguishers)Free