Two SC Militia buttons in one hunt [thread Updated in post #40]


Bronze Member
Jun 1, 2015
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South Carolina
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Last weekend I returned to the field where I have located three home sites. I had hit one of the older sites pretty hard with my 5X8 coil and decided to go back and work it again with the 8X11 (for a little bit of extra depth). A lot of times, at these older sites the smaller coil is just out of range of some of the relics and an extra inch or so in depth can make a big difference. One of the relics I had previously found at the site was a coat-sized SC militia button; I'll post that hunt later (I must be stuck in the continuum lol).

Well I started out by finding a couple of coins-a 1934 quarter (my first silver quarter) and a 1910 wheatie that is in decent shape.


Working through the site I found a flat button, then a two-piece civilian button. Then, after digging some trash targets I picked up a good signal and dug a small two-piece button. Right away I noticed an intricate raised design on the front . A gentle wipe with my finger revealed a palmetto tree and I instantly knew that I had dug a cuff-sized South Carolina button.


I could tell that it was in excellent condition and had a lot of silver wash still on it; I knew it would clean up well. At the end of the hunt I wiped off the back and read the back mark: "Hayden Gregg & Co/Charleston." Later research told me that this firm was a jeweler/silversmith in Charleston that produced silver and other items under that name from 1838 to 1843. The history of the company makes no mention of them producing buttons. Albert's lists a one-piece SC militia button for Hayden Gregg & Co but no two piece version; apparently this is a pretty rare button. It is in exceptional condition and completely intact; here it is after cleanup

20170711_193157.webp 20170711_194752.webp


So back to the hunt...
I continued to work the site with the larger coil. A couple of two-piece buttons, the back of another one, a keyhole cover, etc. Then the AT Pro rang out a solid mid tone of 67 . I dug the hole, pinpointed, and pulled out (to my surprise) another SC militia button-this one coat sized


This one has a "Shuyler H&G/New York" back mark-the same as the militia button I found on a previous hunt. Buttons with that back mark date to the 1850s, and many of them were made by Scovill

20170710_165957.webp 20170711_194232.webp

This is the fifth SC militia button I've found this year plus one last year


Here are my finds for the day.


Well I guess I know where I'll be hunting this weekend :icon_thumright:

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Upvote 29
It sure is a beauty!!
You have to be extremely proud.

Wow! I liked it before but really like it now!! Super cool to recover such a neat and rare piece of history. Being solid silver I agree with Stef, it deserves a place on the banner. My votes in. Big congrats!

Thanks guys; I'll probably never find another one of those (but you never know)

Love it,what a beauty!

Super find and research Glenn. My Banner vote is in.

Very nice button. Congrats on a great find.

That is really an exceptional find. I was admiring how crisp it was prior in the earlier post. Never seen anything like that on TNet.

Big congrats, a little jealous and one banner vote.

WOW Glenn... that's incredible man. I am also going to toss a banner vote up for that one.

Nice Button:notworthy:

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That is unbelievable! Great find! Must have been made for someone very high up. Congrats man this one has to be rare. I think it deserves a banner.

Thanks Stef-I have to agree with that theory. I don't think that silver buttons were standard issue.

That's wild Glenn, clearly made for someone of wealth within the pre war militia. Outstanding research

Thanks Jon-When you get back we'll have to go look for another one :icon_thumright:

That is really an exceptional find. I was admiring how crisp it was prior in the earlier post. Never seen anything like that on TNet.

Big congrats, a little jealous and one banner vote.

Thanks Tom. No need to be jealous-you are the silver king!

WOW Glenn... that's incredible man. I am also going to toss a banner vote up for that one.

Thanks buddy-that's a big compliment coming from you

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