tryin, but i dont get it.

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Jun 12, 2014
anywhere but HERE
Primary Interest:
tryin', but i don't get it.

DSCF6203.JPG trying to follow the directions so other people can see the artifacts. hoe blade and etc. Just not technically handy. sorry.

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Hello missmoose, incase you come back & read this....the guys on this site are wonderful people and are only trying to help you. They helped me greatly when I was new & still do. I got asked a lot of the same questions when I first started posting. Remember...getting good help on your finds is a two way street...and welcome to the site...if you come back. ;)

Welcome ;) the opinions of others is why we are on here I was hard headed when I first joined lol just ask everyone ... It's not about always agreeing on something but learning all the information you can right or wrong it's always useful ;)

Seems miss will not return. Too bad. What with everything he/she said were found at this particular site, you'd think the introductory post would be of all the really obvious, good artifacts-- THEN post this- just to see, just to add to the mix and pose a solid question. But as it stands, from that one photo, from that one angle, and with nothing but a written description of what may or may not be on the other side... well sheesh.

And what gets me the most is that we really could use some more folks from the great North East, as we really don't have many. We all could have learned a lot. But with stubborn-ness, and a one-shot attitude (as in, this is what I have to show you and this is it, and I have strong opinions concerning it, and the rest be damned)... well... I dunno. It's just kind of sad- and in fact, it pisses me off. I used to live up there, went to school in the mid-NY area (Albany/Saratoga/Hyde Park), and would REALLY love to know more about what the heck I missed out on when I was there- if for no other reason than to kick myself for being so ignorant.

But here we are. With not even one more clue. Not one. And this really should be a lesson to first-time posters. (but I think w/ smart phone apps, past posts don't get read, and the 'gist' of the forum is missed, -- the honest enthusiasm we all have for new posters, and their respective discoveries). And THAT, my dear friends and comrades, is a shame.

(it was fun to see the same double face-palm I used in a different post being used again, but not at the expense of what could have been another good solid member/poster)
Again. I'm sad. I wonder if Miss-Petulance will ever return to read all this and see that we really are on the side of DISCOVERY- and not just here to feed our personal egos- as though we have some weird unified agenda- which we clearly do not. We can only respond to what we see- and not to what is only written. I learned this long ago when I wasn't able to add photos to my meager posts-- which got me nothing, nada, zip as far as conformation, enthusiasm, or information.

So there. I've said my piece.
Yakker (and soon to be Tiny Home Nomad)

When I first started with treasurenet, I posted something that I could have swore up and down was a Native morter,considering where I found it as well.The feed-back I got was not what I wanted to hear and I cant say I liked it very much,Thinking "these guys don't know what they are talking about"but with closer investigation I saw that they where right,the evidence just wasn't there.Not saying that's the case with your find,I wouldn't be the person to ask anyway.But don't give up on Tnet,You will find that there is allot knowledgeable people and some experts that will just blow your mind with what they know , and are a "BIG" help with allot of relics and artifacts. I don't think this site could be what it is without them.Post some more picture's and good luck and"welcome"

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When I first started with treasurenet, I posted something that I could have swore up and down was a Native morter,considering where I found it as well.The feed-back I got was not what I wanted to hear and I cant say I liked it very much,Thinking "these guys don't know what they are talking about"but with closer investigation I saw that they where right,the evidence just wasn't there.Not saying that's the case with your find,I wouldn't be the person to ask anyway.But don't give up on Tnet,You will find that there is allot knowledgeable people and some experts that will just blow your mind with what they know , and are a "BIG" help with allot of relics and artifacts. I don't think this site could be what it is without them.Post some more picture's and good luck and"welcome"

well i for one have learned so dang much here that do not even know how to thank everyone
for example i was with the owner of the site i care for doing some HH'ing just this morning and he ran across a unifacial blade which i learned from tnetters that this is called a 'backed blade'....
.....he was happy for the knowledge just as i always am......... anyhow thank you to all, i have learned a ton of info here......
love you all tnetters
stevie bauman

i never engaged in profanity or abuse. i honestly stated what i believe. so sorry if that reads as a terrible thing to you. hey, with mean-spirited, nasty remarks like yours, you don't need to worry about endearing yourself to new members; it'll never happen. i've refrained from being belligerent, but i will say it now: it's j___s like you that make me happy i'm out in the woods away from them. and yes, Tom, you sound very supercilious. i will bet that you had to look that up, too. there is no need to respond. i'd rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick than spend one more second around charmers such as yourself. maybe you should ask yourself why it should bother you if someone believes in themselves and supports their position (?) Now that's funny....... you think i'm actually interested in "lasting" here; like it's some kind of yearned for utopia. get over yourself, please. the Concorde couldn't get me outta here quick enough.

will YOU give it up already? i was told that there was something i should read from a lady poster; that is the only reason i'm even looking at this stuff. i left it alone and forgot about it. i even said it's pointless to go on. what the H___ more do you want? get off it already. i did. and some of YOU are the ones who should ease up. no one's committed murder here, Jesus H. christ. i've never seen so many a____s in one place.

Welcome missmoose.

Put this first item aside, and show us some of your points. We are all dying to compliment your collection, show us some more.:thumbsup:

i never engaged in profanity or abuse. i honestly stated what i believe. so sorry if that reads as a terrible thing to you. hey, with mean-spirited, nasty remarks like yours, you don't need to worry about endearing yourself to new members; it'll never happen. i've refrained from being belligerent, but i will say it now: it's j___s like you that make me happy i'm out in the woods away from them. and yes, Tom, you sound very supercilious. i will bet that you had to look that up, too. there is no need to respond. i'd rather poke myself in the eye with a sharp stick than spend one more second around charmers such as yourself. maybe you should ask yourself why it should bother you if someone believes in themselves and supports their position (?) Now that's funny....... you think i'm actually interested in "lasting" here; like it's some kind of yearned for utopia. get over yourself, please. the Concorde couldn't get me outta here quick enough.

"I never engaged in profanity or abuse."

Neither did we.

" I honestly stated what I believe. So sorry if that reads as a terrible thing to you"

We honestly stated what we believe. So sorry if that reads as a terrible thing to you.

"Hey, with mean-spirited, nasty remarks like yours, you don't have to worry about endearing yourself to new members"

The only genuine mean-spirited remarks in the entire thread were spoken by yourself.

"Maybe you should ask yourself why it should bother you if someone believes in themselves and supports their position"(?)

I agree. Maybe you should ask yourself that, why it should bother you that I believe in what I said and supported my position. If you are entitled to do that, can you please explain to me why we are not entitled to do the very same thing? One rule for yourself and a different rule for the rest of us? You can defend your position, but God help us if we defend ours? And, in any event, who told you it bothers anyone that you defend your position? Nobody said that to you at all. I personally am not in the least bothered by your position or you defending it. I just disagree with you. You are basically saying that disagreeing with you is not, and simply will not be, tolerated. Period. Make that a general rule, and there will be no forums at all.

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After reading through the thread twice, all I can say is, WOW!
And that is not in reference to the members.

This should be locked IMO

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