Travel Channel Show Looking for the Skeleton Canyon Treasure and Dutch Schultz Loot

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This is a possibility. It's also possible that there was never a "treasure", in the first place. That it was never anything more than camp-fire story and telephone game gone awry. Maybe. Just maybe a possibility.

So true but I was mainly referring to more credible legends and stories but even then, it is often a wild goose chase. Heck, I know a location where Silver Bars likely connected to the Civil War have been found. However, the location where more Silver Bars are likely located, is under water most of the time at the confluence of two rivers and the location is controlled by TVA and off-limits to metal detecting and digging.

Wow, why all the negativity ? Was someone taken advantage of in the past ? Travel Channel is asking "TNET" for some help. Bashing someone who has the potential to elevate our hobbies and interests in the public's eye should be thanked. When was the last time History Channel has sought out TNET for help ? Travel Channel is not making up the stories, they're trying to help investigate them further and possibly help provide information as to whether they contain any truth or just some made up story. I for one would rather help the Travel Channel as they seem to use less made up stuff such as say History Channel. :dontknow:

Wow, why all the negativity ? Was someone taken advantage of in the past ?

I agree. And if you owned a salvage operation or some other treasure hunting business shouldn't you see this as an opportunity to put your name in front of more potential investors? Being hired as an "expert" on one program could lead to being hired as an expert on other programs, which could lead to that elusive book deal that funds the search you dreamed of putting together. Virtually anything can become an opportunity if you want it to.

I was also curious as to why you chose the Shipwrecks forum, Ryan. You might get more responses from people closer to the specific discipline you are looking for if you posted in the Cache Hunting forum. Every treasure legend that ever existed has been discussed there, including Skeleton Canyon. Here are the search results for the term "skeleton canyon" from the Cache Hunting forum. They should at least give you some names to follow up on:

Cache Hunting Forum "Skeleton Canyon" Search Results

I suggested the Shipwreck forum for the TC Producer because I'm familiar with the folks here. The Cache Forum bashed the Hell out of my friend Big Dog Dad when he posted there until he finally gave up before he passed away. I do agree though that that forum should be a good one for this guy. I do hope some of those naysayers on that forum have disappeared.

Wow, why all the negativity ? Was someone taken advantage of in the past ? Travel Channel is asking "TNET" for some help. Bashing someone who has the potential to elevate our hobbies and interests in the public's eye should be thanked. When was the last time History Channel has sought out TNET for help ? Travel Channel is not making up the stories, they're trying to help investigate them further and possibly help provide information as to whether they contain any truth or just some made up story. I for one would rather help the Travel Channel as they seem to use less made up stuff such as say History Channel. :dontknow:

Hey don't bash the travel channel, bash the history channel. :icon_thumright:

I suggested the Shipwreck forum for the TC Producer because I'm familiar with the folks here. The Cache Forum bashed the Hell out of my friend Big Dog Dad when he posted there until he finally gave up before he passed away. I do agree though that that forum should be a good one for this guy. I do hope some of those naysayers on that forum have disappeared.

Travel Channel, if you want I can move thread to the Cache Forum or you can copy your opening post and make a new thread there.

I will also keep eye on the Cache Forum for any bashing and it will be dealt with. I liked BigDogDad and several members were put on timeout for violating our rules attacking him but I don't think it was on the Cache Forum.

If a member is being attacked, or badgered anyone can report it so mods can address the issue.

Wow, why all the negativity ?....

"Negativity", "bashing" and "badgering". These seem to be the automatic definitions applied to a dissenting view (well, ok, let's be honest .... sometimes accompanied by "locker room" talk ).

But seriously now: In my 40+ yrs. of this, I've come to learn that a bit of critical and skeptical thinking (call it what you want), actually HELPS in TH'ing. To minimize time-spent chasing stuff that ... in retrospect, had more logical and plausible explanations. Or that was lacking any merit from the start. (Eg.: telephone game camp-fire ghost stories).

When I look back at all the wild-goose chases I used to go on, I am ... in retrospect, ... sometimes embarrassed at the lack of critical thinking I didn't give them at the start. To have maximized my time spent chasing good leads, instead of ones that , in retrospect, could have been disassembled early on.

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I never mentioned anyone's name, but "if" you want to play the devils advocate, ok . I was merely an observer. Then when I saw aquanut's first post, I felt he was trying to help the O.P. and agreed that maybe the O.P. was posting in a hostile environment. The shipwreck forum may not be the "perfect" location, but the atmosphere is more of a friendly variety. Travel Channel was not asking if their story was true, they were asking for people interested in helping to investigate. They must have done at least some homework before deciding to do an episode on it. Without citing any information a poster immediately went on the offense and said that a lost treasure loot is beyond dispute, problem solved. Nobody said it was 100% proven fact. They want help to "investigate". They "asked" TNET members for help. Instead, some TNET members automatically attempt to make a new member unwelcome ?

Tom, I hope you don't mind, but I am going to quote your post because it does have some merit:

" But seriously now: In my 40+ yrs. of this, I've come to learn that a bit of critical and skeptical thinking (call it what you want), actually HELPS in TH'ing. To minimize time-spent chasing stuff that ... in retrospect, had more logical and plausible explanations. Or that was lacking any merit from the start. (Eg.: telephone game camp-fire ghost stories).

When I look back at all the wild-goose chases I used to go on, I am ... in retrospect, ... sometimes embarrassed at the lack of critical thinking I didn't give them at the start. To have maximized my time spent chasing good leads, instead of ones that , in retrospect, could have been disassembled early on."

40+ years is a long time and you have certainly gained experience, myself, close to 60 years, and I am far from expert status. Being critical and skeptical is important. Case in point, I am still hooked on finding the Flor de la Mar while a few other, more educated individuals, say the treasure legend may have NEVER existed. If nobody is being knowingly or intentionally scammed or conned, then where is the harm in "believing". If I am approached on a venture, then it is up to me to do my due diligence and investigate both the story and the people involved.

Camp-fire ghost stories ? Nobody posted that the O.P was chasing a Camp-fire ghost story ? We all probably, to some extent, have made a wild goose chase or two. That is time we won't get back, but it was 100% a learning experience which is extremely valuable in itself.

As a member here on TNET, I feel we can learn from and teach others by setting examples both of professionalism and common courtesy. How can TNET attract "new" members if they feel not welcome or uncomfortable in posting.

I repeat again, having a good relationship with the Travel Channel can do TNET a service. When they plan to "investigate" future stories or legends they can feel comfortable in knowing TNET has a valuable resource of talented individuals willing to help them. History Channel has somewhat tarnished the treasure hunter, metal detectorist image and we here have a chance to help throw our support behind a major competitor of History Channel. With good public relations with Travel Channel they may be able to help present our hobby in a better light than it may currently be perceived. Who knows, their "investigations" may generate public interest in which property owners are more willing to open up the prospect of allowing metal detectorists on their property because they too are now interested in knowing the history of their land and they themselves may not have the time or equipment to do so themselves.

Not trying to pick a battle, hoping to keep alive the dreams of others and the idea of keeping an open mind.

We all talk about how the hunt is as important as actually finding the treasure we seek...While I am not sure I completely agree, there are sure a lot more hunts than there are finds and a lot more stories about hunts.. In that one thing, we can all agree, I would think. Since there are so many more hunts than finds, I'd say the Cooper's Treasures, Expedition Unknown, Oak Island, Snake Island and Caribbean Pirate Treasure have been fairly spot on in their hunts vs finds ratios.
I would suggest to the Travel Channel and others to go look at Carl Fismer's "Treasure Divers" on YouTube, then take some time and review Don Ferguson's Keys Dive Guide videos (also on YouTube). THEN look around and see what you want to do.
My only complaint with production companies is that they are very fond of volunteer labor and not well acquainted with the Pay As You Go business model...but then again, I'm just another broke treasure hunter with too many boats and too little treasure. \
Good luck to the OP.

Very good suggestions Bill :notworthy: And I would agree with what you say.

Very good suggestions Bill :notworthy: And I would agree with what you say.

Bill doesn't just Rope Fish, He actually goes out on the sea and Hunts Treasure! The man can breathe underwater and knows things...

..., then it is up to me to do my due diligence and investigate both the story and ...

Bingo. And that "due diligence" may be to look at "more plausible explanations" . Right ?

.... "investigate" future stories or legends they can feel comfortable in knowing TNET has a valuable resource of talented individuals willing to help them. ...

Yes. And that "help" can be to show someone that there might be more plausible explanations. And to examine their own exitement . To see if the "believability" isn't due to a subconscious draw. Ie.: No one wants to disbelieve. Lest they be "left out". So we tend to take the story-line as a "given" premise. And no one seems to question starting premises.

... Not trying to pick a battle, hoping to keep alive the dreams of others and the idea of keeping an open mind.

Nor am I trying to pick a battle. I appreciate your time to type that out. And an "open mind" might be to have an "open mind" to alternative and/or more plausible explanations. Is all I'm saying.

No surprise the "critical thinkers" of these forums went nuts. Most are just critical...

they won't call you back anyways. lol. just publicity

[h=2]The Skeleton Canyon Treasure and Dutch Schultz Loot was found many years ago.[/h]

People just love to waste time and money on sites that have been searched by millions ....u better hire jerry rivers (aka geraldo ) he did a great job in his search for mafia treasure

Bill doesn't just Rope Fish, He actually goes out on the sea and Hunts Treasure! The man can breathe underwater and knows things...

True LOL. I can breathe underwater too, but I don't know anything.

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