Travertine Rock thread resurrection time... a couple of days ago I was out detecting Travertine at the top where they use to hold Sunrise Services. Looking for silver coins, jewelery and such. Northern half is private property as it is in grapes at the moment, southern half marked KEEP OUT P.P. but the signs are all State type.
I left and drove a mile or so south on Coolidge spgs. road. I stopped and talked to an old guy who owns property that he lives on there. As you know the Military had an ordinance range just a little south of there and there was still a Navy presence 25 yrs. back. Any way, I got to talking metal detecting to him and he was quite versed on the Travertine legend. So much so he said it was real and he knows what happened to it! He said a number of years back the State and the Navy blocked off an area, brought in heavy equipment and moved bouders and dug.He said it went on for almost a week and no one was allowed anywhere near the operation. They closed it all up and gave no information.
He told me that it was not treasure in the traditional sense but a large cache of early Spanish and Native Am. artifacts, that what the rumor was anyway. Just hearing this I figured I would add the old guys story to the thread.