Trail Signs and Monuments-Spanish or Somebody Else

Sorry Maverick1. I won't even watch your beguiled puppet show.
No meds, never, you? Is that why ye watches too much 'o U tube ???
... :cross:

AAAAAHh, ..So...that's why you never learn.....(yep, makes sense now)

Yer sayin' that your med won't work no more fer Ya?, sadish

Allright dear, ...if you wanna hang around for a while, take your usual place....

You know,...Front Row

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Still won't even watch yer propaganda or supposedly funny bag of tricks... sorry.
But now if ye had a good music video, I might get yer message, or spirit of mind...:cross:

I have to admit though, you do come off pretty cute... LOL:hello:

So, need your music?

For what?.....Spirit of ....what?

OK, here we go......just for you Blue


Still won't watch any 'o yer squirrely stuff...
Really, I only watch classic rock & country.
Is that all ye got? That's pretty puny...
But I am pretty careful dear...8-)
So don't worry, I get ya' gents...

Still, you should be on the crick bank...
huntin' rocks & sippin' good sweet wine.
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

Any THING else we can do you for...?

While at it?

....try it...first

Crosse, please post by our rules, if your going to post replies, please do so in a polite and respectful manner.

Crosse, I think I can clear up, a little bit, not much..

I’m the one that has to take the medicine.
Some times it is a curse, and other times, it’s kind of a blessing.

It makes it easier for me to forgive and forget.

I can look back and see that I have derailed this
(And I’m sure that there are others) with some kind of discovery, at least in my mind...!?
When I realized what I have done, I try to clean up the mess that I have made.
I had done that very thing, just before this mess exploded, all over my friend’s thread... Yes, I do consider him to be my friend.
I usually hold that door open until someone closes it, most often because they don’t like someone else that is in the room.

If they just vanish, I may not notice they are gone, and that saves me the mourning for the loss.

I seem to be rambling...
The error of disrupting, needs to be acknowledged first,and a heart felt apology, usually is all it takes to fix it. Some other times I’ve had to eat some crow.
A little mustard helps...

How about let’s try to get this thread back on it’s tracks.
I’m pretty sure that we were looking for trails and the things that influenced how they were laid out and why.

Just let it go. I’m pretty sure that you will sleep better tonight. At least I will, just because I have tried to do good.


MDOG, I seem to remember that we were about discuss the influence of the KGC and other related groups, that rerouted some of the trails and how those trails developed small business paths and ultimately large cities, while others fell into the gaps and slipped into time’s ever waiting traps.

Or something like that...!!!???

Where do we start?


AAAAAHh, ..So...that's why you never learn.....(yep, makes sense now)

Yer sayin' that your med won't work no more fer Ya?, sadish

Allright dear, ...if you wanna hang around for a while, take your usual place....

You know,...Front Row


Now see how ye try 'ta twist me words & add to em?
Don't take any meds, whatsoever at all period. Is that
cleere 'nough for you?

Won't watch anythin' ye may post at all, sorry, after ye
posted the hard to listen to, icky songs ye did on me 'ol
TH Mockers/ Backstabbers thread. Nice meaningful tunes,
are the onlyest kinds I'll ever even open up at all, Nice ens.
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

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Crosse, please post by our rules, if your going to post replies, please do so in a polite and respectful manner.

May I ask,
What is any different, or worse than the mockery & such I have to be subjected to?
Just asking, so I can be mindful, & understand the standard, so as not to Cross the line?

Crosse, I think I can clear up, a little bit, not much..

I’m the one that has to take the medicine.
Some times it is a curse, and other times, it’s kind of a blessing.

It makes it easier for me to forgive and forget.

I can look back and see that I have derailed this
(And I’m sure that there are others) with some kind of discovery, at least in my mind...!?
When I realized what I have done, I try to clean up the mess that I have made.
I had done that very thing, just before this mess exploded, all over my friend’s thread... Yes, I do consider him to be my friend.
I usually hold that door open until someone closes it, most often because they don’t like someone else that is in the room.

If they just vanish, I may not notice they are gone, and that saves me the mourning for the loss.

I seem to be rambling...
The error of disrupting, needs to be acknowledged first,and a heart felt apology, usually is all it takes to fix it. Some other times I’ve had to eat some crow.
A little mustard helps...

How about let’s try to get this thread back on it’s tracks.
I’m pretty sure that we were looking for trails and the things that influenced how they were laid out and why.

Just let it go. I’m pretty sure that you will sleep better tonight. At least I will, just because I have tried to do good.


Please don't think I may not understand, as having been accused (falsely) of it before.
It seems to be an easy way out, for some being transparent or admitting to playing unfair,
or explaining particular kinds of behavior's, which is really OK, just the way some like to play.
So while you have my sincere thoughts & its so much more by experience of others I've known.
Very much more understood than what I'd like to go into, yes I do know. But very much more
thankfully, I'm not subject to that situation, as I've expressed, but some feed on a false thought,
accusation or narrative, that does not in any way apply to me. It's true, except for a very minimal
amount of blood pressure control, & an occasional aspirin. Again, my thoughts are with you, & I do
very much, because of lost personal friends... clearly understand. I don't fault anyone for their needs
of any kinds of medicines whatsoever. It's NO Joke to me. Thank You Kindly, for your politeness...:thumbsup:

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Any THING else we can do you for...?

While at it?

....try it...first

Yer full of jokes ???... Makes one wonder...

Still haven't seen anything appeared interesting
enough to watch at all... Quite Dull & Boring.
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

May I ask,
What is any different, or worse than the mockery & such I have to be subjected to?
Just asking, so I can be mindful, & understand the standard, so as not to Cross the line?

LET'S put it SIMPLE...........YOU STARTED THIS. WHY? Only YOU know the ANSWER

Yer full of jokes ???... Makes one wonder...

Still haven't seen anything appeared interesting
enough to watch at all... Quite Dull & Boring.
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

I've never seen a Man or Fish enjoying so much pain....!?!

What's wrong with ye?

WOULD YOU LET THIS THREAD BE? ....without your Precious Contribution?

Maybe you enjoy this one, though...

LET'S put it SIMPLE...........YOU STARTED THIS. WHY? Only YOU know the ANSWER

Because as I've even seen that you've said before,
people shouldn't be misled with info that is not factual.
When you say something is so good, just to patronize your
buddy, go on & on about it, when in all reality, it's basically a
sort of borderline imagined thing you build up to be the real thing.
But in the same manner, you've ridiculed, made light of, even mocked
some very good, high quality pics & info, then that really IS misleading
and unfair for people trying to understand & learn. Obviously being biased
toward some supposedly kind of great, time lapsed technique, capturing some
light/shadow marker(s) that is basically just stretching the imagination, & is not
anything appearing to be man-made, but rather naturally occurring. Then when
someone disagrees with all of that, you go on the offense mocking, then falsely
accusing me of being on meds, or missing a dose, or whatever. It just goes to
show the unreliability of your info, the way you try to cover for patronizing,
when if you were really realistic, you'd obviously not go there, because
it's really just a confusing & unproductive way to present the truth.
Like it's all just a big variable, constantly adjustable kind of joke.
... :sunny: :fish:
... ~:Crosse:~ ...

I've never seen a Man or Fish enjoying so much pain....!?!

What's wrong with ye?

WOULD YOU LET THIS THREAD BE? ....without your Precious Contribution?

Maybe you enjoy this one, though...

Well you've had your fun haven't ye, playing your game?
So the rules should change for others, while you do as you like...
How about just be REAL? That would be refreshing. Is that too hard?

MDOG, I seem to remember that we were about discuss the influence of the KGC and other related groups, that rerouted some of the trails and how those trails developed small business paths and ultimately large cities, while others fell into the gaps and slipped into time’s ever waiting traps.

Or something like that...!!!???

Where do we start?


Please start here. :icon_thumright:

I would very much like ta hear more about this, and more pics of tha shadow signs would be appreciated. Were tha KGC known ta use them?

Y'all done and got my curiosity stirred up, please continue. :notworthy:

Just before all of this stress started, MDOG was trying to discuss the KGC’s influence on the old trails.
I am not a teacher on the subject, but if repeating the things that I have heard , I could move from the back of the class to somewhere near the middle. Right now my wife has called me to come eat.
I’ll be back!!

Well I’m back. Sorry to run out like that, but I had already seen the cream n chocolate pie and I know the house rules.
If I don’t get done with supper in time, I will get the small slice.

Where were we? Oh yeah I remember. We generally get a round table type conversation going... not necessarily with everyone there at a time, but with at least one that knows more than me to keep us between the lines.

There has been so much sand in the air, that even the best teachers will hesitate to open their mouth.

I am just trying to get the regular folks out of the firing range so that we can at least talk about the trails of old.

I have been trying to find time to read The translated Spanish Mining Laws. It sounds like fun, but even though it’s in English, it is still a book of laws. It is still fascinating when you figure out how Spanish Rulers controlled the gold, silver, copper and cinnabar ( mercury)mining from halfway across the world.

Every bit of information, on every mine, was kept, from the staking of the claims all the way through the Royal refinery and it all had to be checked and witnessed by multiple people at different points of the process... and it all had to line up, and if it didn’t it
Was designed for nobody to trust anyone.
Nobody ever wants to be audited, ever.

I have been tied to too many horses lately, I’m afraid someone may say anything that sounds like
“Giddy up. That’s a good sound if we’re on the trails.
Keep watching and waiting for the air to clear,and I’m pretty sure that we will be back on the board. It wouldn’t hurt, if you have a little time to read up on the subject in advance.
The KGC has a bit of followers and probably a few different opinions on their influences on a number of subjects. And pretty much like any where else on line there will be lots of opinions.

I try to say, at least once in a while “In my humble opinion.” Especially when ya have a hot topic!

I hope tomorrow will have less stress and more time than today.

You never know what can happen around you.
Today , my wife came in and tried to tell me something had happened, but she was already in tears and finally she Just said “Pray for Juno!”
That is our neighbor’s dog, well one of three.
I asked what happened and she was back in tears again. Finally she said “ She was chasing a squirrel 🐿 and ran into a telephone pole!
She saw it as it happened, which was traumatic enough, but by the time she ran to check her, she thought Juno was dead and one of the other dogs was trying to wake her up by grabbing her leg and pulling on it. The girl that Juno belongs to had heard the collision and a yelp was hunting for her frantically. My wife told her what she saw and she said go get my mom and she hit the door once and just ran in yelling for help.

All of both of our families dearly love their dogs and treat them like family.
They carefully got her into their truck and to the veterinarian and did multiple X-rays and somehow she had broken her back...
I understand how difficult it was for her to tell me all of this. It’s painful to write it.

After five long hours the vet said that he would set up an appointment for surgery on Monday morning, and if they cannot save her that they, and us as well, need to brace ourselves for her to be put down.
They came over to let us know just as I was about to open the door to go see them and we all collided in the doorway.

So I may be invisible for parts of the next few days.

But I’ll catch up when I can.


May I ask,
What is any different, or worse than the mockery & such I have to be subjected to?
Just asking, so I can be mindful, & understand the standard, so as not to Cross the line?

It is not open for debate, all post by our rules or dont post. Replies are to be polite and respectful.

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