Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

When getting close to an area of value the markers start to get small in size -
this is important to remember

One of the most important Markers you can find near your site if your lucky enough to find one
will be the Owl

The Owl Symbols is coded in different forms
as the letter M - the Number 13 - they all mean the same thing

Depending on the size - depends on how close you are getting to your goal
Only you can figure this out by being in the field

Now this is important to remember - If you are following the Trail
and all of a sudden you come upon a W
This means Wisdom - Why?

Because you went to far and its time to turn around and go back
Yes you went to far out of the way

Its Simple really - The M means your are there and the W is the M up side down

Try this method in the field and test it for yourself

Lost Horse
Thanks Lost Horse, I have have found several owls in the field, and knew it could stand for the number 13. But I was always confused when I would find the W. I assumed that it stood for the number 23. Or that it was two V'S and stood for 10...Steve

Thanks Lost Horse never would have thought of that I"ll give it a try. Had not thought about looking for the monuments either , just been looking for the drawings . Half to stand back and relook again signs 101 ! Thanks I appreciate the help! larryg

Can you help me decipher an inscription I found on a cave in the Caribbean? I have tried to ask for help in this Site, but nobody has responded. Perhaps no one is logging in right now, I don't know, but your comments would be greatly appreciated.

what if you run into a cluster of 3's in a triangle?

what if you run into a cluster of 3's in a triangle?

Could be a bible verse

Example: [TABLE="class: mainbk, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: bluebk3, width: 98%, bgcolor: #FFFEFD"][TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD][TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: btext, colspan: 2, align: justify"]He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure. - Isaiah 33:6

(remember, some say, the spanish never used the number "6"...they always avoid it or used it in different ways example 3+3=6)



Confirmation.[TABLE="class: mainbk, width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="class: bluebk3, width: 98%, bgcolor: #FFFEFD"]
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD][TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: btext, colspan: 2, align: justify"]For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20


DSCF1318_zpsd83a0986.webpYou asked for a Manerva, here's a Manerva with some reversals. What does it say?

man larryg,great photo. thanks for sharing it. do you think native with spainish added,or all spainish? id like to hear springfields thoughts on this too. thanks larryg,super cool to see that.

Trying to get some more on here having a little glitch.DSCF0748.webpDSCF0749.webpDSCF0751.webp

I"ve been having a little trouble posting these photos seems Ive run them together and may be a little to large. The one on the right is a triangle with a half c to the right coming off the top. The left top photo has an eagle at the top then a up and down bar with a circle on the top followed by four more up and down bars.Then a circle with a long straight line to the right,then three circles.Looks like the last one is on a bar.Then we have a clock wise spiral between three peaks ?Should mean the same as the funny little man above .Different artist different time .Ways to describe same place .Just my way of thinking any ideas what it says ?larryg

I"ll unload my camera tomorrow see if I have anything worth posting , maybe exciting ?

Why did they draw this little guy so many times? must have been a reason .

View attachment 768335You asked for a Manerva, here's a Manerva with some reversals. What does it say?
Good morning, cool picture. Looks like you have an Omega triangle map. The 'owl of Minerva' has a long nose and serves as a pointer, pointing to the 'diamond-formation' in the bottom center of the upside triangle. There are 3-triangles in a row, the center triangle is up-side down. Notice the small white {eye-catcher} on the top of the upper smaller 'up-right' triangle. There is a cut ''V'' pointer, pointing toward the top of the triangle. There is a small cut notch on the left side of the ''V'' with another small white {eye-catcher} next to this notch. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hypothetically speaking: The ''V'' is pointing to the 'top-corner' of the triangle. The 2 white spots is a compass direction? The most 'northern' part of the 'triangle corner' is the corner where the white spot is? The 2-arms extending from the 2-corners of the bottom of the 'up-side' down triangle lead to 'caches' hidden? The 3rd and largest cache is hidden in the center of the 'diamond-formation'.

Thanks Trailrider, so you think go back to monument and measure from the eye of the snake to some of the rocks and shadowsign pointers. Not a bad idea , may take me a couple of days to get back over there but I"ll get it done .I appreciate the input .thanks

Thanks for the information on how to measure distance , and especially about the death seem to forget the most important things . probably wont get out there till this weekend .But I will try the lying on the ground taking a bunch of measurements .This is going to be fun but dirty. I appreciate your time and input trailrider. thank you,larrg

Thanks Trailrider this is more information than I had ever hoped for. I have to go try this out saturday. And yes I will take my camera and batteries. I appreciate your time you gave me. larryg

Thank you trailrider for sharing the info on possible death trap sign. I appreciate it. Old dog has a sloped shoulder one over in the basics thread that is not in the books either.

IMAG0915.webpIMAG0518.webp ''DEATH-TRAPS'' Just ordered a copy of the book about a week ago and received it in 4-days: DEATH TRAPS TO TREASURE by Charles A Kenworthy. On e-bay, price: 16.95 + shipping and handling. If anyone finds an old mine/cave/vault {storage-room}, and plan on venturing in, it may save your life if you read this book first before 'entering the danger zone'. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------------'Faith in GOD HELPS', this is when David went out to fight Goliath: David said, The LORD who delivered me out of the paws of the lion, and out of the paws of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. 1 Samuel 17:37 The DEATH-TRAPS that we may ENCOUNTER could be are Goliath. My prayer for everyone that GOD will deliver you from any and all 'death-traps'. Your greatest 'safe-guard' is wisdom, GIVEN by GOD to anyone who asks. In the book TREASURE SIGNS SYMBOLS... BY Kenworthy he talks about the MINE ''SHRINES'', that every mine had a shrine near the mine's entrance. Mine work was dangerous and a prayer said at the shrine before entering the mine and again upon leaving to say a prayer of thanksgiving was a daily routine. So if any of you, who are believer's in GOD and about to enter a mine/cave, it would not be a bad idea to ask for GOD'S protection and awareness of any 'DEATH-TRAPS' you may encounter and thanksgiving when leaving. ''REMEMBER TO SUCCEED YOU MUST STAY ALIVE''

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