Re: Trafalgar yields one of it's Secrets
In the same area of the loss of Fougueux these ships were lost:
Bucentaure, L'Aigle, Neptuno, San Francisco de Asis, Berwick, Indomptable, Prince, Tigre.
San Gabriel, two gunboats, another 10 gunboats
San Juan Bautista
Casilda, Inglesa, Concepcion, Montanes, 18 merchant ships, Coraçao de Jesus,
Paz, San Ramon, Castilla, Argonauta.
It's a bit hard to determine which particular shipwreck we talking about. Moreover, in this same area is another 90 shipwrecks prior to 1805.
Mercedes does not exist for this difficulty, especially if we consider that many fishermen in southern Portugal got all the targets with shipwrecks up to 2,000 meters deep and Mr. Henry Delauze, obviously.
Cheers VV