Due to the Fact I have now heard from 3 people related to persons on board. I am listing the complete list of those onboard.
Capt. George Warner Jr. Age 35 Pilot Westmont Ill.
Richard C. Schember Age 26 First Officer Elgin, Ill
Nancy L. Brown Age 24 Stewardess Fort Myers, Florida
Lorena R. Berg Age 28 Stewardess Woodstock, Ill.
Earl Carroll Age 54 Restaurant/Nightclub Owner, Theatrical Producer Hollywood, Calif.
Venita Varden (Oakie) Age ?? Former Follies Girl, New York Actress, ex wife of Comedian Jack Oakie Hollywood Calif.
Beryl Wallace Age ?? Actress,Earl Carrol's Lead Showgirl, Radio, Movie & TV Star Hollywood, Calif
E, George Von Sebo Age ?? Head of Warehousing & Merchandising for Devoe & Reynolds (Paint) Bronxville,
New York
Parker W. Silzer Age 48 Asst. Head of Warehousing & Merchandising for Devoe & Reynolds (Paint) and only son of Governor George S. Silzer of N.J. Metuchen,New Jersey
Mrs. Alta Gwinn Saunders Age ?? Professor Buisness English since 1919, University of Ill. Urbana,ILINOIS
Hugh McCloskey Age 32 Attorney, Texaco Oil Long Island, New York
Lieutnant Commander C.S. Avery Age ?? U.S. Navy S.F. Calif.
Nathan Berke Age ?? Merchant, Berke Bakeries Brooklyn, N.Y.
Ernest Winckoff Age ?? Berke Bakeries Brooklyn, N.Y.
Rowland/ Ronald Brown Age ?? Auditor, Brown Brothers Harriman Co. Wall street N.Y.
Arther B. Smith Age ?? Department Head Brown Brothers Harriman Co. Wall streetBrooklyn N.Y.
Frank Campi Age ??San Jose, California
Henry L. Jackson Age ?? Fashion Editor : Collier's Magazine, Field & Stream, fashion editor "Mens Reporter" Founder ESQUIRE Magazine White Plains, N.Y.
Walter A. Kendall Age 50 Head of Store Planning
W.T. Grant Co. Scarsdale,N.Y.
David Marcus Age ?? President Golden Edge Fabrics Co. Ill. Jamaica, Queens,N.Y.
Joy Marcus Age ?? Wife of David Marcus Jamaica, Queens,N.Y.
Mrs. L.O. Weiser (Rita) Age ?? Chicago,Illinois
A. Stewart Angus Age 50 Attorney Texas Oil San Francisco , Calif.
Anthony G. De Vito Age 38 Fred Bear Company Brooklyn, N.Y.
Hans Joachim Age ?? American Transul Co. S.F. Calif San Fransisco , Calif.
Rudolpf G. Harvey or R. Harvey Palmer Age ??
Associate Recotron Corp. New York City
H.L. Slater Age ?? Cardinal Electronics Corp. New York City
Miss Kay Thorpe AGE 15 Daughter of Bud Thorpe, N.B.C. Chicago Staff Announcer Omaha. Nebraska
E. Hinchliff or Hanchliff age ?? Vice Pres. Burson Knitting Mills Rockford, Ill.
George W. Rogers Age 33 Sales Mgr. Fountain Supplies, Lamont Corliss & Co. New York City
Yves Le Corre Age ?? Doctor, Paris France
Thomas J. Gallagher Age 27 Trucking & warehouse firm official Bryn Mawr, PA
Lawrence Dieringer Age ?? Vice Pres. L.K. Comstock Electric New York Dumont N.J.
R.B. Stewart Age ?? L.K. Comstock Electric New York N.Y.
Nathan V. Pessin Age 53 Market Executive Los Angeles, calif
George H.M. Harries Age 37 Secretary & assistant Treasurer Bally Ribbon Mills Inc. Boyertown , PA
Betty L. Harries Age 32 Wife of George Boyertown , PA
Remo Bufano Age 54 Actor, Puppeteer, Marionette Producer New York City
William Casmer (Cosmer) Age ?? New York City
Albert W. Stempel Age ?? Stratford , Connecticut
Paul March (Marchi) Age 32 Sacramento, Calif.
Toni Marcus (INFANT) AGE 8 Months Daughter of David & Joy Marcus
Jamaica, Queens, New York
the Weiser Infant Age ?? Chicago, Illinois