TTH's here is a list and solution of common letters and numbers found in the field!
1 - Xxxxxxxx most point of a triangle (anchored)
2 - most most xxxxxxx (floater)corner of the triangle
3 - XXXXXXXX most number of the triangle(anchored)
4 - means "xxxxx xxxxxx hand corner" also xth book of the Bible, Xxxx.
5 - the number for Xxxxxx-can be expressed at a Xxxxx xxxxxxx x
6 - an "xxxxx" number ie the xth clue of a site might be xxxxx..
7 - Gold and a camp spot
8 - the treasure collection room or vault or cache.
9 - Xxxx x xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxx!!!
10 - as an X, xxxxx xxxxxxx, stands for Xxxx,meaning 'xxxx' - equals Xxxxx Xxxxx
11 - This is the xxxxxx of the Xxxxxxx xxxx
12 - the xxxxxx xxxxxxxx
13 - The Xxx reference - can be expressed as letter 'X'
XX - a time of 'xxxxxxxxxx' as in xx xxxxx and xx xxxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxx!
Might as well include some letters in this dialog
A - xx xx..or xxxx xxxx, in the direction of the xxxxx xxx, xx xxxxxx /xxxxxxx xxx
B - stands for 13 according to Dign, which makes sense to me
C - Roman Numeral for 100
D - Roman Numberal for 500
E - change direction
F- God, and for Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx
G - Gold
H - High point and xxxxxx xxxxxx
I - In rare instances can be used to mean Jesus
J - Seen as a 'xxxxxxx' imagine 'xxxxxxx' it and see what it 'xxxxx'
K - Many believe that this is the symbol for xxx degrees
L - Roman Numeral for 50 and the xxxxx xxxxx of the xxxxxx or xx degrees
M - the Owl when you are getting close
N - North when written on a map
O- Xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxx.
P - Usually Proverbs or Palms followed by numbers which is verses
Q -
R - Reverse or Rio, as in seeing the reflection in water, a reverse image.
A - backward R I will keep to my self for the time being
S - South or a xxxx xx xxxxxx.
T - Tesoro or Thomas, as in Doubting Thomas..Bible clue, or xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxx
U - Xxx xx xxxxx OR xxxxx xxxx = xxxxx
V - The Kings Fifth. or the Jesuits - Xxxxxxx. or the Roman Numeral 5
W - upside down X as per dign
X - Roman numeral for 10. some say keep any rocks with this mark on your xxxxxxxxxx
Y - The robbers Y..left or right, which way.? some mines tunnels do is the goods
the other the trap..I always pick the xxxxxxxxx! but that is up to you the research before you pick
Z - Not sure I ever saw this in the field, believe it to be an 'X' xx xxx xxxx.
Please feel free to add to this list..that is the point of the exercise...
Just for the sake of being true to this post and the thread, I would ask that ALL posts from this point on STAY on focus
with comments on Signs & Symbols 101 - that are used in Treasure Codes..and the newbies as well as the pros may learn something
( Any more attacks here now that I have explained who is who as far as I am concerned - will not be tolerated and I will ask the moderator to delete any unwarranted or attack like posts , an any attempts to hijack this thread)
Thanks to all who have contributed so far, and lets keep this ball rolling, it is the little things like letter and numbers used in Spanish Code that can make huge strides in the attempt to solve these puzzles!
MIGS-will pm to all
MOIL-need not apply
I rest my case
"all warfare is based on deception".....sun tzu