Treasure worth millions stashed for Treasure Hunters update 2-27-13

I advise every single member on this forum to give up the persuit of this so called 'give-a-way'. If he went to the grave with this information they you'd have a chance. But the fact that he is still alive means, south-american treasure hunting cut-throats, (ie, the one's who send balboa's to the US currency supply) have probably already made their way to his house, and he was forced to disclose the information. I am willing to bet money, that this has already happened and the treasure is gone, and if it did not happen yet, you are only putting yourself at risk if you get close.

So If YOU think this wy fine, but those of US that want to fine it / talk about it don't need nor want YOUR 2 cents if it is Negative!!!!!!!!!!!!

I believe this treasure will be found by next year.... This year if I can make a way to it. I like all the rest have figured out ALL the clues... I just need a way to it.... Enjoy the Chase while u can.... :)

Only if the search thinks like you were around in 1950' version of Fenns poem..revised!

In There Alone, As I have Gone
Bold, Alone With My Treasure
Where I Can Keep My Secret
Riches New And Old, A Hint Of

Where Warm Waters Halt, Begin It
Down The Canyon And Take it In
Too Far To Walk, But Not To Far
The Home Of Brown, Put In Below

Its No Place For The Meek From There
Ever Drawing Nigh, The End Is
Up Your Creek There’ll Be No Paddle
Water High, Just Heavy Loads

Found The Blaze, You’ve Been Wise
Your Quest To Cease, Look Quickly Down
Scant With Marvel Gaze, But Tarry
Go In Peace and Just Take The Chest

I Must Go, So Why Is That
And Leave For All to Seek, My Trove
I Already Know The Answers
Now I’m Weak, I’ve Done It Tired

Umm he is gone now, but, He never said it was buried!??!

I hope enough hunters will share what they know and someone can come up with the treasure. To that end I have put everything I know about the treasure and all the of where I have look in a blog I think it has been found but if not I am searching the next best bet. Everyday I discuss what I found and learned. There are only a few Browns that are up from water high and heavy loads (this from the poem) I feel I am searching the correct area (if not the Lamar River) so take a look and leave a comment.

Very interesting point jeff!! Perhaps not a mistake, but a purpose!! Certainly compromising one's ability to secure the treasure!! VERDE!!

I hope someone finds it. How fun to have the time and money to look. Be nice to see it in Todays finds !:thumbsup:

I wonder if he made the Mistake of putting it in the National Forrest

where it would now be illegal to remove & keep it,

Why would you think it would be illegal to "remove & keep it" if found in the National Forest???????? I believe this to be incorrect information although I know of others (LEO's, Archaelogist's, etc.) that have also stated this...but they have the agenda to discourage the public from searching for the treasure. They also make the argument that it would be protected historical artifacts but it's not.

IMO: Forrest Fenn's Treasure has not even been abandoned even if it is hidden in a National Forest or a National Park. If it were abandoned, he would not be able to pass title of it to the finder (you can't pass title to something you do not own!). So, by saying that he passes title to finder is an acknowlegement that he (and his heirs after death) retain title (ownership) to the treasure until someone finds it. Fenn's treasure is personal property and would be treated no differently than if you lost a valuable diamond and gold ring (family heirloom passed down since the 1800's) in a National Park, and later legally searched for and recovered. Seems like I remember reading about a similar senario to this in the past? Of course, my memory is not very good.

Now if a National Forest employee finds it in the performance of their duties...well that's another senario.

Where the Treasure Lies
By Forrest Fenn​
As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.
Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk,
Put in below the home of Brown.
From there it’s no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There’ll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.
If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.
So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.
So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.

I just noticed these Fenn posts because someone is advertising a book for sale.
Is it possible the answer is in the first 2 lines?

Where the Treasure Lies
By Forrest Fenn

Was his house brown?
I assume he's passed by now.

I only search for buried treasures in Connecticut. Good hunting and good luck.

Forrest Fenn vlog... more videos coming.

vlog #6 - the word that is key

Unless this man buried treasures in Connecticut, I am not interested in looking for it.

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