Tried a different kind of hunting.

What a beautiful recurve bow Charlie P ! We fill a couple of families freezers for them and sometimes do the hunters for the hungry program and I fill my own freezer. I eat two deer a year. Does are good but a 3 year old buck not in rut and eating soybeans and corn sure makes for some juicy steaks. I like to cut the back strap and inside loin into chops.
Something many people never realize is how good a standing neck roast can be. I admit when I was young it was a lot about the horns. Now that I am older I enjoy letting them walk. I lost count at around 60 deer 10 years ago. Each deer is always a blessing to me.
Hope everyone has a safe and successful season.

Congrats on your first mikeraydj.

I am sorry my post offended you. But It seems like every find demands a sacrifice. Even metal detecting demands a loss.

I go by "Stumpkiller" on several other forums from my love of field archery.

I have an assortment of one-piece recurves from the 1960's that I keep in play. A bunch of us like minded traditional bowhunters get together in the spring to shoot stumps in the Adirondacks.

I still have my Ben Pearson Cougar 7050 40# I got for Christmas when I was 13. Also have a Bear Grizzly 45#.
My first bow was a long bow. Older people in the neighborhood called me Robin. I love to shoot recurves.
Maybe I have become one of those softies about killing animals these days. I won't do it unless I feel I absolutely have to.
I still have some of the best deer hunting property in Tennessee, but haven't hunted it in years. I do allow others to use the cabin and take deer and turkey.
Now fish are a different story...........being in Florida. If it's on my hook, it's going home with me. Well....the ones that are good for eating that is.
Those are some really nice bows you have there. I got some of my best deals on bows at yard sales. I love the old ones...even if I just have them to look at.

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I am sorry my post offended you. But It seems like every find demands a sacrifice. Even metal detecting demands a loss.

Hey you posted that after my post. L.o.l..
Just in case by some slim chance there is any doubt.., I'm delighted for you.:hello2:

No I was replying to FREEBIRDTIM.

I still have my Ben Pearson Cougar 7050 40# I got for Christmas when I was 13. Also have a Bear Grizzly 45#.
My first bow was a long bow. Older people in the neighborhood called me Robin. I love to shoot recurves.
Maybe I have become one of those softies about killing animals these days. I won't do it unless I feel I absolutely have to.
I still have some of the best deer hunting property in Tennessee, but haven't hunted it in years. I do allow others to use the cabin and take deer and turkey.
Now fish are a different story...........being in Florida. If it's on my hook, it's going home with me. Well....the ones that are good for eating that is.
Those are some really nice bows you have there. I got some of my best deals on bows at yard sales. I love the old ones...even if I just have them to look at.

I had a 1960ish Red Wing Hunter blow up in my hands so now I'm careful with the three I have left (and a Wing Presentation II that is a hell of a target & field archery bow). Last count I had 14 recurves and one longbow. Tried the longbow. Liked it. But I may be rare in that I prefer a recurve and shoot them better. Been using them since I can remember. Tried a compound and I became Jerry Lewis in the woods. Every stupid mistake you could think of. Plus the aluminum arrows broke when I shot stumps. Obviously defective technology.

Totally respect your hunting choices. I now have the property I always lusted after and now that I see deer almost every day and raise sheep I'm less bloodthirsty than I used to be. And I used to be bug-nutz dedicated to deer hunting. The freezer currently has five sheep, a quarter of an Angus steer, 14 chickens and two turkeys in it so I'm not getting up any too early to go deer hunting this season. ;-)

Love the challenge, love the woods, but I don't need the kill to be happy.

Now fish . . . I've been playing with a Takana fly pole (ultra limber 14 ft with no reel and the teeny rod tip is like a 0.5mm pencil lead) and having a ball catching and releasing little native brook trout. I seldom keep the small and largemouth I pester with ultralight spinning tackle and 1-1/2" Mr. Twister jigs. But perch are a different story. THE ADMIRAL has me filet them and slice them into strips, then she par-broils them with a little salt and chills them. Serve with cocktail sauce. Yum, yum, yum. "Skaneateles Shrimp" we call them. Though they can be from Seneca or Cayuga more often.

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No I was replying to FREEBIRDTIM.

It seems that those offensive post are no longer here? :hello: I live in the outdoors as much as possible. Hunting fishing and treasure hunting. It is the hunter gatherer in all of us. Happy for you. I have some great recipes for deer.

Nice Charlie: I also have Hunted The Adirondacks a lot. I am from the Utica/Rome area

I used to carve up my own tired of being ripped off by the butcher and sometimes not even getting the same meat!! I used to cut up the back straps, both hind quarters and the front shoulders. I would then "bone out" the rest of the deer and take it to the butcher and have hamburger made of it. Some of the best hamburger ya ever tasted!! They would add 10% beef fat and man oh man was it ever good!!:thumbsup:
What a beautiful recurve bow Charlie P ! We fill a couple of families freezers for them and sometimes do the hunters for the hungry program and I fill my own freezer. I eat two deer a year. Does are good but a 3 year old buck not in rut and eating soybeans and corn sure makes for some juicy steaks. I like to cut the back strap and inside loin into chops.
Something many people never realize is how good a standing neck roast can be. I admit when I was young it was a lot about the horns. Now that I am older I enjoy letting them walk. I lost count at around 60 deer 10 years ago. Each deer is always a blessing to me.
Hope everyone has a safe and successful season.

Oh yeah got to add some beef fat. I have even done a 80/20 on the burger for the grill.


With fresh morels.

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