Treasure Marks/Signs - Diagnosed Here

has anyone seen this symbol before,a upside down U with balls on the ends? meaning?View attachment 642858

That whole rock looks like a long faced dog and the white spots are it's eyes. The upside down "U" is on it's forehead.

Shortstack, billythekidder,
Thanks for the input...I'm excited to get back up there and check out the things that were pointed out! I didn't have a close-up of that lone rock with the "4"...will have to get one.

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caution...".That looks like a head with more than one face; sometimes referred to as a Janus Rock or Janus Head." said the Short one

that is NOT at all what that is....another instance that graffiti is looked at as REAL..Janus heads are large even huge and you could NEVER EVER be able to pick them up [in your hand] in a million years~!!!! - armchair th's should not be taken seriously.....and never ever could a real sign be picked up off the ground, as this was against all the rules laid down by the Kings Code..

remember "if you kick it and it moves it is not real."...dign4it

did u leave your dog bhind?
Good call Brent~! a very nice white dog indeed...with a heart -surrounded by a shadow underneath his chin[second rock down]

Dog, this one calls for a closer pic, as two elements are now identified..need only one more for a confirmed monument,

even if it is a real lightning bolt, rocks never ever "point" directly to the dig spot, not allowed by the Codemakers~!!


dog tth
the pic seems fuzzy,[perhaps taken at a far distance or lower pixels?] however you do actually have a black dog, the rock at the skyline is a real hoyo, it is not a "gunsite" as was incorrectly stated..on the upper right of the hoyo is a rock shaped like an Owl, so you have three elements here..most likely a Omega, as Alphas would be larger,,and if this hillside/ridgeline is looking South, turn around and look North if you want to find the Alpha that goes with this will not be too far away but will be larger~!

I would strongly urge you to concentrate on this monument and follow by finding the Distance and Direction encoded here, take some close up pics, look for numbers, letters, singly or in combination- this is the real deal, photo at different times of the day, this is your best lead you have found in a long you have been photographing lone single p-ville type signs, since SS has been "helping" you. look for pm telling you exactly what to look for once you find a hoyo confirmation mark.
oro para ti

ps there are no gargoyles in Spanish code, only in p-ville

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caution...".That looks like a head with more than one face; sometimes referred to as a Janus Rock or Janus Head." said the Short one

that is NOT at all what that is....another instance that graffiti is looked at as REAL..Janus heads are large even huge and you could NEVER EVER be able to pick them up [in your hand] in a million years~!!!! - armchair th's should not be taken seriously.....and never ever could a real sign be picked up off the ground, as this was against all the rules laid down by the Kings Code..

remember "if you kick it and it moves it is not real."...dign4it

Once again, rangler jumps into a thread WITHOUT actually READING the posts he tries to put down. Now, if you would go back and actually READ the post's subject, you will find that nothing was said about any treasure, Spanish or otherwise. The poster was asking about that stone and what others might see in it. The information that I posted is TRUE. There have been stone statues of various sizes depicting Janus heads that have had abso-damned-lutely NOTHING to do with any treasures and were carved as representations of gods and goddesses. If SPANISH decided to use those heads as part of their treasure trails with completely different meanings assigned, that was THEIR choices and do not supercede OTHERS using that idea for decorative purposes. Perhaps that stone is a remant of someones home decoration or a like item from a public building.

Please get your head OUT of the Spanish treasure clouds sometimes to see OTHER things that have gone on in this country before the Spanish plague arrived.

Well, here is the poster's original comment that I was responding to:

Thank you for these words of encouragement. After posting the following picture, and being bashed to the ultimate, I was about to
give up completely.
Question, before the America's were such, what were they? Was it impossible that 'man' was here then?

HEY ragler, do you see the word "treasure" in his posts??????????? How about "Spanish" ?????????? See that anywhere?? You need to get a grip.

Since rangler has the annoying habit of selectively editing his quotes, here is my complete response that I posted to member, curiousfinds post and picture.

That looks like a head with more than one face; sometimes referred to as a Janus Rock or Janus Head. An Olmec face is on the right side, facing to the right. There appears to be another one on the left side, looking straight out that way. The real curious thing, that MIGHT be a natural thing, is the third face, looking up toward the camera. Does the side against your hand have anything similar??

To answer your question about people; the short answer is YES, there have been many Ancient cultures living and travelling around what is now America. There have been signs of Egyptians, Phoenicians, Aztecs, Mayans, Celts, and perhaps even one of the "missing" tribes of Isreal. The Olmecs were the big builders in MesoAmerica, according to the Aztecs and Mayans AND the Incas. Those last three civilizations all said that the Old Ones (Olmecs) built all of the magnificent cities, pyramids, and the mining operations. The Olmecs were said to have been the only ones ever in MesoAmerica who had the kind of technology required to build all of those great structures down there. SOOoooo, The Olmecs were also undoubtably here, too.

Now, you need to start some indepth research. Have fun.

Again I'll ask: Hey, ragler, do you see the word "treasure" or "Spanish" anywhere in MY post??????????? Again......NO!

Note to other forum members...........Member rangler gives the appearance of having a lot of knowledge about Spanish treasure signs and trail monuments. There is no doubt about that. The problem is, he likes to use it as a tool to reinforce his need of adulation and he's fixated on me because I won't kiss his ...........ring. I choose to think for myself and am not stuck solely on the Spanish occupation.
"Sorry, Charlie. I like things other than tuna."

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dog tth
the pic seems fuzzy,[perhaps taken at a far distance or lower pixels?] however you do actually have a black dog, the rock at the skyline is a real hoyo, it is not a "gunsite" as was incorrectly stated..on the upper right of the hoyo is a rock shaped like an Owl, so you have three elements here..most likely a Omega, as Alphas would be larger,,and if this hillside/ridgeline is looking South, turn around and look North if you want to find the Alpha that goes with this will not be too far away but will be larger~!

I would strongly urge you to concentrate on this monument and follow by finding the Distance and Direction encoded here, take some close up pics, look for numbers, letters, singly or in combination- this is the real deal, photo at different times of the day, this is your best lead you have found in a long you have been photographing lone single p-ville type signs, since SS has been "helping" you. look for pm telling you exactly what to look for once you find a hoyo confirmation mark.
oro para ti

ps there are no gargoyles in Spanish code, only in p-ville

LMAO..........Another example of selective posting by ragler. Here was my post about dogthetreasurehunter"s photo that included a cleared up copy of the pic. This time, I'm including a closeup of the hoyo wth it's 2 pointers inside the opening to show WHY I called it a gunsite hoyo. Anyone taking a good look at the photo can see those 2 pinpoints; one on the top rock and the other directily under it, on the bottom rock. I also wrote that he should sight through the hoyo from both sides to see what was being "aimed" at. There's a better than average chance that that "gunsight" is aiming at what ragler is puffing about........the Alpha............MAYBE. Dogtther, is the man on the trail and will be checking out the information.
Enjoy, Dogtther. :coffee2:

Well, dog, you're still adding to your collection of shadow figures. My red circle on the right, is around the beautiful black dog head profile, looking to the right. The upper red circle is around a hoyo with a gunsite opening with a round rock on top. That round rock and the square one to the right should have some important information for distances and depths. You'll have to get up close and investigate them and do some measurements. See what the sight pointers inside the hoyo is "aiming at". Don't forget to do a backsight through the hoyo, too. Take plenty of photos for reference. The red arrow is pointing out the obvious trail over the ridge. I think the most important signs are the ones I mentioned. I'm not sure what your righthand green arrow is pointing to unless it's the end of the long rock that might be a snake.

6312a 056-dogtther-marked-cropped.webp

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I found this stone in front of an old caved/covered in drift mine, in British Columbia. There was also a rotted out sluice box a short distance away. In the picture, the far left symbol is most visible. If memory serves right, it looked more like an asterisks or denarius sign. If you mess around in photo shop, you can see it better, and other similar symbols working towards the right. Is this anything or just some straight lines on a rock?

indykb I tried but all I see is a couple of scratches. Try some baby powder or water to bring the marks out better.

Thanks, I'm heading back out there this season, so I'll try that.

Hello Rangler, Thom / Desertmoons/ Lost Horse ( she's not really lost at all ( grin ) ) and lots of others I would like to say that you have been one of the few that has encouraged / informed / helped me, to help others in any way that I can, drill holes has always been something that I enjoy looking at, it would fill a book to list all of them and the different functions. DM I wonder if the long snake you have on your site made with large boulders be the number of boulders to indicate how many killomerters it would be to a certain point, because of the size and length involved. Thank You Everbody

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" would like to say that you have been one of the few that has encouraged / informed / helped me, to help others in any way that I can,".....dsty said.
Thanks Dsty for the kind words, but I think it is you who have helped the most with regard to drill is the black hole of treasure hunting as we know so little about them, yet they appear on so many sites...

I would like to go over the the 'whole' drill hole thing..and see what else we can coax out of this mystery...and perhaps dispel any myths about them as well..I think a new separate thread would be in order..similar to 'hand dug holes and what took me there..I am combing all my pics and have found two unpublished pics of drill the Supers and one in the Sierras.
both of these are the same size, about the diameter of a quarter.. other larger holes have been used as a "pointer"
where the deeper hole as the "fletching" and the shallower hole used as the arrow tip or head - the confirmation was it pointed to a "Y" made in a 300 + year old Oak tree. One other was used as the "eye" on a fish symbol carved out of solid granite, pointing to a water source not far away.
I will try to dig these out of my archives and post them on a new "holes" thread
keep up the good work Dsty- you make a world of difference here, in an otherwise prolific graffiti site...
oro for the informed...

for the last time....
I reply to Bill about his armchair style of decoding graffiti

"Note to other forum members...........Member rangler gives the appearance of having a lot of knowledge about Spanish treasure signs and trail monuments. There is no doubt about that. The problem is, he likes to use it as a tool to reinforce his need of adulation and he's fixated on me because I won't kiss his ...........ring. I choose to think for myself and am not stuck solely on the Spanish occupation."

Dear Sir you are totally incorrect in your assumption about my problem with your advice..I am fixated on your confusion that you inject to this conversation about spanish marks and signs. I have broken the code almost one year ago after 25 years plus on the trail, and over 8 years here on this site....

Your erronous assumtions with regard to interpeting "graffiti" or the back ground camouflage adds to the confusion of interpting REAL persist and insist on doing this despite constant reminders not to engage on this false trail.

it is not about kissing anybodies is about absolutely incorrect conclusions that you reach and preach to all the newbies and others on this site about the worthless and misdirected statements you have left CONFIRMATION completely out of your thought process.. And you delight in stating that some worthless shadow or graffiti mark is some "ANCIENT" sign that is supposed to mean something, all it means is that you are not understanding how the Spanish Code was written or the Rules that it imposes on the Codemakers~!
Rule Number 1-only appoved signs will be used. Classic, Iconic. Only, no witches on brooms, no gargoyles, no space aliens
no flights of fantasy..sorry Charlie - the penalty for doing anything like this was DEATH. It was stated as "the pain of spain" that was code for..the person or codemaker who tried to use anything but approved signs and marks was PUT TO DEATH, and in world and time that family was everything..the victims family was hunted down all over the known world and WAS PUT TO DEATH, EACH AND EVERYONE- WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

You can see why now that strange fanciful signs were not used or allowed EVER~! [except in the wild imagination of a armchair treasure hunter.]
While I am sorry for any affliction that keeps you from going out in the field, I am dismayed that you persist giving out and adding to the confusion that all ready exists in this hobby. You cannot break this code from the comfort of your house, field work represents 80% of the knowledge gain...20%from research, about half of that is hands on archival research and the rest from online research. In now way in this world can you understand and interpret the signs and marks left by these ancient codemakers. IT just can't happen.

as far as adulation is concerned, I think it is you has his ego wrapped around this false interpreting thing you are doing...
why else would you continue to confuse newbies and the rest of folks is a huge disservice~!

graffiti will only lead to more graffiti, ad nasuem
I beseech you to cease and desist now
99% of the things you highlight are "background camouflage" that the signs are hidden inside of
100% of the real signs are "confirmed" signs -look for them, they tell the truth of the matter.

Understand the Codemakers were well aware of this "pareidolia paradox" and used it with great skill to hide the real true marks and signs..from the unworthy. To get lost in this world is easy - to see things clearly takes practice and the ability
to find and identify the confirmation marks...

The key to this whole code is the ability to find these confirmation marks, as it is this very thing that will help you actually be able to identify the dig spot...nothing else will help you find this spot, so it is critical that you learn this system before you actually need it in the end,.

your stubbornness is somewhat admirable however your reluctance is disabling your ability to move passed pareidolia where the majority of trackers have gone.

oro mandate

ps: graffiti is just a phase that we all go thru, to get stuck there is a shame, to dispense graffiti [as real]to others is a crime.

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dog tth,
on the lower right hand pic above, I see a dark shadow that looks like a skull, it also has the appearance of two eyes as well..further giving confirmation...AND the rock sitting on the ground just in front of this shadow lends concordance as well [as it is 'pointing' to this shadow]
as this being a confirmed sign...on the left of this rock is three vertical shadows. This I think might be a Distance marker showing 3 Cordells or some other distance measurement..Varas, Chains, leagues ect..[the first shadowl looks like a number 1 - the second looks like an Owl, the last one a bird looking right! next sign above ground- go get him~!

The Skull itself is confirmation that you are in the correct area for a Monument either Alpha or Omega, This might be a monument itself if more or better pics show more elements ~!
IF this turns out to be an Alpha the Omega will be behind you and down slope..assuming that you are facing North when this pic was taken~!?
oro-the golden glow of knowledge:treasurechest:

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