Ubilllas patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

ah the key point is the referance "from the PATACHE nuestra senora de la regala " --thus meaning that the padre came off of the wreck of ubilla's small vessel bought in cuba * since a PATACHE is smallish type vessel used for carrying messages and such things --and ubilla's fleet only had 2 of this type of vessel---the neives, and the cuba bought vessel (which was also names like his main treasure vessel capitana after ubilla's patron saint)--NUESTRA SENORA DE LA REGALA

thus the parache wreck site is most likely somewhere close by the known wreck sites general area. :wink:
which is the point of my thread in general.

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

With all due respect..... Anyone that has done an extensive research on the 1715 wrecks has come to the conclusion that the “Galante”wrecked close to Salmon’s wreck. We all agree on that....Right?
Yes, Padre Francisco de Leon y Cabrera was the only survivor of the “Galante”...OK!!!!....So what else? Can anyone really continue this thread?

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

Sounds like this thread is convoluted enough already...

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

have a coffee :coffee2: I'm buying :coffee2: :thumbsup: -- :icon_study: I need it while I study a bit more.

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

Make that an Irish coffee please!

Thanks Ivan!

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

Chagy said:
Dear Jim,

Yes, there were more Padres on Ubilla's fleet, as a matter of fact, 2 of them gave their life helping others. Yes I do have their full names, as a matter of fact one of them was going to be promoted to a very important position and some one else tuck his position because he died in the disaster. And yes I have more than one source where the information can be found. And yes I have the name of the vessel they were traveling...
And yes I know if they came aboard on Mexico or Havana....

All the best,

The Chagyman
Sounds like you may have in some information, or at least if you would be willing to point me in the direction of these sources, that would help me on my project. So far, the two padres I am interested in have never been mentioned in these forums.

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

My question is; Did Padre Francisco de Leon y Cabrera came aboard Ubilla's fleet in Mexico or Havana?


Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

"Ding Ding Ding...we have a winner"

Loose lips sink ships...love how news travels fast among pirates?
Sometime mis-information has a way of making someone really think they have the answer...
AAARRRGGGG......trust in no-one you will see for it is truly a pirates life for thee, watch thy brotherin'

Love reading this thread and a few others...funny how so many new faces are chiming in :wink:
I be fishkin'....I see


Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

oh information and MIS INFORMATION are both tools of the trade --me buckos ---nothing better than sending the other fellows that might be after the same loot as you -- off on a wild arse goose chase eh? :wink:

I've found a few clearly "planted" red herring's of mis information --- learned only after much wasted effort and research after reading some very highly regarded folks stuff that they "published " for the mass market over the years in during my reading , so I read "other folks published works" very carefully these days. ;D

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

In the must humble way I say this; I don’t have any answers to the mysteries of the 1715 (He who holds the answer should be able to find treasure) How ever I do have allot of theories like everyone else who has done their home work. Who knows maybe one day I can proof some of those theories to be true. We have come to the conclusion that theories is all there is right now.... Why? Well I believe the biggest obstacle we all have is the fact that non of the wrecks have been properly ID. When I say we, I’m talking about my 1715 research team which includes Tom Gidus and Jason Nowell also Darren helps us allot when ever he can get away from his own research. We also have the support from the rest of the ARRG team. Between the 3 of us we have had the pleasure and honor of interviewing most of the legendary salvors that have worked and found significant amount of treasure in the 1715 wrecks. Also we have had the honor of interviewing some of the legendary researchers who have done work on the 1715 wrecks. I would also have to thank a few of Tnet members who have been kind enough to share information with me .I thank you all for all your help and support. I don’t have to mention any names they know who they are. I will assure you that you all will be rewarded is I ever get to say “Today is the day” I must say that I have been bless because I have found all the treasure I need in God, friends and love ones and who knows maybe I will find some more treasure in the bottom of the sea or maybe even in land. It has been and it still is a great journey full of adventures, stories and wonderful moments and memories that I keep in a special place in my heart. That includes a very special gentleman who was the inspiration and the Godfather of ARRG my dear friend Scott Thomson. I have also been blessed because God has placed two very spacial gentlemans in my path who have always been there for me kinda like a commercial father who is always willing to listen and advice Mr. Don McKay and Mr. Burt Webber. We have also had the privilege of meeting and working in our Carribean projects with a very special gentleman who I consider a book of knowledge and a hardcore treasure hunter, my dear friend Lubos Kordac. My ARRG partners (my second family) what can I say; I guess every time you are conducting a salvage operation there is a certain level of life risk that creates a special bond with your partners. Guys thank you for helping me live the dream, for all the great adventures and the wonderful memories.....

Exactly 3 years ago Don told me; “Luis its all about the thrill of the journey, adding a page to history and if you can get rewarded with treasure even better”

Not to long ago Terry Armstrong told me; “Luis I enjoy very much the thrill of the hunt but sometimes I wish I didn’t find any treasure because that’s when all the problems start”

I have come to the conclusion that its very important to fallow the information on the documents but its as important to fallow the field work performed by salvors who have been successful and their theories.

Of course if you are in the Carribean it always helps to find the spot where the local fisherman hang out and show up with a good bottle of rum...2 hours later you will be hearing great stories...

The search goes on.......

The Chagyman

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

chagy clearly you do your research no doubt about it :wink: and are a smart fellow to boot. -- there are several smart folks --here on t net . -- me I'm just muddling along reading all the info I can get my hands on and thinking hard . (even a blind squrriel can find a nut now and then ) :wink:

Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

I had a bottle of rum with a local fisherman yesterday here in the Dominican Republic....he indeed had some interesting stories to tell. As Trez so valiantly pointed out...mis-information is everywhere, even in the archives in Seville. Until you touch the wreck, nothing is certain. Often you won't know what was true until you find the ship. Not to discount research, but my mag has never lied to me...




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Re: Ubillla's patache "nuestra senora de la regala" & the name of the preist on it

sadly I can't dive anymore (copd --smoking and asbestosis bad mix) agreed theres not like "proofing" a wreck in person -- Ivan

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