Two Merc Day.


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2014
mid western ARK
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
XP Deus with 9"LF and 9" HF Coils and 600 Equinox with stock and 6" coils
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I have been using the new HF coil and today found two mercs, 1936 and a 1941 plus a 36 wheatie. I keep my remote in my pocket so I just dig signals by ear. in this site, I usually dig 90-95 percent of signals heard. The 36 merc sounded like silver to me, 28 kz, full tones. the 41 on the other hand, I really thought I was digging another pull ring and was totally surprised. The bracket with the teeth, I wondered if it might have been part of a sling for a military rifle since it was found in the general area that I have found WWII finds. The wheatie was another surprise, I found it in an area that we had hit hard previously. I believe it was on edge and pretty deep but hit hard with the HF coil at 28 hz. The two dimes were under a power line that was giving me fits, very noisy so I adjusted the freq a little to quieten it down a little. I am still ignorant of using the 54 hz for deep silvers, I don't know if you lose depth on silvers on the higher freqs and do better on gold? still got a lot to learn but loving the new coil.


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Nice Mercs and wheatie! Just dig 90-95 percent of signals heard in that site. Does that include iron tones as well? I spent 6 hours today between the beach and a farm. I probably heard 1,000 signals, no kidding. I could never dig all of that and make it home alive. :laughing7: I'm still learning the whole dig/don't dig based on tones and trust in my machine. Not there yet, but still find cool things all over the VDI numbers. Now if I could just keep up with the machine!! Congrats on those finds! :thumbsup:

Nice Mercs and wheatie! Just dig 90-95 percent of signals heard in that site. Does that include iron tones as well? I spent 6 hours today between the beach and a farm. I probably heard 1,000 signals, no kidding. I could never dig all of that and make it home alive. :laughing7: I'm still learning the whole dig/don't dig based on tones and trust in my machine. Not there yet, but still find cool things all over the VDI numbers. Now if I could just keep up with the machine!! Congrats on those finds! :thumbsup:

at this place, I do dig some iron, I dig a lot of foil as well. I even dig bottle caps but, I am usually pretty sure that it is a bottle cap and so-so on some of the iron. I quit looking at the numbers a while back and I dig a lot of iffy signals just to see what they are. I am working this area with the might as well get it out of here attitude. Yes, I occasionally leave a signal but it is because I am tired and plan to dig it later. There is enough modern trash in parts of this spot to make the CD program a lot too busy.

at this place, I do dig some iron, I dig a lot of foil as well. I even dig bottle caps but, I am usually pretty sure that it is a bottle cap and so-so on some of the iron. I quit looking at the numbers a while back and I dig a lot of iffy signals just to see what they are. I am working this area with the might as well get it out of here attitude. Yes, I occasionally leave a signal but it is because I am tired and plan to dig it later. There is enough modern trash in parts of this spot to make the CD program a lot too busy.

I like your approach. I'm still into the numbers, but am slowly leaning towards to tones. I'm finding that it's a lot like training wheels when I learned to ride a bike. Still learning....and loving it!!

yeah, but you really need to find the tones that you like and stick to them so that they can actually talk to you. but, even they can be misleading at times. I have several times thought that I was digging a zincoid or a pull tab only to dig a silver dime. so many factors determine the signal in both tones and number wise. So, a repeatable signal is a dig able signal in my book

yeah, but you really need to find the tones that you like and stick to them so that they can actually talk to you. but, even they can be misleading at times. I have several times thought that I was digging a zincoid or a pull tab only to dig a silver dime. so many factors determine the signal in both tones and number wise. So, a repeatable signal is a dig able signal in my book

Still working on it. The repeatable tones are a go every time. It's the bouncy ones that are still forcing me to make a choice to drop and dig, or walk away. And when I walk away, I almost always turn around and dig with a snide remark! :laughing7:

I think it is those type signals that can turn into something very nice, not always but they can. I believe Calabash says this. As you already know, there is only one way to know for sure. Yeah, I usually grunt as I drop down and dig, especially on a signal that may not be anything good. I guess it boils down to the area that you are hunting. I could see checking a lot of those types of signals at a beach

just realized that these are the 14th and 15th silver for the year so far and 36th silver for this site, still can't believe it. getting harder to find, more work but worth it

DL you got the correct picture on 54 kHz, might pass over some deep silver but will hit hard on the mid conductors (brass, small lead, Nickels, and of course, gold).

Man DL,
You are killing it on those silvers.

Your bracket with teeth is not for a rifle sling, but more likely for a nap sack.

Keep hitting that place... more will come

Man DL,
You are killing it on those silvers.

Your bracket with teeth is not for a rifle sling, but more likely for a nap sack.

Keep hitting that place... more will come

well, I was an Air Force man. actually a radio man at that LOL

DL you got the correct picture on 54 kHz, might pass over some deep silver but will hit hard on the mid conductors (brass, small lead, Nickels, and of course, gold).

thanks, was thinking it was something like that. heck, the 28 hammers the mid conductors pretty deep, 54 must be wild!

Well done DL.

veryyyyyyy nice!

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