Lost Horse, is that a "P" I see in your photo just above the Hoyo hole? That's what it looks like to me, and maybe more large letters to the right.
Old Dog said:Very unusual May,
Jessie usually didn't misspell his name.
He would almost always include his middle initial when he spelled it in this fashion.
There may be a message in this, most especially if there is other stuff around it.
please understand I'm not being detrimental of the picture, only suggesting that if it is misspelled as it is,
there may be a reason for it.
When Jessie put his name on something there was always a reason.
seem to form an elongated diamond shape. I drew an arrow between each set of trees as to the direction that U symbol is seen on each tree. I don't know if that adds any more usefulinformation or not. Please let me know what you think and thank you for the information.
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Nicejob Rangler,
For years I've been searching,for the Beale Treasure. Upon finding location, this one of the markers,which match my map. THANKs,, ,
My map has the initials T. J.B. The T was slightly faded. Heck all of it was faded,but the T moreso. Upon finding marker I found the initials J.B. With a backwards 13 touching thr B. And a compass&sqare.
What does a "backwards 13" look like ?