Hello, I'm new to the group and excited by all the great info you guys have to offer! I have a friend who's going through all his family's stuff and he found several items that I can't find on Google lens etc. There are 15 buttons that are all the same made by the Waterbury manufacturing company in Connecticut. He doesn't know much about what position or status he held except that he led pickets charge at Gettysburg? Idk. I'll attach photos. There is one that is larger than the others. It has like a coat of arms or maybe an a academy insignia on it that I can't find anywhere. It doesn't have anything on the back. If anyone knows anything about these, I would appreciate your insight. The front of the (15) say United we stand, Divided we fall" on the front and has (2) men shaking hands. ("Klein Brothers"?) I'm attaching a couple pics. I'm really puzzled about the single one that's larger and different.