United Nations To Take Over The Alamo

such hubris: texans believe the Alamo is only important to them....
many Mexican troops fell in this battle...and still no monument to their sacrifice...
even the Japanese were allowed to build memorials to the fallen on American territorys.

it just seems like some people just have to fuss about anything good that might happen.

I have looked, but don't see the monuments to WWII German soldiers in France? Can you point me to them..


France (Western Front) - World War I
  • Fricourt German war cemetery (Somme)
  • Vermandovillers German war cemetery,[SUP][21][/SUP] Somme Département
  • Neuville-St Vaast German war cemetery (Arras)
France (Normandy) - World War II
  • Orglandes German war cemetery
  • Huisnes-sur-Mer German cemetery fr:Mausolée du Mont d'Huisnes
  • La Cambe German war cemetery
  • Andilly German war cemetery fr:Cimetière militaire allemand d'Andilly
  • St-Desir-de-Lisieux German war cemetery
  • Marigny German war cemetery fr:Cimetière militaire allemand de Marigny
  • Champigny-Saint-André German war cemetery deeutsche Kriegsgräberstätte Champigny-St. André

There might be a few sites from the Franco-Prussian War, but I know you're not really into history.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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Thanks Booker!

I can see your not into reading, But I think I asked for WWII? Why yes,,, a quick glimpse back, and I did. So the rest was simply your overindulgence! I do think your history lessons have been taught to you by Karl though.
Someone in the "party" has lied to you, Sal Alinsky tactics are working less and less.

I do appreciate the links to the ones I asked for though!

Thanks Booker!

I can see your not into reading, But I think I asked for WWII? Why yes,,, a quick glimpse back, and I did. So the rest was simply your overindulgence! I do think your history lessons have been taught to you by Karl though.
Someone in the "party" has lied to you, Sal Alinsky tactics are working less and less.

I do appreciate the links to the ones I asked for though!

Oh Dang,, here I thought you knew how to post LINKS. Yours don't work.. Try again? Just the ones I asked for this time? Hello?

:laughing7:The links bring you back to Tnet:laughing7:


Have you watched any of the PBS series on Latinos in what is now the US of A?

The original settlers in both California and Texas generally got the short end of the stick. Particularly astonishing in Texas, because many of them supported the Revolution.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

I have seen some of it. I have students whose ancestors experienced it and I ask them to talk about it. One of my best friends and former business partner's family was given most of the west wall indian quarters at the Alamo when the mission was secularized in the late 1799's. Then during the Alamo seige they were removed and the property was never given back(Charli and Curbelo's).

Ok, mysanantonio.com just posted that the story was wrong, the only UN interest is in the San Antonio spanish missions, not the Alamo. Pip, you are interesting. You must think we Texans turn out in force to defend the Alamo. We get taken there as kids on a field trip and 99% of us never go back. If anyone has been, they sell raspas(sno cones) about ten feet from where Bowie died. People pay $3 for a plastic Alamo key chain, $1 in a machine that bends and I think stamps your penny and the prices go up from there. The gift shop, built in 1936 is a small museum where you can buy a wooden "Old Betsy", a coonskin cap and any manner of article. My favorites are the shiny tumbled rocks and the rubber "Bowie knives". So the UN story is false, the Alamo and I sleep secure and life goes on. Sorry Pip about the Mexican statues, but they have to wait. The current battle is whether or not to buy the buildings across Alamo Street and return the Alamo to what it looked like during mission days. Not much interest in that most of the time. The really cool thing is in March when they honor the defenders at a very private ceremony in the chapel, then go to the DRT meeting building for the party. My favorites are the cookies in the shape of Texas with the Texas flag on each one in delicious blue, white, and red icing. I usually have 6 or so. We are not fanastics, we love jokes(If there had been a back door to the Alamo, there never would have been a Texas) and feel sorry for folks that don't get it. We welcome tourists(and their money) from everywhere and encouage you to take advantage of the Ripley's Believe it or Not near the former western wall. Buy Indian jewelry next to it, ride Crockett's adventure ride down the strret. Then hit the bars on the riverwalk and enjoy. We won't see you. Most of us live in the suburbs and play out there. But welcome, including the UN. There is profit to be made...


It is certainly my understanding the Alamo was one of the Spanish missions in Texas. Am I missing something here? Anyone who has studied the California missions (we did because it is a public school requirement - don't buy the nonsense kids are not required to study history!) can see the similarities between the Alamo and the missions out here.

Fess Parker owned a hotel in Santa Barbara. I went in thinking the staff would be wearing coonskin caps...they weren't. Mine vanished many years ago. I blame my Mom.

You wrote "(If there had been a back door to the Alamo, there never would have been a Texas)." On a more serious note, I read that recent archaeological research (similar to what was conducted at the Little Big Horn) concluded many defenders died outside the walls when they were run down by Mexican lancers.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Dave44 & Red James cash:

I'm always happy to help those eager to learn!

La Cambe German war cemetery

“Layout and landscaping of the site began immediately after formal handover, which today has created at its centre a large tumulus, flanked by two statues [emphasis added] and topped by a large dark cross in basalt lava, which marks the resting place for 207 unknown and 89 identified German soldiers, interred together in a mass grave…”

From Wikipedia

I've visited a number of cemeteries and they were all full of monuments. Perhaps you've been to the Wilson's Creek Battlefield and the excellent museum there. In nearby Springfield, MO., is a cemetery with both Union and Confederate dead. I've been told several times it's the only one.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

2.0 - Dave44 - The "overindulgence" was to show how silly your question was.

I went in thinking the staff would be wearing coonskin caps...they weren't.

Maybe because Daniel Boone and the coonskin cap is a myth:laughing7:Ole Daniel wore a wide brim felt or beaver skin hat.

I'm always happy to help those eager to learn!

Hate to tell you bookaroo,one thing you wont be teaching me is anything about WW2:laughing7:

Bookeroo; "2.0 - Dave44 - The "overindulgence" was to show how silly your question was."

Good to know,,, Think I will use that one too! You have a lot of silly half baked ideas I can use that on.


So, you were finally able to locate the WWII monuments to German soldiers in France? I seriously doubt you actually looked before you asked - just too easy to locate.

However, I'm still glad I could help!

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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Red James cash:

Or about spelling.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Dang pippin.....the only 2 places I can think of that would meet that criteria are San Francisco and Dubai :)
On the subject of memorials at various sites I'd have to say that it's ok to have a Civil War memorial to Confederate soldiers but nobody wants to see a Confederate flag. What's with that? Is it really that scary? I know the racial argument over it but overall I feel most of those that died under it did not own slaves and were fighting for what they considered their homeland. Had nothing to do with racism or slavery. If I had a ancestor that died for the Confederacy I'd think nothing of flying the Stars and Bars at my home. On the other hand, I wouldn't fly a swastika over Auschwitz.

Normandy never forgets: WWII monuments and memorials in France (part one) ? A Woman's Paris
View attachment 891019

"Finally, it is worth pointing out that since the war, France has also collaborated with the German War Graves Commission to establish cemeteries like the one at La Cambe, which helps to balance the equation. There are many families in Germany whose connection with Normandy is the same as ourselves, i.e. that we have someone who fought or died in the conflict as is evident from the number of German car license plates that can be observed in the car parks along the beaches. I have just been asked to organize a tour with American schoolchildren next summer and the remit was to include the German Cemetery in addition to the American Cemetery overlooking Omaha Beach.

By their even-handed approach the French have made it very easy to appreciate the events of the summer of 1944 from all perspectives, allowing visitors to Normandy the chance to reflect on how young Germans two generations ago suffered exactly the same as the allies and hopefully leave with the realisation that ultimately wars have no winners, only losers. "


If people can't get over the war after the war is over maybe they shouldn't have the war in the first place.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


You went to all that work and Dave44 didn't even say "Thanks."

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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