Treasure Hunters Cookout

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout


I will bring another bottle of Sweet Tea Vodka!


Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

Man with all the drinks it is a good thing I can walk home if needed...... :laughing9: Just joking, I don't drink a lot very often anymore, I spent half my life betting I wouldn't get to be this old......

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

Glad I could help Dell! That Sweet Tea vodka is some good stuff.

Don't know if I will be able to make the cookout this year, but it would be nice if you could bring some photo albums with you Dell. We really enjoyed all those old photos you used to post here on TNET.


Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout


Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

Hey guys,
Thanks for keeping this going while I was gone. According to the surgeon, he's proud of his work. He told Debbie it was the worst knee he'd ever seen! Anyway, it is a painful deal and wears me out pretty quickly, though I'll be ready to party by the 22nd of May! Bring on the TEA Robert!.
Dell, Trudy's dance speed sounds like it is about the same as Mine! Bring her along!
Tom, Still try to make it. It's always good to see you!
Russell, give ma a call when you can.

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

:icon_pirat: It's late and I just crawled out of the engine room and have to hit the shower before the bird abandons ship. I'll give you a call in the morning. Glad to hear you did well. Now, sit back and read a :read2: treasure book, watch treasure movies and think of where we left that dang treasure in our past lives. It slips my feeble little mind. All I remember is that we hid it pretty good someplace warm and I seem to remember a palm tree. Or was it a rock? Hummmm. :laughing9:

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

Whitefeather, We hid the treasure under the coconut, remember?

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

Nice to see you back John,i guess i can toss this wooden pegleg i was building in my wood shop for you on the firewood pile since you are doing so well.

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

:laughing9: That's IT! Under the CocoNUT! so, what are we waiting for? Let's go back and get it before someone decides that it is finder's keepers!
Gotta run, it's after midnihgt and I got up at 5:00 AM and have to get up again at 5 in the morning. bummer! I thought retired meant throwing the alarm clock out?
Welcome back to Tnet, :laughing9:

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

Bring the Pegleg to the cookout and we'll burn it here. I'll give you a call tomorrow.
Russ, what's an alarm clock???

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

I'd love to be there, but know I can't. Sounds like a good time. :(

How bout some pics of the food cooking. I love food. :wink:

Good luck with the knee. :)

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

:tongue3: I dunno, I thought it was for getting up in the morning but I am always up before 5:30 so I float tested the clock years ago. I needed one once to get up at 2:30 AM to get sherene to a bus but then I figured out that I didn't go to bed until 2 anyhow so I just stayed up. I still like the commercial where the cows are listening to the rooster crowing and one said to the other one to hit the snooze and the rooster crashed into a post. Maybe that's it. Something to do with slapping chickens. Yeah, that's it, works for me! :laughing9: Where's Me Grog? :coffee2:

Re: Treasure Hunter's Cookout

Sounds like a good time to meet some others. I'll do my best to come by.

Melbourne, FL

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