Trackers, this post is from back in Dec 2011, I was way too busy during Oct, Feb and in the outback without a pc, or connection, hope that explains my absence from my thread. I was on a dig attempt that turned bad right a way, a transmission went out on my 4x4 60 miles from the closest repair or tow truck, no cell phone, I walked rough terrain, it took a week and a cross country short
any way -back to normal now, and still busy but I needed to answer this post mainly to help others mostly newbies make sence of what this person is trying to say....
Rangler: The post does not make sense. You mention "Many" do not want you to dig up treasures from the ground? Foresters,BM(Dept. of Land Mangemt. Park Rangers "are in COMPETITION with you to recover treasures?
Let me ask: Have you always been this paranoid ?
If your not paranoid of these entities then you are not experienced tracker...and would have no way of knowing the truth of the matter,. if you do the research you will find that many of the State and Federal Parks are created to protect the ground of treaspassers [read treasure hunters] it is a fact, so true so often that now if I suspect a treasure in a certain area, and I have some credible facts to guide me, I only have to check a map to see if the land therein is a Park or "wilderness" area to confirm my suspicions that a treasure or cache site is indeed nearby~!!
The sad part is that these very people do not know anything about the Code, but simply hold on to the ground to keep it safe until the day they do know what is going on just underfoot,. Make no mistake about it these folks are you Compettion in no uncertain terms...first the want to keep you off the land ]read you can't dig there] then if you manage to dig and find something, they wrote the Treasure Trove Laws, so they can take it away from you and put you in jail. period.
Who cares, when I search i do not see any of the above spying on me... ever.
No disrespect Tanelorn, but you would never see them, as they would be on a high point using binocs
and you would be blissfully unaware~!!
I never have to look over my back, I only am concerned with bears and the local mountain lyon or the possible campers who walk by checking out my parked vehicle not the blm,rangers or fish & game.
It is ludicrous to think I would be told to leave my site then they whip out their own metal detector and work my site?
Oh ok are you talking about "coin shooting" or relic hunting, that Sir is not Treasure Hunting that I am concerned with, I gave up that sport 25 years ago...I am talking about Spanish Monuments and The King Cache left as payment for the Quint~!!!
You mentioned not to let negitave statements detur you and now you talk of Competition? (Sounds hypocrite).
That is as dis-jointed statement to say the light of my last statement
I say do you own thing, Legally and in a safe manner.
Well sir, if you are using a Metal Detector anywhere in the USA where their is the presense of a "Ranger"
you are using it is against the law to use a metal detector in a National Forest, most Parks ect
so now me thinks you are in over your head~! as you are not doing it legally..if fact if caught you can be arrested, they will take your detector AND your Truck~! So they are serious about this~! The only exception is you can use a detector in Gold Country, IN THE RIVER BED ONLY while you look for nuggets..CAUTION any thing you find that is an artifact, even a beer can that is over 50years old is illegal for you to touch, pick up or keep, you must report your find to the "Ranger" before you leave the National Forest..
As for the subject of mentioning 300 years of Jesuits going from Japan to Africa and Aus. yet you make mention no known copy of a Jesuit code book.
I make mention many times all through my posts here and elsewhere [ALT] of my belief of the Original Jesuit Code Book would have had to exist, and my futher believe is that when the King of Spain arrested all the Jesuits at the same time and the same day [as much as possible] he wanted to get all copies of the Code Book out of the hands of the Jesuits to protect his vast forture that was still hidden in the ground.
Sounds fishy. As being logical,The king of Spain and his saliors must have had maps and details of promise or reports.
The only thing fishy is your logic and understanding for the events and history...
It was required of all mine owners to pay the tax [quint] and to send two copies of the map to the mine one to the King and one to the Pope as insurance.
Now I am thinking positive not just throwing a bone out there for some readers to guess about. Many maps have been found and still have to be found but I do not buy what you are selling about any Indiana Jones traps here in the Gold country of Northern California. ain't buying that.
Let's be real, that sounds again like a scare tatic.
I am sorry, the kindess thing I can say to you is that you are a newbie and that is to be expected~! My Moma did'nt not raise no fool... I was adopted!
Any True Tracker on this site and there are many will tell you that it is no scare tactic , it is a SAFETY CONCERN~!
Time to do your homework Sir, take the time to find out what you are talking about it wil l make better sence to you if you learn it on your own, I will help if I can, by answering all your questions truthfully
about the Code if you cant find it on your own...
momma didnt raise no fool, I can see that, but she should have told you to do your research thoughly before you make bold and rash statements. And it is ok, it is fine, to do so here as this is meant to be a learing experience, and you helped me inform other newbies [my favorite people] of the facts about this hobby we call treasure hunting [not coin shooting]
oro para ti Tanelorn