Treasure located need partner/investor

Saturna - You've posted copyrighted pictures which do not belong to you, I would request you delete them, you don't have my permission to display them here or elsewhere. They were removed because of all the skeptical non-sense, false accusations, assumptions, and opinions, more especially they were removed so not entice people into coming and recklessly pillaging a particular stretch of coast that I happen to appreciate. They were initially posted as a simple gesture of goodwill, my mistake.

OldGold - The coins aren't from Grubstakes collection, nor am I he. I've not been banned here or elsewhere. The project I was plugging is legal and legit, as are the coins, both are real and genuine and were not purchased. Thanks for the warm welcome, and the vote of BS my brother. I don't have anything I need to prove to you. Most here don't have the resources to contribute to a project anyway.

Mad4wrecks - is correct and likely could guess with some accuracy where they came from. They also as mad4wrecks correctly suggests provide clues to what lays offshore. They are finds from one specific area, there are also hull remains and other artifacts along the same beach that while no, some aren't "treasure" per se, they provide valuable information pertaining to 17th and 18th century hull construction and other details which can be unique and should also be documented. There is value to exploring the coastline for clues as well as the water, they are directly interrelated. The artifacts that have been deposited on the shores of Sebastian and elsewhere didn't arrive there from ships anchoring nearby to trade at some beach front market place, nor did the ones I posted pictures of. They are also disappearing and aren't going to last forever. You can call them terrestrial finds if you wish, I know precisely how they got there and from which vessels some were likely aboard. Like Sebastian and elsewhere there wasn't a colonized civilization or Europeans present until the wrecks occurred nor afterward, these items arrived because people had a very bad day, in many cases lives were lost, and history was forever changed.

Paulo - grow up, stop throwing rocks at people on this board and enticing people to argue with you. You have no idea who I am, what I stand for, or how I conduct myself above or below the water. You've automatically lumped me into a stereotype you believe is villainous and evil. The project that you are berating has delivered valuable research and multiple sites to the entity and people they represent that issued a valid permit; at no cost to them I might add. Information and research that they did not have prior to the effort, thus far we've put wreck sites and research in their files that they didn't previously have, with a lot more to come. We have not altered or disturbed one single site unlike your colleagues in the video you posted. Yes, we have been diving, I just don't believe it is responsible archaeology or necessary to tear into every random site you encounter leaving behind modern sandbags, geotech tarps, and an altered site. Believe it or not you and I share a lot of the same goals and ideals, I just go about some things differently than you. If you haven't learned it yet it isn't a good thing to publish wreck locations, most especially here. Some people will do most anything to have a spike, pin, plate, porthole, bell, or piece of worm eaten wood rotting away on their mantle, in their garage, or to sell on eBay; I don't. Matter of fact I don't keep or display artifacts in my home; I know where they belong and I know where to go if I desire to view them or learn more about them. If you lead a horse to water, usually he will drink it - the same applies with wrecks. You shouldn't tease people and show them where things are and how to locate them, then club them over the head when they inevitably cross the line you lead them to. That is just not how to achieve what you desire. You know as well as I, your alleged colleagues at INA, TAMU, MAHS, and elsewhere would not publicly condone or approve of your activities and conduct here. I would hazard a guess that if you persist you'll be left behind at the dock before too much longer if it hasn't occurred already. The my team is better than your team approach is so immature and doesn't accomplish anything constructive for the benefit of the resource.

Having said all that if anyone is interested in an honest, no glory, legal project we would welcome some support, email me. Your not going to see videos, maps, aerial shots, and trophy photos here, nor a bunch of self ego boosting or argumentative threads. Its about discovering and preserving history and a lot more. When and if we feel the need to excavate a site, its contents will be properly documented and stabilized and placed in a publicly accessible location and format for people to learn, appreciate, and enjoy. If you know where to look and how to find it you can easily access what you seek.

Joe Black

Hey Joe.... at least you know that I know where things are so, in the end, one of us knows where they are. Point for you. :)

Bottom line here is Treasure Net is not the best place to seek :help: out investors, patrons or an :angel12:

That is unless you are Powel Nowak :tongue3:

Now there is a guy I would like to meet! :violent1:


First of all I am not Joe Seeker nor do I have any affiliation with Joe Seeker. I did not post any photos of any coins on this forum. The treasure I have found is not coinage. (Alexandre) Please get your facts straight before you chastise me. I am not a first time poster either. I have been a quiet member of this forum for around 5 years. If you notate my previous postings from a few years ago I was actively treasure hunting. Why is it so surprising that after a few years of active hunting I return to this forum with a find? There is far to much hostility in this forum. I have spoken to another forum member here concerning my find and they were satisfied it was legitimate. Photos were provided as I already stated to serious investors only.
P.S. My finds are not in Florida.

Capt Dom:
Please clarify your statement: "Bottom line here is Treasure Net isn't the place to seek out investors, patrons or an (angel). " Are you speaking for the owner of this site, or based on the rules of the site or simply your personal opinion?

Now before you all continue to get your knickers in a twist, lets just stop and look at things rationally for a moment.

On this site, in this exact section of the forums, there have been dozens of scams to come through here in the past. These things happen. And as such, the long standing members of this forum have seen it all and do live with a healthy amount of skepticism.

That being said, I am not accusing you of being a scam artist. However, you need to understand that you are asking for serious investors with absolutely no proof of anything whatsoever. Not even one picture of an artifact, gold coin, ship timber, ballast stone, or anything. Just an extremely vague claim. One that has been made on this forum several times before.

As paranoid as you may be, a picture of some random coin, lump of gold or chunk of rotten wood isn't going to give away where it came from. Not unless it is sitting on top of a map with a big "X" and a sign that says "Treasure HERE!!!!" in the photo. You don't need to mention where it is or where it is from.

I know you are probably going to give the same line you always do "photos are for serious investors only". But this is how it is. So to avoid all the pointless conversation in the future, show some proof. Otherwise shut up and ship out. Stop wasting their time.

allen_idaho said: some proof. Otherwise shut up...

Many Tnet members don't respond to proof. Joe Seeker did just what you said in this very thread (might could have started another thread), but was accused posting of ebay pictures, though they were private photos. Nomad chose not post any pics. If he did, he certainly would have been ridiculed in some fashion as well.

Truth is that there are many great people here who have potential projects. But they will not post here due to the very reactive posts of the negative who feel they must post to rescue all the "naive" members of Tnet. How about this childhood advice...let people make offers and if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all? If you want more info, contact the poster rather than assume you "know" they're scamming. Unless you've been involved with a known scammer, don't squash someone's hope of a post that might generate interest in their adventure.

Nomad, I wish all the best to you in your adventure.

Still hopeful,

I'll try and set my side of the record straight. I interrupted Nomads thread, apologies to all, especially him. As he posted there is no connection between us other than a mutual desire for some support. I have a permit, he doesn't feel he needs one. He believes he has something, I believe I'm very close. If I had it all in hand I wouldn't be here. If it were a scam, I sure had to jump through a bunch of headache, hoops, time, money, and energy just to get a permit and maintain it. Let alone actually spend time and money on the water, also don't forget the archaeologist, research, equipment, boats, electronics, etc and a thousand other things.

If you think its a scam your entitled to your opinion, everybody's got one. If you actually have something to risk and a desire to do so contact me. I'll show you what I've got and you can make an intelligent decision based on a complete set of facts, not the speculation and oftentimes immature commentary that prevails here. If after seeing and hearing what I do and don't have, I don't believe you'd call it a scam. We both at least would have the benefit of you making an educated statement based on a complete assessment of facts and not the half a$$ed speculation and ulterior motives usually found here based on an incomplete set of facts or from one or two pictures. Pictures can be bogus too, give me a break, you want to touch it too? These deals require trust at some point.

Anyone that would come on a public internet site and disclose the reams of information necessary to get a complete picture of an entire project would absolutely be a fool. You would open yourself up completely to any and all forms of nightmarish BS that would in no way shape or form be beneficial to your end goals. Using your logic if I were to have announced a breakthrough formula for cancer, alternative energy, baldness, climate change, or whatever, the forum requests for the nitty gritty details would at some point exceed what one would be willing to divulge for a lot of reasons contrary to productive goals. Someone would still be in the galley yelling scam.... run... "shut up, or ship out", or in some cases would try to derail your goals to substitute theirs. Sorry people, I really don't feel I need to get the blessing or consensus of a public internet forum. If that keeps me from getting support, it is likely the kind of distrusting support I don't need or care to indulge. Me posting a couple of pics earlier is what lead this thread to drag out into what it now is. I can't help it people get jealous or upset that I'm doing something they aren't, can't, disapprove of, or don't think possible or plausible.

I also think paranoid is an inaccurate descriptor, I think Nomad and I both are wise and cautious for legitimate reasons, as are most of you. I personally have little patience for the immature non-sense from the galley which is what I was receiving, and frankly don't need to answer to. These deals are going to continue to come and go here and elsewhere, some are legit some aren't. Some people think some of the publicly traded treasure deals are a scam too, some are some aren't. Can you try and respect my side of things; for every one thousand looks on this thread, there are likely only two that have the wherewithall to participate. Me attempting to please every snow bound wizenheimer with WiFi and a keyboard is likely to cause more problems than it might solve. It is what what is. Sooner or later you have to or should investigate things for yourself and make a sound decision based on more information than most people are ever going to be willing to divulge here. There will always be scams and ripoffs, get all the facts and then make an adult assessment. If you require the consensus of an public internet forum to make a sound decision, you might be the one that is paranoid. Like I said, if you have something you're willing to risk contact me, otherwise let it be.

Allen - When I complete what I working on I'll send you a lousy coin for nothing, then you'll have something you can put your trust in if thats all you base someone's worth, trust, or values on.

I have talked to nomad705 several times as a possible partner in his located treasure in the Southeastern United States.I have seen the photos.The treasure is real and hes right about not having any permits to get it all.His new technology doesnt have anything to do with dowsing, ESP, mind-reading or Long Range Locators.Its all real.None of the treasure is in florida.I had my doupts too till i talked to him.Treasure comes in many forms.

Dear group;
Personally, I am somewhat interested in funding at least a portion of exploration, however before doing so I would like to see something substantial to prove the veracity of the claims, such as a recovered ballpeen hammer or other undisputed artifact.
Your friend;

:-\My innocent post defending nomad got deleted by wreckdiver 1715. I must have offended W.D. 1715 personally. Delete me again..... I dare you!!!!! I know more "real" players than you realize. If someone can't defend an innocent poster from a bunch of unsuccessful and broke will be the end of this forum, I guarantee it. >:(

Hooligan, you did not offend me at all, and I deleted your not so innocent comments simply because you violated our forum rules. Continued violations will result in your being banned from TreasureNet. :coffee2:

Sadly, I must report that I had to cut Hooligan's air hose and Banned him from our site for continued violations and making threats to this site and its moderators.

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