U guys made me $ at store...

Check those eggs. You might have a golden one in the bunch with the luck your having today :D

Life is a test. Judgement is the grade. What will be the score? Not for me to say! I would advise however you recognize yor guilty concience for what it is telling you and react accordingly. Giterdone

Thanks, Giterdone. I think it's probably a good sign that I feel a little lousy about it, but I recognize it's not a test of whether I am a decent person or not as to whether I return it. I know that I will always do the right thing in a critical moral situation, which could even include endangering my own life for someone I didn't know if it were necessary. I just don't think it's critical to return the $ in that situation. Others may disagree and I can respect that for sure.

Yep, pack your bags, Bergie. Your on a first class trip down the highway to hell now :D

Congrats!! You are .75 up on The Man! I'm sure he has taken a bit more than that from you in your life. Take what you can get!

I agree with Bergie. The path to Hell is not paved with non-returned clad quarters.

However, lets up the ante. You go to a convenience store and the clerk gives you an extra $20 by mistake. Would you go back and return the money if you knew the clerk would have to reimburse the owner for the mistake? This clerk by the way is a senior citizen who works close to minimum wage. What would you do?

It's funny how people think. If I went down to the state's license bureau to pay my outrageous auto license fee and was given an extra $20 by the clerk I would not go back to return it.


My wife once worked at a bank that gave a test about a ton of stuff . One question was if you saw another employee sneak a dollar in their pocket would you tell . Later they asked the same question BUT it was a $100 dollar bill . The point was that theft was theft . What goes around comes around . I like to think if the person made an honest mistake I would make it right . I don't need $20 but anything I do that is right gives me a good feeling that takes the place of my wrongfully gotten gains . BUT!!!! Let me add if the person has been a butthole then or in the past I would give the money to someone that deserves (IMHO) it more . I try to do this with "found money" also . EXAMPLE: I delivered a bunch of freight to a customer on a job site . I had to drag the stuff waaaaaayyyy inside the building . I am actually not supposed to do this but it was no big thing to me . He then gives me a 20 dollar bill . I thanked him but told him that he did not have to do that . He insisted . I thanked him and told him just what I was going to do with it AND I did . A girl at another company that I deliver to has a husband in Iraq . The folks at the company give items to her and sometimes a few bucks to cover the shipping . She got the 20 .Everybody is happy . It's the Holiday season . Put the .75 into a kettle and who knows how much good it will do . Or give it back . Whichever makes you think you did a good thing ......... WTH ..... do both .I probably would .

If it was me, I'd retrurn it too. Although, there is a chance that the clerk had received it as a quarter and whoever gave it to him thought it was a quarter.... I don't think stores start with dollar coins.. But do get them from time to time...

So... Maybe you should try to find the original person?!?!!? :)

Hey.. We're treasure hunters/investigators -- this should be easy!!! LOL

If it was in the quarter box in the register he probably got it as a quarter...

I have been a member in this forum for a little over a month and this is my first post. Even I find it a little interesting that my first post would be on this topic.
I actually have a set procedure on this type of issue. If I notice the discrepancy while still in the store, I will make the sales person aware of the mistake and return the money. On the other hand, if I am in the car going down the highway or at home when I make the discovery, I will not make the return trip.

Welcome to the forum. Thanks for the input. Sounds like a good policy.

If I did not notice it when it was handed to me I would go ahead and keep it.
With all of this moral discussion on the board you can tell it is cold out side and not many
of us are actually out detecting. All of these guys who say that they would return
75 cent I am not so sure. They would spend more time returning things they have
found than actually detecting. If you want to donate your finds to a good cause
I think that is awesome. But to return clad or any thing small you find or that is
given to you by mistake I do not think many of us would make the effort.
just my opinion.

Exactly! I don't think it's important enough either way to make a moral stand or to judge anyone either way.

No way. I figure that if the manager can't hire someone who can count then it's their tough luck for trying to save a buck by hiring someone so stupid.
First lesson learned in life is to watch your own money. I've been taken way way too many times in my life and probably will continue to be taken here and there. The worst part is when your trust has been fooled by someone dishonest. I had a guy in a gas station give me a hard line story about having no money to get back home from Quartzite, AZ (where I was headed with a lot of money to spend for the weekend), he knew it and told me he just needed enough $ to get gas to get home and he would send me the cash when he got home. I gave him my card and never saw him or that money to fill his gas tank again! I trusted someone and they just put another nail in the "trust" coffin.
Unfortunately thiings like this happen all too often and it hhas put my trust in folks way down the list. I guess you could say to some extent I joined them? But I have given $ back in the past too. I kind of consider all this stuff "Tax on life" just like a speeding ticket or a car breakdown that costs you big bucks. It's a loss you don't expect that usually comes up at the most inopportune time. 8)

One day I went to a bank to cash a check ?a woman gave me for some stuff I sold. I signed the check and handed it to the teller it was for $749 and some change. As she finished counting it back, I told her she had miss counted, she gave me a hundred dollars to much, her reply was, she was right, I was wrong. I told again she was mistaken she said she didn't make mistakes so i put the extra money in my pocket and left. Two days later I get phone call from the same *(^%&^#) lady saying i was over paid one hundred dollars, my answer was she didn't make mistakes and hung up. A few minutes later she called back again saying several things, some not to nice, I let her sweat a little more ,then I agreed to let her have it back, then she said I had to bring it to her bank and it had to be there before the closing of the bank. This really pissed me off, I told her if she wanted it she had to come get it at my home, that it was my not my responsibility to deliver to her, specially since I tried to tell her she was giving me to much. Well when she picked it up, saying a few choice words, when she did, pissed me off worst than i was before, so ?I wrote a letter to the bank describing the incident and adding ?that I would never take a check from that bank if that is the sort of people the hire. Never heard word one but I have never been back. To say the least. I suppose that if I hadn't gave it back I would of been in jail for stealing, I don't understand, whatever happened to common courtesy and listening to other people when they are trying to tell you, as far as I know we all but my Dad lol make mistake so listen we all, me too, listen when someone trys to point it out

Good story, Chuckered. I'd have been mad, too.

It's cold here in NC, too, so I guess I'll jump into the moral fray ?:) ?Here's a question for us all who are extra cold and want some stuff for "deep" thinking. Can you stand your ground on your beliefs without needing others to agree? There's a difference between being open-minded and being open. ?I am not very open-minded as far as my beliefs go, but I try to be very open to people with different beliefs and values. It's pretty hard to have a set of values and not be threatened if others disagree with them.

So what would I do? I'd return the miscounted change, lost rings, whatever...as long as I feasibly could. Especially if I were standing there and noticed they made a mistake. I do feel the line of stealing is crossed in that scenario.

As far as rewards go (see other threads along the same lines), if someone else wants a reward for their efforts, fine. It may sound ambiguous, but both are right. Coinshooter or others don't have to be wrong if they want to do it differently than I would. A man is entitled to a reward for his efforts. If he chooses to forego the reward, he is right in that, too. Some things are up for grabs and some things aren't. I think this scenario is.

Okay, I'm already getting nauseous at my own post :P Chad and I are going out again tomorrow to a 1890s house. Wish us luck. I hope to be back at the moonshiner's place soon, too!

Wow!? Lots of post for just $0.75.? This is the way I look at it.? Someone probably mistakenly gave the dollar to the clerk thinking it was a quarter, the clerk puts it in the drawer and then hands it back out in change.? No biggie!? If it had been a mistaken 50 for a twenty, thats another story.?

I have had this same scenario happen to me many times with Susan B Anthonys.? Thats why the government pulled them.? Be happy you were able to get a little of the money back the Rip Off Convience stores take from us.


Another first time poster today, wow...
This topic really is bringing us out of the woodwork.

My story happened today as a matter of fact.? I was at lunch with a business associate at a local eatery, our checks were brought and as we normally do, put our money down on the table so that the nice waitress can ring us out. Well the waitress today took my money ($7.00 for a $6.39 bill) and just put it in her pocket when she was heading to the register. Turns out, she put it in with all of her other cash and it got mixed in with everything else.? She came back over with change for a twenty. I politely told her that she gave me back too much and she looked a bit startled.? She explained that she had absentmindedly put the money with her other cash and thought it was a Twenty.? She had even mentioned it to her manager that she was stupid for doing it, but if she was short, that was her fault.? My friend said we all have done something stupid like that before and laughed about it.? Her manager then came over and gave me a coupon for a free desert next time I was in.?
Happy endings for all.

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