Just throwing up your hands and saying "that's what they do, there is nothing we can do to change it - THAT is the attitude that they count on.
Then that gives them "carte blanche" to do whatever they feel like doing. From there, since our country is pretty broke - they will hand it over to an entity that has lots of money and are willing to "take care of it for the people" - and in comes the Sierra Club and Nature's Conservancy - because, in order for them to handle the land - they insist on complete control.
I have fought this kind of crap before - and lost both times. But, it is my hope that there will be more people who will be willing to fight - really fight this garbage, and start take our public lands back. Back in 1994, when they passed S:21 - nobody thought the bill would go through - well, it did. Much like our NAFTA agreement - "the people" did not get involved - we all hated it, but we didn't get involved to any great degree - so, the tie-breaking vote came from Dole - who did it in return for a favor for him. We cannot let that happen again.
The biggest say we have - is our vote - no politician can survive without our votes. That's the very reason why Sierra Club and Nature's Conservancy have so much power - they have thousands upon thousands of people who are part of their clubs - people who think that anyone who doesn't have their "hobbies" and who are convinced, by them, that people like us are destroying the US. They have never set foot on a modern mining claim, or gone anywhere that doesn't have a fancy motel to stay in - but they believe what the Sierra Club and those types of folks are telling them - and they vote their way. Add to that, the clubs brainwash their members on a regular basis and they have lots and lots of money to campaign for politicians. Sierra Club campaigned vigorously against finance reform for 501(c)4 corporations (which is what they are), because they did not want to stop their money funneling. They called it (quoted from their statement) "The Sierra club opposes legislation that would put further controls on First Amendment rights. This corporation (because that's what they really are) has been around since 1892 - over 100 years, with 1.3 million members, give or take - and have more political influence than any corporation whould have. They have trips for their members to places we are not permitted to set foot on.
Its easy to sign an online petition, but its not as effective as writing a personal letter to the right people. And that means the people who actually are in charge of what is happening. When Congress does a budget, a certain amount is alloted to parks, etc. However, they are not told what to spend on where - each park, Forest Service, BLM office - they each make their own decisions on how to spend that money.
So, sign your petitions - but make the effort to email personally to those who hold the power - not just the legislators, but the people that they appoint (to the BLM, The Park Services, national and state-wide, etc.).
Remember, right now it is a few parks - but, truth be told - your money - my money - has already been spent at those places - our tax money built those places - they have no more right to take them away, then they have the right to take your home as long as you pay your taxes. Add to that, everytime they get away with taking away something WE own, the more they will take. Get ticked off and be part of the solution.