Treasure Clue, can you help?

I had to laugh at "Booger hunt!" That's what I say to my 6 year old when he has his finger up his nose! :) Ha!
It will be interesting to see if this next hunt will be more difficult then ATT. I would imagine MS got some great ideas from the theories being tossed around prior to any tokens being found.

Can't help but wonder if Lucid has Pook by now...I sure hope so!!!!!

Godsey, May I second Carol's motion to get out the chainsaw?!! By the way, would you be willing to share how you matched the grain and vine? I've been staring at the 5 acorns in the cap box on the block page tried to see if there was a directional correlation...but alas...Zippo!!

I know this has nothing to do with ATT...but on the subject of found treasure...Our public library had it's annual "$1 dollar for a bag of books" sale and my daughter was begging to go out for ice cream after, but all I had was a dollar in my pocket until pay day. I grabbed this great National Geographic book and opened it up and 2, two dollar bills fell out! Can you believe the library paid me $3 to take a grocery bag full of their books??? I felt like I found a chest full of gold or something!! I never find stuff like that!! It was fun because my daughter was with me and we got out for ice cream after all! Sometimes I just have look up and say thanks!

Have a wonderful night all!

As someone who lives here in Florida, if you are in key west, you cannot escape Florida by driving in one day by abiding the speed limit! Fortunately, as a local the speed laws no not apply and we drive at speeds somewhere approching relativistic velocities!

E=MC There!


I expected the newbs on ATT to go for it, 'cause they don't know about jet. But my fellow trovers, who I've developed an online friendship with, falling for it? :o I may have outdone myself. Actually, I said Yosemite but I meant Yellowstone, so I could see how GA could possibly be CA. That was an unintentional red herring on my part. Gee, sorry. I was trying to make it more of, "You're gonna go where? Are you out of your mind? - Wait, it's cegodsey, he IS out of his mind, and he's being a pickensrooter again."

Just trying to liven things up a bit. Ya know, after looking at that park map, it could be... ;)

Omni - Funny, I thought the speed limit was the minimum speed you were required to drive... I had a cop once put his arm out the window and look at me and move his hand up and down like he was petting a puppy, so I sped up. He pulled me over, and asked me why I didn't slow down. "Slow down? I thought you meant stomp on it!"

My partner flaked... >:( Maybe next weekend !@#$#@!@#$#@@#@@!#@#!@@!

cegodsey- don't you have anything better to do? Like solve a puzzle? Quit wasting everyones time. With all the effort you have put in just to screw with ppl you could have solved a puzzle by now.


KAPOW! (brain explodes)


We're not even trying to solve a puzzle here anymore and yet the bickering is still going on. Now, do I need to put you two in seperate corners? LOL

Omni- my best friend moved out to Florida last year just before the first one hit. No wonder I have problems with her reception if she's out there driving that fast.

Anyone heard from Carol?

Oh , sorry to hear that you have to wait yet another week to go out on your hunt. Hope that nothing happens between now and then.


LOL? ;) ? ?

I love you Tracie, oh and u2 Ernie :-*


green borders: useetkaerz

green letters: usejserct

Lucid , Sorry to hear i have to wait another week to see you found the token . We should all let your partner know there can't be no waiting in a situation like this . LOL . Hey when i woke up this morning i thought i'd read that pook was gone . Ah oh well I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for another week . carol

Tracie , I'm here . I of course have no hair left and if my daughter asks for blocks i think she'll have to have a time out . I can no longer stand it and i need my sanity back . No wait i think i kinda like it here . I think i see Ernie over in the corner sucking his thumb and banging his head . I'll be back gonna see if he has any ideas on how to solve the beetle ...........

Carol, I can see me really doing that!

Has anyone tried the blue? He didn't use the blue for anything else. There are five types: letters, solid colored parallelograms, parallelogram borders, solid colored diamonds, diamond borders. You'll have to drop one for it to be even. I chose two different ones to drop (think Sesame Street - "one of these things is not like the other...). I think that we need to drop either the G, or the E in WHERE (because it's a parallelogram that is flipped the wrong way).

Whadda ya'll think?

That is interesting, he has used colors a lot in the puzzles.
On the distances between the tokens, I have been working
on this for a while. I have finally come to this conclusion.
Judging the distance of the found tokens one would need to
in Nevada or Oregon, and one in the south. So far the longest
stretch between tokens is the Bee and Ant at 16 hrs and 38
min's. So I went from the farthest places on the west from the
found tokens. First I usedOakland Ca, it was 15 hrs to Utah.
Then I used Seattle Wa., it was 16 from Wy. When doing the
distance from Key West North Carolina it is 17hrs and 43 mins.
He certainly likes the east better.

Anyhow, Cegodsey I knew you were playing with people, But
I think you are looking in the right direction.

Carol, where did you see that about Pook?


Didn't you like my reference to the trail on Half Dome? I knew you were kidding on that one but you were also working with Hunt. Did that look promising? I like your theory on blue. The letter 'G' could be the start/finish, and follow its border around the board. I think you meant "Solid colored triangles" instead of "solid colored diamonds". Where is the key? How about the green on the bottom? The fairy is pointing to a green letter.From left to right, 1 = parallelogram border (K), 2 = letter (C), 3 = solid colored parallelogram (Next to 'Y') , 4 = solid colored triangle (next to 'W'), and 5 = diamond border (R).

Has anyone tried to work on the shading of the wood behind the letters? There are light, medium, dark, and orange. Don't know if a clear five can be obtained from this and would you use the orange?

There are lines and circles seem to be there for a reason. Even the beetle is intergrated into the design of the blocks. I think that they are somehow the key. I have been thinking that this could be like dominoes and you have to match up one side with another and that would be your point of reference for the grid.

No, no, no. The key is in the text. The text is the key. "THETEXT" contains HEX. So hex is the key. Not hex, as in hexadecimal, but hex as in key. Hex key. As in, Allen wrench. He lives in Riverside, CA. Which means that the key is the river. Not river as in water, but River as in Phoenix. River Phoenix.

Bama - I didn't think you were serious, so I didn't look much into the Half Dome. I see what you are saying about the key. Of course I just run it through a program to get all 120 possible combos, and proceed from there. I can tell you that going left to right, top to bottom and reverse doesn't give you much. Here's some of the more notable strings:

DRYDSNPZIT - which just made me think, dry desert NP Zit. Is there a desert NP that has a mountain in it?

In Greek mythology, dryads are wood spirts over forests and groves. If you google dryads, one of the links that comes up is Yellowstone NP - why? I have no idea. Zuse

Ernie , I may have to join you in the corner . Really , but are there any bugs ?

LuckyPony , thanks for the new hunt . Maybe we can work on it till booger comes out . I like the Idea on the E's also . About pook i meant Lucid was going on a hunt this weekend , but things went through on the deal . I was just hoping to see he nabbed it , but we'll have to wait till next weekend.

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