Well, rangler, goldiver, dign4it, stilldign, et al: the name changes but the snake oil is still pouring from the same bottle I see (so far). Maybe with your new identity you'll also turn over a new leaf and back up your chatter with some sort of verification of the convoluted double-talk you've become well known for. It's not that we're negative, skeptical nay-sayers about this topic, it's just that we're negative, skeptical nay-sayers about your growing reputation of 'all hat, no cowboy'.
OK, OK, I'll be open-minded. Here - I'll be the first to allow you to apply your 'knowledge and hard earned results' to the photo below of a very well-known 'treasure map'. I'll be the first to admit that I don't know what the carvings are saying. Here's your chance to validate your boasting - what do these carvings tell you? Something specific please.
From page #1 of this Thread , to use as example , btw , I know the O.P. of this thread: Rangler , Hi Rangler
The Panel is easily Cyphered , it is indeed a type of Map , however , The symbols are more like Strike Marks that are to be sought out over the area .
A Simple symbol , take the Encased Cross , Personal Strike Mark of the Designer of the area's deposit , Think of Him as the " Master Planner " for
the site , or as well the owner of the Species deposited .
Some of the symbols are simply the symbols you'll find marking the deposit when you arrive at it .
other carvings such as Lines with curving , are Trails to those deposits ,
the Panel is best viewed and used at this site , to better understand what I'm attempting to reveal about the Glyphs .
For instance , a duplicate symbol of a few seen on this Panel , will be found at the deposit , in a smaller form , and usually
a lighter depth of incision .
almost oblique to the eye at first glance , lighting plays a part in revealing it at some deposits , as well as inspecting low as well as High
on the Formation it is found at .
The Panel doesn't take a high degree of intelligence to read it , it takes a very good inspection of the Stone Formations in and around the area ,
and a good deal of insight and deductive reasoning .
These Glyphs are almost child like .
Over thinking them , is the Problem for some people , and they miss the simple meaning .
A Few of the symbols are outlines of Natural items around you as you look at the Panel , such as The Skyline of a nearby Ridge even .
There is nothing as complicated as Euclid's Elements and Geometry involved in these Glyphs .
You do not have to lay out the Ley Lines of the Golden Mean , you do not have to use a Transit and a Star , you just simply walk the area inspecting
the Bluffs , Boulders , and Natural Formations around you .
A Squiggle line does " NOT " denote Water such as River or Stream , a receding ring of circles does not denote a Gold Deposit ,
and a Circle with a Cross Hair within it does not mean X marks the spot or Gems reside at this Address .
Simply find the smaller duplicate symbol , and Dig like a Fiend at the Base of the Boulder it is carved on .
Some of the deposits marked by these symbols have been recovered by doing exactly that , Digging down and up under the Boulder
that the smaller symbol was carved in .
OK, I can't really give verbal Illustration through typed Text that would fully satisfy the query .
As Example is what I can give , and just have .