🏆 HONORABLE MENTION U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2010** Soldiers Photo added

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find UPDATE - Contacted the Wife

Ed-NH said:
DrJoePrime said:
UPDATE 3 Dec 2008:

Well I reached the phone number and Mrs. Florence Multer is still alive and apparently well.

Sadly, she seemed very put off by my call from the "blue". All the tact I could muster did not help to have her listen to me and she abruptly hung up. She said she didn't want it, maybe she expected me to ask for money? It's a sad state of affairs due to all the scammers out there today that we all have to be so suspicious and always on guard.

Any opinions on how to approach a situation like this in the future?

Well the Dog Tag is mine now.

HH Joe

Just a thought, if you have the address you could send it to her in the mail with a letter. She can't hang up on a letter and maybe she will realize that you are trying to do a good thing. btw nice find and great effort!

Thats exactly what I thought.


Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find UPDATE - Contacted the Wife

Good on you anyway. Great find to be sure. No matter what or who the guy was, he has been immortalized here even if only for a brief time.

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find UPDATE - Contacted the Wife

love reading about your research efforts.
keepp up the good work :thumbsup:

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find UPDATE - Contacted the Wife

hey gang,
Any update on this ??? Have you tried to take a pix and sent it with a letter to the wife ?? or maybe his kids ???


Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find UPDATE - Contacted the Wife

Just a thought, but what about trying to go through Leland, the brother - or his family?

In any case, you've really done your homework, and you've given it a good - no, better than just "good" try. At least you still have a story out of it, even if it isn't what you'd hoped for.

Ya did good.


Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find UPDATE - Contacted the Wife


Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Tag To Be Returned!

*UPDATE Dec 2009: Somehow the wife and I got together via AOL Instant Messaging. It's very, very strange because neither of us was aware of the other's AOL name. She said my name just popped up in her IM box.

Well she checked with her grandsons and found out that the tag was truly missing and she'll be thrilled to get it back. I am hoping for a photo of her to official end this thread. Gotta Love this hobby!

HH Joe

PS: here is her message to me:

"I was thrilled to hear from you. I apologize for hanging up on you so long ago but a widow living alone needs to be careful and also I was confined one of my grandsons had them. After learning that no they did not I felt very bad.
Yes, I would love to have the tag back.
My address is: xxxxx Ventura 93003

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Tag To Be Returned!

Well I cleaned up the tag (soaked in vinegar for a few hours) and mailed it off today and hopefully Mrs. Multer will get it before Christmas.

Here's her last email to me:

"Thank you so much for your kindness. I'll be watching the mail for it.
Feel free to use my picture on face book.
My husband was stationed in France then Germany. He was in the Field Artillery. He was in officer's training here in the States but the Army decided they had too many Officers so he ended up a PFC in the Artillery.
He received a medical discharge in 1945.
Hope this helps.
Sincerely Florence Multer"

The tag all nice and clean (relatively...I didn't want to overdo it). And a photo of Mrs Multer from FaceBook.


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Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Tag To Be Returned!

Well I'll Be congratulations to both of you!

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Tag To Be Returned!

AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hats off to ya brother!! and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumleft: :icon_thumleft: :hello2:

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Tag To Be Returned!

Awesome, I cannot imagine what it means to that lady to receive her husband's dogtag! Incredible story and hats off to you! I have also returned some tags to a WW-1 veterans son. It is a good feeling to be of assistance to someone like that. Bryan

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Tag To Be Returned!

Thats pretty cool, they had a lot less info on those tags than my grandpops korean war tag I have. His has his religion, blood type, service date..... How do you guys find passport photos and HS year book photos? I'd love to see what my ancestors looked like all's I've been able to find is draft cards, pension forms, and census records.

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Tag To Be Returned!

Oh Wow...Mission Accomplished It sure feels good!

"My husband's Dog tag and picture arrived today. I was thrilled !!!Because of your endeavors this will be a very special Xmas for my family.
Again, thank you and over the Holidays remember that you have made one daughter, three grand sons, four great grand children, and a loving wife very happy.
Regards to you and your wife.
Florence Multer"

HH Joe

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Returned For Christmas!!

Many Thanks to you for that effort. As a Vet myself, the son of a Vet, the son-in-law of a Vet and the Grandson of a Vet, I'm sure it means a lot to the family. Great to know some people do more than just the right thing.

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Returned For Christmas!!

YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Congrats there DrJoePrime! Very happy this had a happy ending afterall. And as per your PM...You are most welcomed!

Only sad, the other dog tag find we had some months back did not pan out so well, but very happy this one has a very happy ending!

KUDOS to you!!!! Happy New Year!

...JIMMY(PA)...PM me if you wish for help on your ancestors. I'll be happy to assist.

And I have to say...my sisters father in law was adopted in 1937...and after nearly 8 years of research, I FOUND HIS BIOLOGICAL FAMILY! The news was given to him New Year's Eve! WHOO Hoooo! Sadly though, his mother passed in 1993 and two uncles since then, but he still has two aunts (one is 83 and the other 75!). So NEVER EVER give up .... the answers are there!

Happy New Year EVERYONE!!!! :)
Annmarie (I'm am LadyDigger.... this SN is now my hubbys)

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2009** Returned For Christmas!!

I am in contact with Hugh Multer's daughter now and she graciously sent me some photos of her dad in uniform during WW2 in Germany.

An amazing experience to put a face to the name.

HH Joe


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Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2010** Soldier's Photo added

Sadly ... I learned that Mrs. Multer passed away in October 2011 after achieving 90 years of age.

I am glad to have brought her husband's memory out in the open .. for at least a short while. I also remember him and his wife every time I am detecting the area where I found his military dog tags.

Thanks for the Tnet family for all your help.


Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2010** Soldier's Photo added

Joe ,you made her lChrisrtmas outstanding with her husbands tag returned. My wifes Grand father just past away at 90. He was at Dday and fought in the Bulge before getting frost bite.

Re: U.S. Army Dog Tag - Beach Find **UPDATE 2010** Soldier's Photo added

5 golden atta boy points -- plus 5 extra for not giving up after the "no" :headbang: :hello2: job well done --somethings are just meant to be / happan

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