Treasure of the Llanganatis

hi ,i know very little about this treasure . but it may be of interest to some,perhaps everyone already knows this story, that there is a well documented, in ecuadorian history that is, of a case of a spanaird who became mysteriously wealthy with no apparent explaination as to how or why. as it was catholic custom he made a last confession on his deathbed where he made his last will and testament as well. in his confession he stated that he had found a immense source of gold in the llangantis mountains. the confession is still on record in the cathedral archives ,the church of san francisco ,in the little town of latacunga,ecuador,if noone has stolen it by now. the time period was @ 1840. there is a small museum connected to the church. the director there should be able to put you in contact with someone who can access those records. this may or may not be related to this treasure story . but this fellow gave a fairly detailed description for a source of gold that was stashed in those mountains.

Hi lilorphanannie

If you are interested to do an expedition to the Discordia spot , I can help you to reach . I made some maps for this matter .
The Discordia spot is a cliff which looks like a rooster comb and is located like a dam in the course of a little unnamed water stream . I post an aerial picture from this region . The " derrotero " is real and fits with the existing landmarks .


Have a nice day

hi thanks for the invitation marius, im far away from ecuador and with many commitments where im at. i worked for a brief while in ecuador some years ago and that lead was from an ecuadorian geologist i was working with who got the information from a book he was reading and followed up on it. i try to volunteer information if i think it can be of help. i wish you all the chances for success in your search.

Just out of curiosity, did you guys hear about the potential pyramid they found in the Llanganatis? This huge area appears to be the site of a city. They also found some artifacts, one being a large mace head that only a giant being could use effectively. Fascinating.

I really wish I could share some of the Llanganatis stories a friend told me, but was sworn to secrecy. Maybe down the road my friend will allow me to share them. Let's hope!

What do you guys think based on the photos in this link; natural or manmade?

Another site here.
Drone-Archaeology Research Group Investigates Mysterious Site in Ecuador Jungle

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Hi Alaskan Adventurer

Very interesting . I believe is manmade . I like when a new chapter is added to the History . As long we live , we still learning .

Markmar are you in Ecuador or planning on going?

I am not in Ecuador and I have not planned to go soon . Have you something in your mind ?

Lasky adventurer. I go for nature work. There are too many little fissures, marks shared by neighboring rocks , just too many contingeous scaring to have been made by man. An excellent example is the Star gate of Armar Maru - natures workAramu Muru.webp

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Senor Don Jose, natures work? fissures?
Sure it is not the result of these huge stones fitting together by some process still not understood like so many other places?
The angles of the "fissures" in the pic provided seem odd, but then again we know so little about the art and architecture of the the ancients….
Looking at this, I would say it was constructed by somebody or something……..

Hi Doc, yep, nature. As an excellent example, the Amaru Maru.

It was originally laid down on a flat plane configuration then through time rotated to a vertical plane. It has bee stripping ever cince forming the so called Star gate,

As for the fitting, various explorers have recorded that a fleshy plant has a silicon softening effect, In fact certain birds have learned to take advantage of this property by using these plants to soften Granite cliffs then pecking out a nest. They are well protected from all predators, except winged ones.

I presume that the ancient ones learned from the birds - there is no conceivable way that they could have fitted the blocks the way they did, unless they were softened before being put into place'

The key is to examine two interlocking rocks side by side, and if any small fissures, faults, or cracks extend one from the other they must have been developed at the same time.-- Mother Nature.

Thems mi thoughts, but am open . Caffee ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Another thing, as mentioned by John McCauley, it is quite simple, but time consuming, to duplicate facial differences it is another thing ror joints in a 3 dimentional case. I.E the surface joint can easily be duplicated in various ways bur for the front to back joint being also of an irregular surface it is anther almost impossible task,

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Our Tropical Tramp……the question of how they put these HUGE stones together with intricate shapes, something impossible for man even today is a question we can only speculate…..
The softening of the rock seems to be a valid consideration; moving these massive stones is another remaining question…..
And our black feather Raven wannabe has abandoned us and is roosting elsewhere till Sept…….
Vaya con Dios

Just because fitting massive stones together tightly seems unlikely or even impossible nowadays, doesn't mean that it didn't happen in the past. I honestly believe Earth had many periods of previous advanced races, Atlanteans, etc, that could do things that would seem impossible to us now, as in the movement, and near perfect placement of behemoth stones.
I also believe we have been visited on many occasions by advanced alien beings; as well as the potential existence of Inner Earth, aka Hollow Earth Theory.

Some people don't believe that vines whipped out and cradled me to safety either, and it really did happen.
Events are going to occur in our lifetimes, that are going to turn the world as we know it completely upside down.

Mark my words! :)

AA, that is the point, that civilizations in the past did have technology that even we today, lack……….in the past also were man like creatures much larger than we are today………these giant skeletons have been found around the world…...

Yes, giant skeletons have been dug up in various countries around the world. Imagine what releasing this new would do to the history books?

They have found some in Ecuador as well, and you can view a skull in Chile.

The coral castle is truly fascinating and that it is within our lifetimes and in the USSA, more so……still no clear answers on how.
As for giants, many, many have been found, Ecuador, Peru, Chile and about every state of the union……most carefully hidden away as to preserve history as it has been fictionalized……….

HI DOC, not far from here - 1/2 days ride by mule - is the Cerro de la campana - the bell shaped hilll - where a no of them are wrapped in woven cane mats and buried or placed in caves.

Years go I notified Anthropologists in the US, but I have been completely ignored, .:dontknow:

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